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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About BeagleMom83

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  1. The gas pain that happens immediately post-op is surgical gas trapped in the abdomen. Gas X does not help that. Walking so the body will absorb and get rid of the surgical gas is really the only way to get rid of it. I used Gas X to help me burp after surgery. I never had intestinal gas but would feel like I had a stuck burp from sipping without a straw all the time. The Gas X breaks the surface tension of the gas bubbles and makes it come up to burp.
  2. BeagleMom83


    I sell and buy items on ThredUp. If you want to try it here is a link to get $10 free for signing up. FYI: I also get $10 $10 Free to Shop at ThredUp
  3. BeagleMom83

    Carbonated drinks

    I had a sip of Coca-Cola a week or so ago and thought I was going to explode. I swallowed a pill with the last bit of my water and it go stuck. I grabbed my husband's Coca-Cola since it was next to me. BIG mistake.
  4. BeagleMom83

    Over night stay at hospital. Yay or nay

    I stayed overnight after my surgery. I was given the option to go home the evening after surgery (surgery was at 7am) but decided against it. I liked the adjustable bed to help me get up and the pain pump. I wasn't in horrible pain but after a walk around the hall and a trip to the bathroom I was uncomfortable. I got back in my bed or my recliner chair, pushed my pain button and went off to sleep.
  5. BeagleMom83

    Eating carbs (pasta, rice, or bread )

    I was advised to always combine a protein with a carb like pasta, rice or bread. Eat your protein first as well.
  6. BeagleMom83

    Low BMI pre op question

    Well, you are going to lose weight after surgery by giving up sugar, flour and weighing your food. You will also drink very little beer and do lots of exercise. A surgery is not going to change the mental aspect of poor eating. Trying to stay heavy enough for surgery is not a good way to start off the journey.
  7. I'm having robotic for my sleeve in March and I'm super excited. My son has undergone robotic procedures for other things and the recovery time/pain level vs. even regular laparoscopic is unreal.
  8. My Primary is against it and I flat out asked him to recommend a colleague who was more compatible with me. I now see another doctor within the practice (who I had seen previously for sick visits, etc.) so not someone 100% new to me.
  9. BeagleMom83

    March 2022 Surgery Buddies

    I'm on the surgery schedule for March 1st!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
