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Everything posted by sunflower125

  1. sunflower125

    NewBie with pcos

    Ive had pcos for about 10 years with horrible menstrual cycles and every bad side effect. My primary care physician is trying to work with my gyne. to make this better and both agree that wls would be great idea. Weightloss is very slow I work out aleast 3-5 days a week and will still only lose 2 to 3 pounds. I had real bad pelvic pain that some times unbearable for movement. multiple cycles, facial hair, acanthosis nigricans( dark ring around the neck which one doctor said diabetes).
  2. sunflower125

    A newbie

    Im also a newbie who is on the journey to have vertical sleeve sugery. Im so pump and ready to have surgery.Ive dont most of the work up but i need to lose 20 pounds first for me and surgeon can have a heart to heart. Im really glad vertical sleeve has finally got its own board
  3. for me my insurance is requiring that I lose 10% of my weight to for approval. im currently struggling to make it.

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