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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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summerseeker last won the day on February 28

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About summerseeker

  • Rank
    Bariatric Master
  • Birthday 06/08/1959

About Me

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    Sometimes you have to kick yourself up the arse and get living
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  1. summerseeker

    First sip of wine...

    I was with a friend, she blames me, I her. I think more than a bottle each. She ended up on her back in the supermarket car park, I peed myself laughing. Everything after that has disappeared as we have no memory of it ! No clue how we got home ..... We are only 65 and have been mates since infant school. TBH we have got quite tame these last few years.
  2. summerseeker

    First sip of wine...

    My drinking days do seem to be in the past. I need a holiday, wedding or such to drink these days. My first drink was a Bloody Mary, very light on the vodka. I made it last and had no side effects. After that holiday I went on to try long drinks, vodka and diet tonic, Pimms, Dry Martini and diet tonic, Sangria or if its wintery, a spiced rum coffee. . Last Christmas I had a few glasses of wine and got totally smashed, first time in my long life that I couldn't remember where I had been. I just don't eat enough to soak up the alcohol these days. I had the foamies on a Baileys. Wine gave me terrible GERD. Enjoy your holiday
  3. summerseeker

    My Story

    Great weight loss story. Your team must be thrilled with you. Major congratulations coming your way. I personally would love to hear the missing pages of your journey
  4. summerseeker

    Let's Talk GRIEF! An ongoing thread about bariatric grief!

    Even after 2 plus years I still miss noodles I still miss a Chinese take away I still miss going for a day on the lash and a good curry Even after 2 plus years I never miss the 150 lbs I lost I never miss being so dreadfully unhealthy I couldn't clean my house I never miss being not being stared at in the street I never miss a penny of the cost of this surgery. I adore how I look in the mirror Just give yourselves time to adjust, that person we were is no more and the new us have to grieve for our old selves. We are human, change does not come without some suffering. Eventually I hope to not struggle with my food addictions
  5. summerseeker

    My Body Shape is Changing.

    I never really noticed in my weight loss period because it was Covid times and I wore the same old stuff everyday. I was years out of the habit of looking in mirrors too. Nowadays, almost 3 years out, I buy clothes in my size -UK 14 - and they fit me all over. Like people say. the weight / fat distributes itself around your body after you stop weight loss. I haven't had any skin surgery either. People actually ask where I buy my clothes ! and copy me ! Where is the Vogue camera man when you want him ? Ha !
  6. summerseeker

    Food Before and After Photos

    I could eat the slices of baked bread, we call it Melba toast at about 6 weeks. It is so crisp and thin it melts away. I tried supermarket white bread and a wrap but I was violently ill with the foamies. It just clumps to a ball of mush in your stomach. At 18 months I found I could eat quality super seeded bread without a problem. At about 150 calories a slice and 5gms of protein, it works for me once a week in a packed lunch Try thin toast from quality bread
  7. summerseeker

    PreOp Anxiety

    Every surgery is super scary and nobody is dumb enough to be without the jitters. We are handing ourselves over to others and we don't know who they are or what their track records may be. However in real life this surgery is one of the safest going. The surgeons and their staff are accountable to the government bodies who oversee them. Only you will know if you are ready to do this. More people than you know have bolted BUT they all said they wished they had toughed it out. It is worth it. Try and get through this week
  8. Find a tracker that you can work with and be honest with it. Try and make your own food from scratch. Eat protein and vegetables/salads, try and leave the carbs alone. You still have your restriction, so use it, good luck
  9. summerseeker

    Celebrating 2 Big Milestones Today!

    You have blown it out of the park, boom. Looking amazing
  10. summerseeker

    Food Before and After Photos

    Drool. Love eel especially smoked but its hard to find here, so very jealous
  11. I totally agree with @SleeveToBypass. The first 5 or so days are tough and its a big test for obese people. Also factor in that you may be detoxing from sugar, caffeine etc etc. Its worth it in the end. Stick with it
  12. I had Hidradenitis suppurativa in my 40's . I was going through the change and had 3 family deaths, My body and mind couldn't cope. My skin and mind exploded, it was a terrible time for me. I had help for the conditions and eventually the conditions abated to tolerable levels. Every now and then I would have break outs but they became less and less. Now I have had no real symptoms for the 3 years since surgery. Is it a body or age thing ? I can see only the worst scars now with some black on the skin, it scratches off easily. I hope you can put it behind you too
  13. Pre surgery I didn't dream further than doing simple things that a fitter person could do. It was all I could do to keep our home clean and cook our meals. Thankfully we have shopping deliveries or I would have come unstuck. I could not go around a supermarket. I was so out of shape. I rarely went outdoors, it embarrassed me. I had learned never to reach too high, crashing into depression is a long road back to normality. So, My new world is eye poppingly wonderful to me. I now have to squeeze in some at home free time. I have a pass that lets me use the trains and buses free. If I feel like it and I mostly do, I am off exploring. I have no need of a car any more I am never hot and sweaty, out of breath or having an internal tantrum because I need to sit down and there is no seat I jump out of bed and into the shower with out needing any aids. It doesn't weaken me for the day I go out and never have to plan the route beforehand. I walk everywhere. I donated my walking sticks to the charity shop. I go abroad alone on holidays and explore alone. I have been married for almost 50 years and its so wonderful to have some me time. He is done with holidays. I do what I want to do, go where I choose. I have made new friends who wish to holiday with me next year ! I'm popular !! I have a small bucket list, To never gain any weight back. In the past I have been lucky, I have seen lots of the world. I still want to see Vietnam, visit Easter Island and live long enough to get new knees on the NHS. Dream big and stay small everyone
  14. summerseeker

    1 Year VSG Post op Today!

    No words to say how amazing you have done. Congratulations on the new you
  15. This and I also detest animal print. To answer your questions. I don't sleep any better. I am old enough to have to get up twice every night to pee, I also have Fibromyalgia so I am constantly changing position to ease my pain. If I had a magic wish, I would love to sleep through the night again. Now Activity, I am a winner here. I can stand 8 hours behind a very busy charity shop counter once a week and still manage to get home, just about. I walk miles, any excuse and I am off down the road. I never realised how my obesity made me disabled. My walking stick is no longer needed. You will be amazed. Fashion, I am a late developer here. I hated clothes before. My new love is bright colours and over the knee dresses. I love clothes shopping, actual shopping and not just the online outlets. This big U turn shocked me to the core. I hid and now I want to be seen. People ask where I shop fgs. Anything you can wish for and many you won't have thought of will become your new life. Its so very amazing. You have the very worst pre op as I have said before but I know in the end its going to be worth it for you. Keep going, you have got this.

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