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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by schuyler

  1. I've been told not to expect any miracles. PCOS means you lose weight slowly, the band is no different. Frustrating I know and as my op is in October, I'm still hopeful that my story will be different.

    Have you taken measurements? Sometimes we lose the weight at the same rate all over, so it can look like our biggest parts aren't losing any, but if you take a measurement you might be pleasantly surprised.

    I wonder is there any else loosing so slow. I am wondering if there is somethng wrong with my band becasue the weight is so slow to come off I was hoping to loose at least 40 to 50 lbs in 3 months. Only 24lbs. I really cant believe this I have started to walk to day Ill walk and walk and walk to I loose 60 lbs by 11/31 I am going on European Cruise and icon9.gifwant to be SKINNY But I know that wont be so. Goood Luck


  2. Hi

    Got lap band on 4/28/08 I have only lost 12lbs in 2 months I am very disapointed. Anyone else having same problem?? I went twice to have band adjusted, I thought I would have lost a lot more weight by now.

    I am also very hungry. I try not to eat and watch portions, But I am still starving,



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