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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by summerseeker

  1. My First NSV. I went to the hairdressers at 50 pounds lighter and thought she had bought new chairs because I had so much room in them. Deep joy
  2. summerseeker

    Over 2 mo po and stalled

    I lost such a lot of weight really quickly because of vomiting and my calorie intake was very low. About 200 to 300 cals a day. I couldnt make any protein or water goals. So I had a 5 week stall. Its frustrating. Now I am eating more calories and much more protein and reach my water quota, things are moving downwards again.
  3. summerseeker

    Indigestion? Gastritis?

    I take a anti nausea medication called Lansoprazole Orodispersible every morning whilst in bed. It dissolves on my tongue and tada .. no more nausea. It coats the stomach and when I am ready for Breakfast my new tummy is good to go. I can take this medicine twice a day but have never needed to after the first two days. I keep windeaze tablets and antacid tablets handy but dont need them at the moment. { These are UK drug names } I have really struggled with vomiting but something has happened and as if by magic I am getting there. There is no way that I can drink any protein shake or protein water or some meats and poultry, BUT Woohoo fish and seafood, cheese, jerky and charcuterie are fine, along with milk to drink. You will get there, keep trying , everyone on here will help you on your way
  4. summerseeker

    ESG @ Mexico Bariatric Center

    In a side bar of The Forum menu , you will find a great raft of Mexico surgery hospitals and doctors. I thought about going there and the Covid came and I settled for Surgery at home
  5. Yes I did, massive buyers remorse. I chose this myself and what if it ruins the rest of my life ..... I am feeling better now that I am progressing onto real food and can look after myself. I was so wobbly that my husband had to take care of everything for 8 weeks. I see really good weight loss and that is so uplifting
  6. summerseeker

    Headache post op

    In my case I always get a headache after vomiting. I put it down to dehydration
  7. summerseeker

    Pre-Op Tests

    My husband is a sufferer on his 3rd replacement machine. In the UK they get a new one every 2 or 3 years and the old ones get revamped. I know there are many types of masks to try from full face to tiny ones. He also has a water reservoir on his so it humidifies the oxygen so he doesnt burn his nasal passages. He says he sleeps so much better now and doesnt fall asleep all the time. Good luck with it
  8. summerseeker

    I need accountability

    You have done so well, huge pat on the back. You are juggling so many things at the moment and the resurgence of Covid can not help with your mental health. You have had a little holiday and have done no damage to your weight, which is a big thing. Hopefully you will get a speedy appointment with the counsellor and get your mojo back. Imagine not being able to wear your 187 pound clothes and have to go up a size again ..... Thats a slippery slope. There are people on here who have got to your weight who can advice you better than I. I am only a beginner on this journey but I wish you well and will follow you because I know I will need the advice too
  9. summerseeker

    Surgeon's advice after vomiting

    I have random bouts of vomiting every week. Not like the last 10 weeks though. 1 meal will be fine and the day after its a no no. I vomit saliva, not froth. I dont understand it at all. I dont do liquids the day after, I need nutrients badly so I start on things I know are ok with my tummy. Yogurt is a big soother. The gummy vitamins went straight in the trash as soon as I could swallow ordinary multivitamins and iron from the supermarket. I do morning and before bed with these. Thats working fine. I was given soluble Calcium but I can not stomach it and as I am seeing my dietician tomorrow, I will ask about alternates for this. I was told to book a Vitamin B12 injection every 12 weeks for life so have this in 10 days time. Does anyone else get this ?
  10. summerseeker


    Hello Danna, Welcome to this wonderful site and all the great advice in it. Well done on the weight loss so far.. My anxiety has improved at every pound I have lost and it feels amazing. I went away for a week by the sea with friends last week and truly never once felt anxious or that everyone was watching me. Good luck on your journey
  11. I hope you sort things out and begin to live your best life without obsessing all the time. I am a great believer in listening to your body ... Do you have a very strict diet without any treats ? For instance obsessing about high fat take away foods could mean you are missing certain nutrients in your diet. If you can, speaking to a good dietician could help you find good choices . Please let us know how you get along
  12. I have had problems like you from the get go. Its quite difficult to get to all your protein and water in. At 9 weeks out, I have not, ever reached my goals. I cant do the shakes or drinks either. I have tried all the ones available in the Uk. My dietician says just eat what you can. I still aim for 6 small snack meals a day. Every week I try something different, mostly its a fail but some times I am surprised by a win. Tuna mayo on 2 small crackers went down a treat. Win win. Yesterday I made Mussels in a Thai broth. The 8 small, well chewed mussels went down fine but the broth had to wait to be eaten separately later. Animal meats, no matter how well cooked are still a no no. Bread of any kind - not on your nelly. Vegetables other than in a soup form and in place of a snack meal - no room at the inn. A typical days eating is Breakfast - 75gms yogurt or 30 gms porridge. Lunch - Surimi sticks or a egg mayo. Snack 1 - mushroom soup. Dinner - pate or tuna mayo and crackers. Snack 2 Cheese. Snack 3- fruit ice lolly. I drink milky coffee [ because I am allowed] I have given up on the gummy vitamins and soluble calcium, both give me nausea. I replaced them with tablet form ones. On the plus side, I am less wobbly and able to do more everyday. on the down side I haven't lost any weight for a month. I see my dietician this week so I will see what she says
  13. summerseeker

    PNW Recommendations?

    I am interested too. I will want these surgeries too. My arms are a mess already and I am covering them all the time
  14. summerseeker

    When did you start eating fruits? (Carbs content)

    I eat plain yogurt with a few raspberries or chopped dates for breakfast or porridge and homemade stewed apples. Thats my limit. I havent tried anything else yet. I used to love fruit
  15. My husband and I had covid 13 months ago and 3 weeks ago he caught the omicron variant. Take a test. I hope you get to the bottom of it and feel better soon
  16. summerseeker

    Old as Dirt

    Yes there are lots of us. I am only 8 weeks in and my knees are already feeling better. Good luck and chat away
  17. summerseeker

    Life Abroad with VSG

    I find its easier to buy plain or plain Greek yogurt. No need to look at labels then. I add my favourite sweetener or honey and fruits. In Egypt I would be eating figs and dates with it. If you struggle to get protein shakes, Use a tip that I was given, drink skimmed milk with a tablespoon of milk powder added to bump up the protein. I added fruit and occasionally peanut butter to it and blended it smooth. You can add yogurt to this too. If you say what kinds of foods you want to cook the people on here can give you the recipes
  18. summerseeker


    Hello and welcome in. Just fill in your profile and thats it.
  19. summerseeker

    I've regained the weight I lost

    This is why I love this forum, there is always someone who has had your problem, worked through it and is willing to advise. Good luck
  20. summerseeker

    Frustrated - Canceled Surgery: Advice?

    I have always gone through life believing in my gut. If it don't feel right then run away. Its always kept me safe. You did the right thing. These guys were too comfortable and complacent, thats when stuff goes wrong. I am sure the great people on your continent can tell you if you have to start at the beginning or if you can carry forward all your hard work . Fingers crossed. Good luck with what ever you decide to do
  21. summerseeker


    Well done, just doesnt seem enough does it. When I /if I can, get to ONEderland, I want a Marching band and baton twirlers parading me up and down the high street. So in my head you have your marching boots on
  22. Because of my issues with nausea and acid reflux I had to sleep sitting up for almost 3 weeks. I soon realised it made getting out of bed easier as I didnt have to haul myself out of bed, just scuttle on my bottom to the edge and drop my legs down. I never had a minutes pain or needed pain meds. I wonder if by default I helped my recovery? I also have a wonderful husband who let me get better in my own time and gave me so much encouragement. Still I doubted that it was the right choice, I had 6 weeks of miserable sickness and nausea, then tada, as if by magic, I can eat and drink and feel like a member of the human race again. Take your time to heal and recover x You will love your sleeve pretty soon x
  23. summerseeker

    Cheated on my pre op

    Every one who had to do a pre op diet sympathises with you. It sucks. After the 4th day it would have been easier to stick to the pre op diet, its such a shame you caved in. Surround yourself with low cal snacks and focus on why you are doing this. I had to do 3 weeks too and it just showed me how to break with my food addiction. There are a couple of people who got surgery refused in the back pages of the forum but lots of people who got away with it. Try and keep with the restricted program, it will be less stress for you in the long run. Good luck
  24. summerseeker

    VGS after many abdominal surgeries

    I had the most brutal Gallbladder surgery aged 17 in 1976. The surgeon cut me from the bottom of my breastbone to my pubic bone. What he was thinking is anyone's guess. In those days we questioned nothing and got on with it. I was really really nervous that my bariatric surgeon would not be able to do the surgery on me because of the adhesions. I know its small fry to your surgeries but he managed it. I researched many types of surgery in case he rejected me because of the complications. I know some new procedures are being tried, You can have a balloon in your tummy for 6 months that limits the amount you could eat. Another one was done via the mouth using the endoscopy method. They gathered the stomach into a small bag and tethered it there. Dont despair surgical advances are coming to help you, you deserve the break. Good luck
  25. summerseeker

    Disappointed Surgeons

    Hello, I am just a week ahead of you and having much the same problems. Every time I try to eat or drink a new protein I am sick and nauseous for days. My team are worried I am loosing muscle mass as they say I have lost too much weight. I was told to eat 6 small meals. I can manage 4 tiny ones. I can eat tiny slivers of hard cheese, porridge, Melba toast, smooth pate, raspberries, Biltong, lollies, apple sauce, surimi sticks and drink a little milk. I am no where near any of my protein or water goals. I have managed all my meds and vitamins though, massive breakthrough. Lets just keep trying to do the right thing. Our teams will just have to be patient with us. I am very sure you will be a star student at the end of your journey.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
