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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by summerseeker

  1. summerseeker

    March 14th Surgery date

    I think everyone on this site who is close to their operation date is all of the above. I am the same if I am just going on holiday or Christmas is coming. Just use your extra energy cleaning your home and such because you will need to rest and relax after. You haven't long to wait now and then you can join us on the other side. Dropping weight and clothes sizes. Now that's exciting. Let us know how you get on, good luck
  2. Its been 14 weeks since my surgery and I have finally been able to eat chicken. I feel overjoyed and empowered. I wanted to do a lap around my living room. I could cry, its been soul destroying to keep trying it and failing. I made a mild Thai broth for the family with chicken drumsticks and peppers, mushrooms, potato and beansprouts. They had it with noodles. I just had a drumstick and some broth it was heavenly. The old woman is catching up Whoop Whoop
  3. summerseeker

    Insurance Requirement Anxiety

    Stress will do weird things to your body and I am convinced it will make you retain water. Just be calm and be kind to yourself. Eat really healthy, protein and salad with low cal dressing. Protein and non carby veg. Its boring but you cant fail. You haven't far to go now . Good luck and let us know how you get on
  4. summerseeker

    One Year Sleeve Anniversary!!

    Like Aranchini says I cant help with the questions as I only just started this journey but I just wanted to say, you look so healthy and slim. Well done so far
  5. Hello Iliquet, I am sorry you are still in pain, it must be soul destroying having that to face pain everyday. I have never heard of a single incision sleeve, how big is your wound ? Can you ring your surgery centre and ask them for advice ? Please let me know how you get on. Fingers crossed you will soon feel better
  6. summerseeker

    What do you do when you get sick?

    My cure all for sickness and coughs and colds. Chop up a big chunk of ginger root, do the same with 2 or 3 lemons. Boil in a pan for 20 - 30 minutes. When cool put into a large jar with a lid. Keep in the fridge. Use it like cordial/ tea , Put an inch in a cup and add hot or cold water to it and sweeten as you like. I add honey for coughs [and whiskey]
  7. summerseeker

    excited to be here!

    Hello and welcome in. Its the help from the wonderful people on this forum that have helped me so much. They will do their very best to help you too. I hope you get your surgeries ASAP
  8. I am 3 months out and have 3 small meals and 2 snacks. Breakfast - 75 gms low fat Greek yogurt and some berries or passion fruit Lunch - 1/2 cup soup or meat stew Snack - 25 gms ham or some deli meat rolled with cheese or cream cheese Dinner - 50 gms fish or seafood in a homemade sauce Snack - melba toast or thin cracker with pate or blue cheese or 20 gms cashew nuts I drink milky coffees and am mostly getting up to 60 gms of protein. It took me about 10 weeks to get to this goal. { I also detest protein drinks. } I am overestimating my calories because I don't usually manage to eat all my food. I estimate it to be 600 - 800 a day. Hope this helps
  9. Its hard to make the decision to do this surgery until you know for a fact that you have to get it. I haven't had the easiest ride since surgery and there are a few more like me. For about 3 weeks after surgery, I had buyers remorse and I did buy it myself. Then things turned around a little and got better. I love my new stomach now, I love how little I am able to eat and am growing in confidence in the foods that I can try again. Take your time with the decision, you can always return later if the time is not right for you now. I would say though that you need to listen only to your inner voice. Your husband may be having second thoughts and passing these on to you. Take care and good luck
  10. summerseeker

    Self pay questions

    I paid £11,000 plus about £500 consultant and psych fees pre op. It includes all costs and 2 years follow up with the dieticians. Bargain
  11. summerseeker

    Still pain at incision site

    I had no pain whatso ever not even gas pain. I made up for that with nausea and vomiting though yuk. Hope your pain settles soon
  12. summerseeker


    You must feel amazing, I bet the smile doesn't leave your face all day. I am sat here imagining myself writing that statement on here, will I, could I ? Thank you for the encouragement
  13. summerseeker

    March surgery buddies

    Hello and welcome, I would never have begun the pre op diet earlier than needed its brutal. Everybody on these forums has a different diet given to them and a liquid diet seems to be voted the worst. My pre op was 3 weeks of only non starchy vegetables and nothing else and I cursed it and couldn't wait for it to end. The first 4 days of any pre op diet are truly the worst and then hunger pangs dissipate somewhat. Keep talking to the wonderful people in the forum and read the back pages, it really helped me. Good luck
  14. Hello and welcome to the forum. I think most UK companies are reputable. They get their practices checked regularly. I chose Spire, They are offering Bariatric packages at a price I could afford. If you have complications and need more days in hospital or more x-rays or a CT scan, You are not going to get a bigger bill than you expected. I had to stay 6 days instead of 1. 5 days for nausea and vomiting and 1 day for the storm that outed the power in our county. The doc wouldn't let me go home to a cold house. If he or she has a Mr or Mrs instead of doctor in front of their name then they know their stuff, they are consultants. Good luck. P.s there is a Uk forum in the drop down boxes
  15. summerseeker


    The way we were taught is to walk across the floor on your butt, So hands and feet up in the air and off you go, one cheek then the other. My husband calls it butt scuttling. Lots of stairs are good too
  16. summerseeker


    Congrats on your journey so far. I am 62 and had the surgery last November. I was told I was diabetic too, it spurred me on. Good luck
  17. summerseeker


    I was told to take gummy vitamins from the out set but they made me so queasy. They are made with gelatine. I was told I could change to cheap supermarket brand vitamins with iron, I take 2 a day, 1 in a morning and 1 at night. Working well for me.
  18. summerseeker

    Help 9 days post op

    Hello Heather, I struggled too, its the absolute pits to be where you are now isn't it. Are you taking a medication for acid reflux or nausea, you really need this. My life was a living hell till I got Lansoprazole. As everyone else said contact your team and you will get help and reassurance.
  19. summerseeker

    Food Woes

    You had your surgery the day before me, congrats to both of us on our weight loss so far. At home why not keep your foods simple to start. These are the things that I am eating with a spoonful of veg here and there. Boiled egg, shrimp and a slice of avocado, a slice of ham wrapped around cheese, tuna salad, chilli con carne, coronation chicken, smoked salmon and cream cheese. Hope this helps
  20. summerseeker


    Hello to you and thanks for finding your voice. The time will fly to your date and then the new you begins, just in time for summer. You have lost well already, good luck on your journey
  21. I just wanted to add to the other posts - instant oatmeal, apple sauce, homemade soups - blitzed and hummus and other dips like guacamole
  22. In the early weeks I had trouble with eating the proteins so had 5 tiny meals a day. I tried for 6 but never made it. At your stage I really didnt get many calories in, maybe about 300 to 350 a day . My dietician said just do your best and don't count calories. Every body has different instructions so just do the best you can within them
  23. summerseeker

    Week 12 post op

    Well I am finally catching up with the rest of my November sleeve buddies. I felt that I have been lagging behind for so long and wanting to be where you all are in your progress. I can finally eat my protein allotment and a tiny amount of vegetables. There is some joy in eating again, I have missed the vegetables and salad more than anything. I almost lived on chicken before my sleeve but its the only thing unacceptable to my new stomach now. I am looking forward to having more energy and va va vroom
  24. summerseeker


    To be honest there isn't much difference between pureed and soft. Its generally the same food that you have to chew a bit. Looking at pureed food made me not want to eat it, yuck. Soft food can be smashed with a fork too so its a win win.
  25. summerseeker

    Soft drinks whilst out

    At 8 weeks out, I went away with 6 friends with hubby to a All inclusive weeks holiday. I took loads of things to snack on in case of not being able to anything in the restaurant and didnt need much of it. Any way to the point, I drank a few slim tonics and then found Britvic Tomato juice. It came in a 200ml bottle and had 47 cals in it. I put lots of sauce in and pretended it was a bloody mary. It tasted deliciously healthy and full of goodness and a great change from blackcurrant and water .

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
