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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Crisscat

  1. On 9/27/2022 at 11:25 AM, crazycatladycanada said:

    As my post mentions. I have lost two pounds in five weeks. To me that is pretty much nothing. I shouldn’t stall after one week.

    I lost 0 lbs in 5 weeks. Yes it can happen and it is normal. I lose alot slower than others on here because I have a knee issue and cannot walk any real distance (I need a knee replacement and keep putting it off).

    I believe I lost 22 lbs pre op then 14 lbs in like 9 days post op then after that I was on a 5 week stall no weight loss whatsoever. It can certainly play mind games with you.

    I am 5 months post op and I lose only about 7-10 lbs per month. But not all months, for example in Sept I think I only lost 5 or 6 lbs and so far October isnt looking that great either lol. I just take what I can get at this point. As long as I am not gaining, I see it as a small victory ;)

  2. My stall came at 3 weeks and lasted a full 5 weeks!! I was about to pull my hair out over that one so I truly hope I dont have a second stall lol. I have been gradually losing 2-4 lbs a week once the stall passed. So I am on average right now with my monthly weight loss according to my team and others in here as well. I take what I get as long as its weight loss and no weight gain. Every number gone is a win for me.

  3. Im not years out so cannot offer any suggestions or advice, but I have noticed at only 3 months out I sometimes will lose my appetite after only a few bites. Sometimes I am ok and can get about a tablespoon in but on those weird days when I just cannot stomach eating I have to literally ask my family members to take my plate out of the room after only a few bites because I get to a point where seeing the uneaten food on the plate makes me want to throw up. Its weird....its not all the time every meal but it happens enough that it makes me wonder why its happening and whether it will be long term or not.

    Im curious if you started out this way or if it was just like that from the beginning and has spilled out the same over the years?

  4. So my program is against chewing gum? Even sugar free gum??!!

    I have not asked why because when I was in the office for my 3 month follow up it was mentioned and I really didnt think anything about it as I am not a chewing gum type of person only on occasion and if I do chew gum its usually sugar free.

    Anyway, has anyone had their program tell them that they cant chew gum? If so, I am curious as to why?

  5. Recognize and pay attention to the "effects" of eating too much for your sleeve. I got so close to throwing up twice. Once I broke out in a sweat and had a runny nose. The second time was like heart palpations, runny nose and being centimeters from actually throwing up. It was awful to stay the least lol. You would think it would only take once to recognize it but as with everything for me it took twice lol.

    I sometimes get skiddish to eat for fear of losing track with eating too much. By the time my nose starts running Ive already had 1 or 2 bites too much.

    Dont over buy all the "stuff" needed for post op. You more than likely dont need it and wont eat or drink it. I have a couple of bags of things I thought I could use but I never did. You dont feel like eating and its something to build up to.

    Ditto to what everyone else said about comparing yourself to others. Some will lose quicker and some will lose alot slower (this is me). It can be frustrating and discouraging but itis what it is and its your body's way of handling the weight loss.

    And ditto to measuring yourself you will see the difference. I was at my dads birthday party this past Saturday and my oldest brother was videoing and got me in the shot. When I saw the video I was horrified at how I looked and quickly realized I have just lost 52 lbs. A couple things went through my head: 1) if I thought I looked bad now imagine how I looked 52 lbs ago. 2) I could see the difference enough to realize I needed to keep going no matter how long it takes. So pictures and measurement help to put things in to perspective.

  6. Im only 3 months out but I cant say whether or not my hunger is back. I guess I can say its not back full force yet. I have gone through periods where I thought I was over the top hungry only to find out I wasnt and I get full quick. Ive also gone through a phase where I wanted to eat whatever I could get ahold of or I wanted to snack for no real good reason. Currently I am in a phase right now where Im not bothered if I eat at all. So its a real struggle and I can relate to you when you say you dont want to eat sometimes because your full from the meal you ate earlier. It seems odd sometimes tho lol

  7. I told no one except my husband. I didnt tell anyone because I felt it was a decision I made for my health and a better me. I have witnessed others derogatory comments/statements of others. I feel bad enough on my own accord that I allowed myself to become this big that I didnt want to hear what other ppl thought too good or bad.

    INo one has said anything to me about the 50+ lbs I lost already except for my boss. She said she could definitely tell but no one else including my own family has not said a word. LOL I am beginning to wonder how much I need to lose before others says something. I have lost and gained weight before so maybe they are waiting for that to happen again who knows lol.

    When my boss asked me about it I just said the truth, I am drinking more Water and taking in higher amounts of Protein while reducing my carb intake. She was satisified with my answer...it was a Win, Win.

  8. Welcome Steve. This is a very informational forum and lots of nice ppl here willing to help.

    As far as the pre op diet yep that can be a rough one but after the 4th day for me I was doing good, not as crabby less hungry and I didnt have a problem getting through the next week and then it was surgery time. Set your eyes on the prize and you will do just fine ;)

  9. On 8/1/2022 at 7:38 AM, liveaboard15 said:

    LMAO. Thats funny. I always assume most in here are females. Rarely do i encounter a male in here lol.

    I think you and I were on here about a month before I realized you were a male LOL.

    I go for my 3 month labs in the next few days. I hope all goes well for me like yours but Im a bit weary.

    Congrats on your good numbers tho :)

  10. On 3/28/2022 at 9:05 AM, GradyCat said:

    I can only have a forkful or a single spoonful or potatoes, rice, or carbs.

    Same here. I am 3 months post op and what I have found is after I eat my Protein first I really cant get much more in such as potatoes, rice, bread or Pasta. If I am craving potatoes I will have about a tablespoon full and its hit or miss if I am able to eat it or not. I tend to just stay away from it because its not worth eating too much and having adverse effects from it. I tend to pick my battles with mash lol

  11. On 7/31/2022 at 8:05 AM, catwoman7 said:

    I didn't have problems with actual sleeping - but getting in and out of bed could be challenging, and also, it was about three weeks before I could sleep on my side (my preferred position).

    Ditto to what catwoman7 said. I bought a recliner in case I couldnt sleep in bed. I was in the recliner approximately 2 days and slept horribly. I decided I would try my bed and I did much better. I moved a bit gingerly within that first week but I experienced no issues after 1 week and slept like a baby literally lol

  12. I never had a sleep study done but I can say before surgery I was up 2-3 times a night constantly waking up and having to go to the bathroom. Since surgery 3 months ago I have been sleeping the whole night, in fact I noticed a few weeks after surgery I wasnt waking up for whatever reasons anymore. Happy to say for me I am sleeping better after the weight loss I have.

    I hope you will notice a big difference as well :)

  13. My marriage is the same pre op and post op. My hubby has always been supportive of me and never said anything to me about my weight. He was not all in for the surgery and still doesnt care for it. But he has seen the impact physically and mentally for me. I still struggle at times and shame myself. He would never do that to me though. He is a good guy and does his best to build me up. Its my own struggles that I battle with.....I still see myself at my highest weight even tho I can see in the mirror how much my face has slimmed down and I notice the weight loss because of the way my clothes are so loose on me and the inches I am losing from my body......but to get passed the morbidly obese person I still see in the mirror is more of a challenge for me than my marriage. In time I hope I can move passed what I see in the mirror versus what is actual.

  14. Im 3 months post op currently and I was more or less doing what your doing. I wasnt getting enough calories intake and I became weakish. I increased my Protein and fluids which I initially found hard to do but things are leveling off for me. I was told today to not eat more than a cup of food. Currently I can only get somewhere between 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup so I still have a way to go lol.

  15. My biggest hurdle was the pre op diet lol. But after week one it wasnt so bad. As everyone else has mentioned the nerves and anxiety comes naturally. Day of my surgery I was chit chatty to the point of not shutting up. I talked to anyone and everyone and as they were wheeling me in to surgery I guess they had enough because they knocked me out before they even transferred to the surgery table LOL, Best thing that happened to me because I didnt have time to think about it before I was sound asleep ha! 😛

    You will do just fine best wishes to you

  16. Yikes! I think Hop_Scotch was merely trying to explain that various factors could be contributed to a stall and sometimes knowing if a change has occurred or not could be a factor as to whether or not a stall is taking place.

    I think I can simply answer your question if you'd like. Common only applies to the person who is experiencing it. For myself I lost I think 22 lbs quickly before my pre op, then being on pre op I lost some more. Post surgery I lost 14 lbs in about 9 says then BOOM a stall. I was in that stall for 5 weeks. No weight loss no weight gain. I was not working out to the extent you do because I am pending a knee replacement so I have some mobility issues.

    After the 5 week stall I then began losing weight again without any problem but at a much slower rate which for me was disheartening as I thought I should be losing more but according to my team I am losing at an average rate of speed and amount.

    There are loads of threads on the dreaded stall. You could do a search for them if you prefer to read what others have posted versus having to provide your details.

  17. On 8/4/2022 at 4:26 PM, catwoman7 said:

    that's pretty average. That's about what I lost, and we started out around the same weight. I don't know of too many people who've lost more than that at that juncture - a few lucky ones, and those who started out MUCH heavier than us. But otherwise, no. That's a pretty normal loss for three months out.

    Yep your exactly right. I voiced my concerns on my weight loss and it not being enough but I lost 12 lbs in 1 month since my last appt. My team is happy where I am at for the amount of weight I loss and told me to stop beating myself up over it, They said the very same as you catwoman7.....Im within the average range of weight loss for 3 months post op.

    Thank you for the pep talk and liveaboard15 keep up the good work. I actually wrote down my last months measurements and of course I lost them so I wrote down this months measurements and hopefully I can compare them next time. I need to do it in excel like you did lol

  18. I guess I am a lucky one then.....I had no incision pain and no problems or complications at all. That being said I "think" I am lactose intolerant now tho because if I drink milk or eat dairy I get really really sick. I had no issue with that before surgery but do now after surgery. But surgery itself no problems.

  19. Looks like you have been doing well!! Thats Awesome..... As for myself I still have the mobility issue because I have no ACL in my knee and need a knee replacement done. I had a 5 week stall!!! That sucked big time and talk about being discouraged oh my!! That being said I did start losing again but only a few pounds here and there. I think on an average I may lose 2-3 lbs per week and about 10-12 lbs per month. I go for a weigh in tomorrow. I think I lost about 11 lbs since last month. Not the big lbs that alot of ppl seem to drop but Ill take what I get I guess. Its better than gaining LOL. Keep up the good work and I am sure you will hit your goal in no time!!!

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