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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by summerseeker

  1. summerseeker

    Veggie advice/tips/recipies

    This is a kind place, its not Facebook so no- one will judge you. We have all been helped by the people who went before us. I stay because it keeps me accountable, like getting to target at Slimming world and continuing to go to weigh ins
  2. I think its a good thing to see that others have had a bad result with one surgery. Its not all plain sailing. People have high expectations and seeing the negative is good. You have a lot of great information to give. If you have the knowledge where you went wrong or the surgery failed you, its always good to pass this forward too Good luck with your next chapter.
  3. summerseeker

    Veggie advice/tips/recipies

    My restriction is still fierce. I eat 5 small meals a day. To get some decent amounts of veg in I have to make it into soups. I eat these at least once a day. I love soup Carrot and coriander Lentil, harissa and carrot Celery and stilton Mediterranean with Orzo pasta Gazpacho Beetroot and feta French onion and cheddar cheese Creamy mushroom
  4. summerseeker

    Struggling to stop losing

    You may need to eat a lot more calories than you think in order to maintain. It all depends on your body and activity. My team told me to up my calories by 100 per day until I found the sweet spot. Being fairly inactive this winter, I am ok on 1400 as an average
  5. summerseeker

    So...it's happening!

    I went to theatre in my own night wear and woke in my own. What happened in-between ? I can't guess.
  6. summerseeker

    Strongly struggling

    If you want to try something with flavour, try tinned soups with the contents sieved out or Pho broth. I was allowed any liquid so I had Lattes and frozen popsicles too.
  7. summerseeker

    Doubts about plastic surgery

    Hi, @Summermoose. I am having the same issues as you. My arms are awful and the wobble goes on after my elbow. I am happy with them until holidays come around and then I wish they were done. My dilemma is - is it worth the pain, cost and trouble for 11 each months a year ? My scars are always hypertrophic, so they would look worse than most. I am a member of a few Facebook Brachioplasty groups and TBH it does put me off.
  8. summerseeker

    So...it's happening!

    Hello @Bypass2Freedom I used the Spire group too. I had wonderful care and was totally happy with my team. I stayed in hospital 4 days because of a few minor issues I was having and then a 5th day because of a power cut in my town. They said I couldn't go home to a cold house. No extra charges were levied either. I had zero pain. The head nurse and the dietician gave me their personal phone numbers in case I had any problems or questions along the way. My pre op was 3 weeks of milk and veg basically but your surgeon may want different. They asked me to take dressing gown, nightwear and slippers to the hospital. No need for a long telephone charger cable in our hospitals. Take some lip balm. My surgeon was against protein shakes so after my op I had milky coffee, home made shakes and Bovril or broth to drink. Puree was not for me, I had either tinned or home made soups sieved or mashed any lumps. When I came home I bought a bed wedge because I got reflux. I needed a thermos cup because my hot drinks were always going cold. It takes a long time to drink anything in the first few weeks. With Amazon having next day delivery, if you need something its so quick, its pointless stock piling stuff you may not need in advance. The hormonal changes are something that I had. I was very tearful and had full on PMT. I was 60+ so it came as a shock to me. There have been a few people on here who have become pregnant very quick after the surgery. If that's a problem then a chat with your GP might help.
  9. Congrats on your surgery and your perfect recovery. Your woolly symptoms are from the anaesthetic. It might take a few more days until you recover from the baby brain. Not everyone has the internal gurgle but I am told its quite loud and funny. I had the hormone storm in a big way at about a week out too. It wasn't a side effect that anyone had explained to me beforehand. I had to ask my questions on here. Female bodies are wonderous, mysterious things. I didn't feel my smaller stomach at all but I did think that it had been moved into my chest as soon as I began eating.
  10. I have a choice of 2 breakfasts, either 150 grams full fat Greek yoghurt with berries 170 cals and a homemade latte, 100 cals and all this adds to about 25 grams of protein or a 27 gram sachet of porridge oats with milk and added ginger jam to sweeten it and a latte. I love ginger jam. This adds up to 25 grams of protein and 280 calories Lunch is either home made soup with lentils and bacon/ chicken added for protein or a 2 egg cheese omelette, scrambled eggs or fried eggs. Around 250 calories and up to 20 grams of protein. Snack, Milky coffee, a piece of fruit and some blue cheese 200 cals and 8 grams of protein Evening meal, Homemade family meal minus the carbs or a salad with fish or meat. About 250 cals and 15 grams of protein. Snacks of either fruit and cheese, fruit lolly or a almond magnum, packet of low fat crisps and a homemade cheese dip. I aim for 60 grams of protein and 1500 calories for maintenance. Once a week I may go over on a hungry day and one day I will forget to eat and be miles under so it all balances out. I realise I eat a lot of dairy but my cholesterol is ok at the moment.
  11. summerseeker

    Gastric sleeve as a teenager

    On here we are all kind and very helpful. Its not Facebook, there is no one-upmanship here. If we can, we will help in anyway we can. I hope you get the answers soon
  12. I have just realised that the skin over my knuckles doesn't dimple anymore. When I make a fist I can see my knuckles. I treated myself to new rings too. The original ones I got married in were stolen in 1986. Rings looked awful on my short fat fingers so I wore none
  13. summerseeker

    Beating Myself Up

    As the people above have said you have done great. You had a taste, we all do. Its not an issue if you do not let it become a landslide. Now that I am over 2 years out, I do not want these foods. They taste awful to me, thank you new taste buds and the foamies. It takes a while to not be in the Diet mentality anymore. We are not on a diet, we are just eating to live. We have no reason to feel guilt anymore. Would some therapy help you?
  14. summerseeker

    No longer obese

    Congratulations, it sure feel great to just be overweight doesn't it. I remember your struggles. You had it tough. Are you managing to eat better now ? I am happy at this weight so am not bothering with going down another category even if my GP says it would be good for me.
  15. summerseeker

    6 1/2yrs Post Op

    I would imagine running around after two small tots you really don't need any more exercise. You have done remarkably well considering. You may never get to your goal weight, not everyone does. I will say if you want to run at it then it may be slow going. The nearer you get then the harder and slower the weight loss will get. Your restriction should still be there, could you still have a chat with your team for guidance ? I have picked up a few tips that I have stored on the back burner just in case I need them in the future. Go back to basics, Eat good clean food. Protein first, vegetables and fruit second and then add in the carbs. Track your foods on a app, everyone has their fav. Weigh your food because your luck will be out just eyeballing it now. I am maintaining on 1500 cals and loose on anything lower than that. I walk but its cold and wintery here yet so I am not inspired to get out at the moment. If I did I could perhaps eat a little more. Good luck
  16. summerseeker

    50 and over crowd?

    There are a few ancients on here. I was 62. I had a few issues with the surgery early on. My scars always swell and my internal stitch line was no different. It took a while for the swelling to go down so that I could eat again. I lost slow but continually for two years until I had found a weight that pleased me. I then increased my calories to stabilise and its working. I have massive amounts of loose skin. At my age the elasticity went years ago. This seems to be the only issue for older patients.
  17. Absolutely no clue where the runny nose or sneezing comes from. It does signal that you have eaten enough though.
  18. summerseeker

    Low calorie diet vs VSG

    I had a really physical job and could do really restricted diets without a problem. Three times I lost 70 pounds and three times I regained and added 30 pounds more. Then I retired, got old, covid happened, stopped smoking, got ailments etc. At around 350 pounds I was classed as disabled I could not diet and exercise anymore, I couldn't stick to a restricted diet. I stopped enjoying life and hid at home. I wanted to end the cycle of diet and regain +. I clutched at a chance of stability and am really working to keep my weight off. So far its easier than before.
  19. summerseeker


    Lots of us struggle with drinking. Its the easiest thing in the world to do pre surgery but we have to almost relearn how to sip. I assure you, you will get there but it does take a monumental effort on your part. Then you will feel so much better. I think it took me 6 weeks to master. One day soon you will gulp a drink by mistake and it will not hurt. Never put your drink down, its so easy to forget if you do. Some use little ounce cups and set timers but that was way too regimented for the lazy side of me. Take a drink to bed with you, having Fibromyalgia has me always on the move, so if I turn over, I still drink.
  20. summerseeker

    Pre-Surgery Bucket List

    Isn't it the worst thing that we have to raise our own funds to get healthy but in the long run I have to say its worth the thousands of pounds. I wish the NHS was in better shape but I think that those days have long gone. So congratulations on getting your ducks in a row, even if you had to sell your home to do it. I had two very full weeks of food funerals, my dietician actually told me to go for it. So I did. I had my favourite takeaways, Chinese 3 times, fish and chips and a very hot and spicy curry or two. I ate at a few of my best loved restaurants, Italian and Thai. I made barbecued ribs and had baked spuds with lots of butter with them. Its a while since but there would have been ice cream, chocolate and cake involved and a full English with plenty of homemade bread with Lurpak butter. Hehe I really went for it didn't I
  21. summerseeker

    So so close!!!!

    You look amazing my bariatricpal friend. I especially love the cornflower blue outfit on you. Onederland feels so good, go get it because you really do deserve it.
  22. I didn't dare give myself goals. I had my heart broken too many times. Every sure fire diet got my hopes up and then it failed and I crashed. I had hopes of loosing 70lbs because I had done this before three times. When I began getting NSV's these really boosted me. I had rid myself of diabetes, blood pressure and water retention. These meant so much more than the numbers on the scales. I doubled my expectations and I love my saggy skinned old woman body now. For the first time since I was six years old, I fit in this world.
  23. summerseeker

    How do you handle comments about your looks?

    This is all great advice. Apart from family, In the 2 + years since surgery, I have told the 3 obese people who asked, the real truth. The rest are just nosey and want gossip. I live in a small town where people know everybody and everyone. Gossip is like gold dust. People love to talk about themselves, I go with - nice nails, hair, dress etc. Where did you get them ? By the end of that conversation you can say, great to see you, I am running late, lets meet at a later date blah blah.
  24. This is great advice. I would also ask to speak to the surgeon and clarify the information the rest of his team are giving you. You are on a very restricted diet already, your body will not drop more weight easily without time. Its wrong of them to expect this. Speak out.
  25. Stalls are the worst but you will get used to them and congratulations on your great weight loss. This is what I learned to do on holidays. Breakfasts at hotels are an easy choice for us. Plenty of good choices to be had. Look at every restaurant menu, study it and decide what is good for you before you are seated. I imagine there will be a fridge in your hotel room, stock it with protein yogurt, protein bars and protein drinks. Deli meats, cheese and nuts and seeds are good snack options if you can tolerate them. If at any time you get hungry and there is nothing on the menu - a glass of milk or a skinny latte are really good options If the trip involves a long car journey, plan ahead and pack your meals, drinks and snacks in a cool box. Here is where others will chip in and help you for sure. Enjoy your holiday

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