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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by summerseeker

  1. summerseeker

    Starting Point

    Good luck on your journey
  2. summerseeker


    I think you need to send photo's of you wearing them with a WTF look on your face.
  3. summerseeker

    Weight Loss Stalled on LRD

    This is a toughest part of the surgery . No person in the world [or so it seems] has the same pre op diet as you, so its difficult to equate. Some have dieted before hand and some like me had lots of food funerals. I did mine for 3 weeks and lost 15 pounds. You are going well. Call your team if you have been in a stall longer than you think you should. Doing this process you will get lots of baffling losses and plateaus. Its just your body wondering why you are not feeding it the same as before. It took me 2 years to loose my weight, be patient . Stick rigidly to your teams regimen. Your liver will tell them if you have cheated or not. They won't operate if your liver is fatty. It makes it fragile to move away from the surgery site.
  4. summerseeker

    I did it!

    Congratulations on doing so well. Could I add a polite word of warning, Don't do too much too soon just because you feel so well at the moment. Its big surgery and the biggest part of it is inside you and you can't see it healing.
  5. I still get terribly cold. Yesterday I felt so terribly ill with it.
  6. We would come down like a ton of bricks on someone who was mean on here. Its a safe place. People come for advice and reassurance and because I was helped I am paying it forward. I might add that it keeps me on track too so I am not as selfless as I seem. This is wise, I told only my husband and son. It was my decision to do this and like you I didn't want to listen to any negativity. Yes you will, I do. But in the beginning few days its a scary struggle and I did panic at this stage but we all got there. I got to a size and weight where I was happy. You then up your calories, a little each week until you get to the point where you stop loosing weight. Its really simple but takes a little courage to let go a bit.
  7. If its not your time to do this surgery then cancel. You will know when its your time to do it. I can tell you that you may come to regret your earlier cancellation. My advice to you is try and chat on here, we understand. We care. Stay off the other sites, they are not doing you any favours. You don't realise that people who have no issues after surgery don't post. If you have a problem, you ask for help. Thats why you are seeing 'bad' posts. I will not lie to you, I had issues. I had very swollen internal cut lines. It took a while to eat easily and initially drinling was tough. I had a great team behind me and I stayed in hospital an extra 4 days. I could see them monthly and weekly if I needed and speak to a dietician everyday if I needed. I didn't. 3+ years after surgery, I can honestly tell you that I love this new me. I am bloody gorgeous lols. Yes I had a couple of months where I struggled but I feel its worth it. I was a disabled woman who hid in her house. I was so unhappy. Now I go on holidays abroad, sometimes alone. Always accept friends invites and totally live a full life. I can eat everything and anything, just in small portions. I will always be thankful to the surgeon who took me as a patient, I had so many weight related issues he could have refused me. Now I live instead of existing
  8. summerseeker

    DC area Patient Experience

    You are right in changing if you are not comfortable with your team. I needed more support than i could imagine before and after this surgery. This forum is great but as every team has its own 'rules' and you need there input. I had my dieticians personal phone number, I thought that was above and beyond caring. I needed her help a few times too. Eating and drinking early out was very difficult and I needed medical reassurance.
  9. summerseeker

    New Member

    Hello and yes you are doing amazing. Congratulations
  10. summerseeker

    5 Month Anniversary

    When we slip for the first time its our new self learning that its still easy to gain weight if we eat around the new tool we have been given. We are human, its how we deal with it that makes or breaks us. I lost a stone with some recent surgery and my skin got so saggy on my legs that I decided I would like to gain a little back. Now I am a little north of where I want to be before going on holiday and having to re-adjust the other way. Loosing a few added extra pounds is a whole lot easier than the multiple stones I always faced before.
  11. summerseeker

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    Thats a great price, may I ask, Where did you go for that done ?
  12. summerseeker

    Sex after surgery

    I would say mention it to your team to be safe. However if you have had a bad diarrhea episode, you may be dehydrated and the extra exertion will have made it worse. Get some get some dehydrating powders or drinks or just up your liquid intake. I know its not easy early on but do the best you can. If you are taking tablets for high blood pressure then this could also be a reason. Lots of us have to stop taking the tablets very early out because of dizziness.
  13. summerseeker

    Brand New Here

    Hello and welcome. I echo your feelings. I tried and won with every diet then got complacent and ended up heavier than ever. This was my last chance and I am determined not to fail. I had to pay and I would never be able to repeat the cost.
  14. summerseeker


    A high dose multivitamin and a nasty calcium tablet every day. Then 2 PPI's to keep the acid at bay. Then every three months I have a B12 injection. I might be able to get rid of some of these this year as I believe I have a very good balanced diet now
  15. summerseeker


    Yes Hello and welcome into the forum. Everyone who has the pre op diet is scared of it. Its a tough ask of us, I thought brutal but I did it, just about. Only the threat of waking from the anaesthetic without having the surgery kept me on the right path. If you have any questions, post away. We are a very helpful lot. We help because we have needed the same from those before us.
  16. summerseeker

    Adjusting to my new life

    Yes all of the above. I still calorie count everything, every day. I log it religiously. I weigh myself every day. I am super scared of repeating my past mistakes. My first stall was scary. The second, well it was still a fright. By the third, I was quite used to them. Further along, I had a three month stall and everyone said I was done but I was no where near my goal so kept doing the same good things. It broke in its own good time and I chugged down a few more stones. In the end I chose my goal weight and with help from my team, upped my calories. That was a scary trip for me. I had to relax a bit. That was tough because I will not go back to being over 199lbs. Like you say, you have lost so much weight already. A lot more than 90% of us have, at six weeks. Your body needs to recentre itself. You will have to have faith and stick with the plan. We are all proof that this does work. Just take our word for it for now. Wait it out. x
  17. summerseeker

    Surgical wound reopened and not healing

    I am so sorry this has happened to you. Its a rare complication that I havent seeen on here before. I have a diabetic husband who heals ridiculously slow up to me. He had a leg ulcer that took 9 months to heal. I seem to heal over night. I am not squeemish but if I was in your shoes I would ask the nurse to change my dressings more often, so that I wouldn't need to. At least until you stop weaping. The surgery has your hormones all over the place anyway so that won't help your mood. Look at it for what it is, a small inconvenience. Keep your chin up and your reward will be that hopefully, your diabetis will be gone. Take your vitamins, sleep well and eat as well as you can considering you are only 6 weeks out, it will all help the healing process x
  18. summerseeker

    Light headed and clammy

    As the above have said it is a bit of a rollercoaster ride after this surgery. I also carried a drink and a protein bar everywhere I went. I would have what I called dizzy spells quite often. I had to come off my blood pressure medications really early out. I had to take extra care when getting up in the morning and find a chair back to hold while the world steadied around me.
  19. summerseeker

    Any 60+ gals?

    Hello, Yes there are quite a few of us here. There is a massive thread - 50yo or older
  20. summerseeker

    Sleeved 2 weeks ago

    Sorry I have been away and not on the site. I am so glad you are doing better. My advice for what its worth is 6 tiny meals. My team okeyed it. I had protein yogurt for breakfast. A fruit snack later Meat or cheese salad for lunch. Homemade vegetable soup as a snack, mid afternoon Fish and a vegetable for dinner and a snack of cheese and fruit or carrot batons and hummus for a evening snack. This gave me all day eating or so it seemed, a varied healthy diet and no carbs as I couldn't fit them in. I hope you get the help you need.
  21. summerseeker

    New to the group!

    Well done you. You look amazing.
  22. summerseeker

    UK Mounjaro friends!

    Hes on the max dose now he tells me. I am away from him at the moment visiting family so I am unsure of the cc's. Hes been on it since the Novenber, so pretty good. Hes very immobile so its all down to it lessening his appetite. 16 kgs is a lot. 2.5+ stones, I work in old weights. Imagine carrying that weight of potatoes with you now. You might not see it on yourself but next time you go to Asda just look at the potatoes, put them on the scale. Its a lot x
  23. summerseeker

    UK Mounjaro friends!

    Hello Kirsten. My husband is a diabetic and is on Mounjaro. He has lost 3 stone with a little will power and is happy with his progress. You are doing great. You must be thrilled
  24. I had to pay for all my surgery. I chose the sleeve because it cost £2000 less than RNY. I have ended up with GERD so really wish that money wasn't the issue back then. Otherwise I am overjoyed with my new skinny life.
  25. summerseeker

    A Change is Coming...

    You look so glam. I look forward to hearing your journey, you are doing so well already. Not many can ace the pre op. Good luck

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