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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by summerseeker

  1. Exercise = chewing haha, never heard that one before. Congratulations on your weight loss. Thanks for the inspiration. I needed a boost today and you did it
  2. summerseeker

    food addict I'm not sure

    You talk a lot about 'shame' in your posts. Do you 'shame ' yourself or do others 'shame' you ? If its others that do it to you, then its a form of bullying and as such should be frowned upon. Where I come from there is quite a pithy saying thats very useful. 'Even your Sh1t stinks you know' If you find shame in yourself you need to work on it, this kind of negativity is a useless waste of your energy. Find something every day that you are proud about doing. Start small, for me it may be - a clean house, a walk I managed or on my deepest black days, getting in the shower. BTW I love the moonlit picture. Take care.
  3. summerseeker

    Running nose

    I have this too. Isn't it bizarre. I wipe my nose so much that I feel people will think that I have been snorting cocaine, its embarrassing.
  4. summerseeker

    Mad at myself

    I am so sorry that this has happened to you, its so tough loosing your Mum especially during this pandemic. You have woken up and have asked for help and thats all that matters. There is a lady on here called @GradyCat Who has started her diet from the beginning again and she may be the best one to advise you. Good luck and be kind to yourself, depression is awful. Hugs x
  5. summerseeker

    Stalled for 3 Weeks

    My dietician said Bariatric weight loss was like a staircase. Drops then plateaus and drops and plateaus. I am in the 2nd of week of my 2nd stall. I always keep tabs of what I eat, just for my own peace of mind. It will break
  6. I too had a low cal diet and could eat to the night before. I have no doubt that you will be totally fine.
  7. summerseeker

    weight plateau and energy loss

    Hallo, luek je te ontmoeten. Yes as the others said its a stall. Very frustrating. I felt very weak for the first 2 to 3 months. I put it down to my age and extreme nausea. Once I got my calories in the 800- 1000 a day range and sorted my vitamins, things improved hugely. I can now clean the house without problems and have started walking. It will get better. Good luck
  8. summerseeker


    I was told I was Diabetic in the June before November Surgery. I said I would hold off taking medication for it until I had blood tests 3 months after my surgery. I am no longer Diabetic. I feel so much more energised.
  9. summerseeker

    Symptoms of Vitamin Deficiency

    Yes I have had this. I was so nauseated in the first weeks after surgery it was pointless taking extra tablets. The gummy vitamins seemed to make me more sickly and the soluble Calcium just would not go down. My dietician said ' just leave them for a while, you should have good enough stocks in your body to last you for a few weeks' I bought supermarket brand vitamins with iron [ I take 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening] and chewable Calcium and I have them after food. It is working for me. The tiredness is because you have had surgery and you need to take Nana naps if you need them. Some ladies find their emotions all over the place too, I did and I am way past menopause. Its strange what this surgery can do, I am still so glad I did it though.
  10. summerseeker

    Worried and regretting…

    Well the wheelbarrow of poop has found you and dropped its entire load onto your head in one go. I wish I could hug you right now. You sound like you need it. Chin up as we Brits say, Enjoy your husband whilst he is home, make some memories to live on whilst he is away. You have got this, take it a hour at a time if needed and we are here if you need extra support. I have read a few posts on here about buyers regret, mine included. Its a tough time, we are learning a new way to fuel our bodies and its not a simple fix. It took me nearly 9 weeks to be able to drink enough. I survived. I didn't do protein drinks but I did and still drink skimmed milk. I am allowed coffee so 2 large latte every day helps no end. Any liquid adds to your tally, ice pops, coconut water, soup, broth, tea, coffee. I found unsweetened tomato juice did wonders for me [ with a little hot sauce] I was told by my dietician to just get in what I could and things will improve. Just dont fret or worry, stressing gets us nowhere fast .
  11. summerseeker


    Contact your team, you may have a allergy to your medication
  12. summerseeker

    Not feeling great - 8 weeks out

    I hope you get your answers. You may have a stricture, I have been told its a easy fix
  13. summerseeker

    Negative comments from family members

    There are many, many people on here who keep there weight loss surgery a secret. That way you get less negative comments. I told my husband and son. Its no one else's business. You can't unsay it now so you need to just smile and say the statistics are in my corner this time, even if you , my brother are not. Be strong, you got this and us on here. PS. I always know what to say, 10 minutes after I need it
  14. summerseeker


    I had to wait 8 months to get my surgery, It seemed so long but I wasn't give a date until 6 weeks before the event. Its out of your control so you just have to do what you can to get by. I found this forum and in my free time , I picked a date in the last 20 years and started reading the posts from then on. I gained so much knowledge, it gave me confidence. I researched menus for all the stages and prepared my home for the things I would need, which wasnt much. It will soon pass..
  15. summerseeker

    Weight loss stall

    Just put ' 3 week stall' into the search box. Mine lasted 5 weeks. It does work on your mind but as long as you know you are on the right track, You can not fail. Keep off the scales, Trust the process
  16. summerseeker

    Where’s the weight loss??

    Weigh yourself once a week. Take what ever it says. I had a 5 week stall at 2 months out. You will get there eventually if you keep with the program.
  17. summerseeker

    Pain - Left Side Under Bottom of Ribs

    I always think that is what ever you are eating or drinking goes through you and you see no blood in the toilet, you are fine. It hurts because you are healing. Take care of yourself and listen to your body. Take some pain killers if you need to
  18. summerseeker

    Constipation - Warning TMI

    TMI Me too, been there, done that
  19. summerseeker


    I had this problem over the Christmas period. I couldn't get any medication for the whole two week period. I had to sleep sat up for 3 weeks, it was dreadful. I was eventually prescribed anti acid / anti nausea medication. I take it early in the morning in bed so that it lines my tummy before I eat or drink. It solved all my problems. I hope you get sorted soon, contact your team
  20. summerseeker

    Dumping or something else?

    Thank you, I finally understand this now. I know what happen to me last week now, dumping on restaurant food.
  21. summerseeker

    changes to...um

    I had this after surgery but only for about 8 days. I think you have had this for too long, I think you need to contact your team. You must feel drained. If you are away from home and visiting the UK, ring 111 and they will help you with your medical inquiries.
  22. I had a 3 week pre op of non carbohydrate vegetables, 1 low fat yogurt, 1 piece of fruit and 40 oz [ 2 pints] of skimmed milk. I had sugar free ice sticks and I was allowed coffee, thank the gods for that. I cook, I researched the food I could have really well. It was still the most torturous time of my life. As I was self pay, I didn't dare cheat but oh boy, was I a happy woman when the day came to have my op. In the end I lost 15 pounds eating salads, Thai broths with veg and water noodles in and lots of roasted vegetables with aged balsamic vinegar. After 4 days I wasn't hungry just very very bored. Stick at it, Your time in food prison will soon pass
  23. summerseeker

    Post op constipation…

    Oh boy I have this problem too. I went a whole 7 days without going last week and in the end I didn't dare go out in case I had a accident. I hope I can eat more soon and then eat more vegetables.
  24. summerseeker

    6 Months Post Op (Before & After 📸)

    Congratulations, You look so fabulous and beach ready. I love your bikini.
  25. summerseeker

    Crazy brain

    I try and eat really good quality food now. As I eat such small amounts the cost is smallish ... I get fish and seafood from our local market, I love mussels, scallops, crab and clams. I cant wait till June when I holiday in Spain and get some Boquerones . I dont feel as if I am missing out. Myself and my husband gave up the fags in 2010. I have never ever wanted another, in fact the smell revolts me. My husband on the other hand dreams he smokes all the time and loves to stand and chat with smokers so he can breath in the second hand smoke . Cigarettes are almost £11 a pack of 20 in the UK I think its only the price that keeps him off them.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
