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Virginia M

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Virginia M

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  • Birthday December 30

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    Indian Child Welfare Child Protection Investigator
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  1. Virginia M

    Struggling too

    I have been in therapeutic case management since July 2020 when I decided to do the surgery. It is a requirement of my insurance. I can tell you that this is NOT in my head, thank you for that diagnosis, it was not helpful. I was just asking if anyone else was feeling any hunger pangs, since I was told I would NOT feel them after the surgery. I plan all of my food and when I will be eating the foods. I am currently 6 weeks post op and still on soft foods to make sure my sleeve is doing well. This was a decision I made and told my dieticianthis was my plan. I am happy with what foods I am eating just that I feel hunger pangs after being told I would not feel them and was wondering if others did as well.
  2. This came at the right time! I have been feeling defeated, like I went through this for nothing since I have not lost one single pound since my one week post op appointment with the surgeon office. I will be 6 weeks post op on Tuesday and still only 4 pounds down since I weighed in on my surgery day on 4/5/21. thank you so much for sharing your experience.
  3. Virginia M

    Struggling too

    I too feel great hunger pangs since days after my surgery...when I feel the pangs I check the time and see what and when was last time I ate. If it has been longer than 2 hours I will grab a snack that I have planned out for the day. I always have my meals and snacks planned so that I do not eat something I shouldn’t. I also use a bariatric app on my phone to track all my foods and fluids. This is the only way I can stay on track. Do not beat yourself up, this is just a small hiccup. Look at your success rather than your failure, you have dropped and broke up with 12 pounds! You got this and you have support here.
  4. Virginia M

    Hunger pangs

    Thank you, I appreciate the encouragement.
  5. Virginia M

    Hunger pangs

    Thank you for the feedback. I am almost 6 weeks post op and started having the hunger pangs 2 days after the surgery. I will try to add water to my shakes to see if I can get them down for the protein. I am st2ill on soft foods foods, I had to go elsewhere to find good information, my surgeon and staff have not been helpful, rude actually, but will continue to meet with them as I am supposed to for the next 2 years. This whole experience has been one disaster after another and almost wished I had not gone through with it.
  6. Virginia M

    Hunger pangs

    Yes, I am taking acid reducers, I will try to get more water in. I use the bariatric app and I’m getting more than 64 oz of water a day. But I am am struggling to get my 60-90 grams of protein, shakes make me sick...anything thick anymore make me nauseous these days.
  7. So the stall out will last 3 weeks then a drop will happen? Because I have not dropped since my first post op one week after surgery and I’m going to be 6 weeks post op on Tuesday. I too refuse to step on scale for 2 weeks and to just live in the moment and not stress, as we know, stress will prevent weight loss too
  8. Virginia M


    Hey there, I am almost 6 weeks post op...I had swelling for about 7 days before I noticed it going down. Be sure to follow your post op instructions on exercise, twisting and lifting. I had to use ice packs for a couple of days, it helped with surface pain. best of luck
  9. Virginia M

    Hunger pangs

    Hello again, I asked this in another topic but was wondering if anyone has felt strong hunger pangs right after surgery or since surgery and what do you do when it hits just 2 hours after eating? thank you
  10. Virginia M

    2 questions

    Catwoman7 yes, she asked if I was ever prescribed this ulcer medication. I told her no, only the heartburn meds. She told me to take this based on my question to her that I feel hunger pangs. I know I am supposed to to take the omeprazole, I was taking this for several years prior to surgery.
  11. Virginia M

    2 questions

    Hello, I was told, and read, that after the surgery I would not feel hunger pangs...oh my gosh they are stronger than they were pre operation! Is anyone having this same experience? I do know the difference between hunger and heartburn, but my physician assistant prescribed an ulcer pill. I have only been diagnosed with heartburn not GERD or acid reflux so I am seriously concerned she is prescribing just to prescribe. Any thoughts on that?
  12. Virginia M


    I just posted my concern of not losing as well today. I am 5 weeks post op and have not lost anything since my one week post op visit to the doctor office. It is frustrating, and since I have battled weight issues for over 30 years I feel skeptical but relieved at the same time. Hoping to return to the forum with good news soon. hang in there, you got this
  13. Thank you all for your feedback, I really appreciate it.
  14. Hello, I am 5 weeks post op today and still have not lost any weight since my first week post op...I measure all of my food, even the bites I sneak from family members. I walk every day, work in my yard and play with my dogs. Has anyone had this problem and what worked to get things started? I feel very emotional and defeated to the point of feeling I went through all of this for nothing. thank you, v

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