I KNOW the everyone is different, but...
Before surgery I could eat healthy and strict and lose very quickly (like 5 lbs a week); so why after this surgery am I not losing more than maybe 2 lbs a week? It is so frustrating knowing I could be losing more WITHOUT the surgery. Am I not taking in enough calories? My dietitian says to keep my calories closer to the 300 mark which isn't helping, plus I already HAVE been. Weight loss has been off and on, but now like 1 lb a week.
I know it is not going to "melt off" for everyone, but all of the doctors, nutritionists, etc told me this was the "honeymoon phase" where I would REALLY be losing.
PLEASE TELL ME WHAT WORKS FOR THOSE WHO ARE 6-7 WEEKS POST SURGERY!!! As in, what is your calorie intake / activity. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!