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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by summerseeker

  1. summerseeker

    Chronic pain medications question

    Oh I agree, I didnt get them in liquid form but crushed or broke my pain killers and they taste vile too. I was so happy to finally swallow them whole again
  2. summerseeker


    I think we all are the same at the initial surgeons meeting. Its the unknown element. I was exactly the same as you. Why would I be worthy ? I had such a low self esteem that even though I paid myself, I was sure I couldn't get it done. The hospital staff quickly made me at ease and the surgeon was delightful. I go back gladly every month to see the dietician and love the place, after all its the place that gave me my life back. Good luck Coop
  3. summerseeker

    Before and After Pics

    Amazing and in such a short time, You look stunning. Congrats on the run too
  4. summerseeker

    Kept it Quiet?

    I told my hubby and son and my best friend, who I had the pleasure of meeting at infant school from school. They all knew I had struggled for years with loosing and gaining weight. I haven't told anyone else, my parents are dead and my sisters well - one would be jealous and one would try and find a psychiatric reason for my need for it. The rest of the world just doesn't bother me. I have a very pointy middle finger for them.
  5. At 8 weeks I could eat avocado's, tiny baby cucumbers, a few sweet cherry tomatoes and some beetroot. My restriction limits my eating so that If I eat salad it limits the amount of protein I can stomach. So salad is a treat. lol. I don't eat much at once and eat it after my protein
  6. The variations on a pre op diet are infinite. There is no rhyme or reason to them. I am sure the doctors pull a piece of paper out of a hat and use that. Apart from the liquid diet everyone else had a different diet and diet length. Don't bother about anyone else's diet, your 7 day one will do fine. When you get to the last day you will be happy to end it.
  7. summerseeker

    Pre Op high protein diet

    Your [ diet before your ] pre op diet is brutal, You haven't got your date yet and they have you on a diet regime. I am no dietician but feel that you should deal with your sugar addiction first. If at the moment, if your food is high in sugar, and you cut it out of your diet, you will get head aches and stomach cramps and be lacking energy for a few days whilst your body gets used to living without this easy energy. Find a sugar substitute you can accept, they don't all taste the same and add it to all the times you would use or need sugar. Some ideas that helped me with the sugar craving are - Plain Greek yogurt with your sugar substitute and fruit and jello. High protein, low fat , sugar free yogurts are a good snack with extra berries. Cottage cheese is good with pineapple or sliced apple. Sugar free popsicles and sugar free frozen yogurt. For breakfast, I always enjoyed jars filled with layers of homemade apple sauce, porridge oats, nuts and yogurt. Amazon is brimming full of all kind of syrups and proteins that help but cost plenty of cash. If you live in the US then this site has its own shop too.
  8. summerseeker

    Post op necessities

    I was allowed tea and coffee from the time I woke up. It would always go cold before I could drink it and I hate cold coffee so I bought a thermos cup. I had my sleeve done in the freezing cold English November. I was so cold all the time so I was glad of a extra duvet for the sofa. I wished I had a recliner chair because I couldn't sleep laying down for 3 weeks, had I known I would have bought one from a charity shop. I have little rice bowls that I used for soup, yogurt and instant porridge. My usual bowls would have been ridiculously large for the tiny amount I could eat in the first weeks. The only other things I bought were lip balm, gummy vitamins and soluble calcium. Good luck
  9. summerseeker

    Bloating Pre-Op & What to do?

    Always contact your team if you are worried. Swollen fingers sound like water retention but thats usually in the legs first.
  10. I love to learn of other religions, thank you Viking Beast, That was so interesting.
  11. summerseeker


    I had a rough couple of months but do not regret it in the slightest. I paid for it myself and consider it worth every penny. Even though I am only beginning my journey, my fitness is way beyond where I thought I could ever be again. My Diabetes has gone, my BP is normal and I do not get up in the night to pee. Life is so good
  12. summerseeker

    UK forum users

    I got my surgery postponed too and it really hurt. I am terrible at waiting, its been a problem all my life. The hospital had its Bariatric procedures reviewed and I had to wait a extra 5 weeks. What can you do ? Nothing but wait. It passed very slowly. I really feel for you. As every week passed I would torture myself by thinking - I could have been at this stage now ..... ! Have some meals out and take a ways and enjoy every mouthful.
  13. summerseeker

    Weight gain or standstill

    Oh that's because in the hospital they fill you up with tons of water so you don't get dehydrated. Looks like they gave you plenty. It will slowly leave you in the next week or two. Just try and stay off the scales, I know its hard but it does help. You will feel on top of the world when the weight drops but you will get a stall soon too, be prepared. Put ' 3 week stall ' in the search box, it will save you some more worry and disappointment when it happens to you. Keep the faith, this works, it worked for all these others on this forum, you will be fine if you stick fairly close to your recommendations.
  14. summerseeker


    By now you may be already in the brave new world. I wish you no pain and a speedy recovery.
  15. summerseeker


    Hello Jupiter love. I hope you get your answer. Which country in the world are you from. ? Whilst you are waiting why dont you fill in your missing information in the side bar. At the top of the page there is your user name, click on the little down arrow and fill in your profile. It really help others help you
  16. summerseeker

    Taste buds gone numb

    I had this and it wasn't thrush with me. It was the diet I was able to eat and being in Ketosis. I struggled to keep anything down in the beginning. They thought I had a stricture but I didn't, just swelling. I went through so much toothpaste and mouth wash, trying to get rid of the filthy taste, it didn't help. As I started to eat a little more, things got better and one day - poof and it was gone. Its horrid, I feel your pain
  17. This has opened a whole pile of repressed memories and I am having trouble writing about it. This is my 3rd go at it. I have had a lot of therapy because of my mothers idea of fatness, whilst feeding me the most unhealthy food and telling me to empty my plate or I would get it every meal till it was finished. It happened. The day before she died of cancer, weighing about 50 pounds, she admitted that she had finally got to her perfect size ! I am the person who always tells friends and random strangers that their clothes, shoes, hair, and make up are fabulous . This is because of the nasty remarks people have said to me. A kind remark does wonders to some ones ego and I can not understand why a person would want to be so cruel and say something so negative. It has made people Anorexic or Bulimic or in some cases kill themselves. I would never want that on my conscience.
  18. summerseeker

    < 3 Weeks Until Surgery

    Hello, Welcome in to the best place for reassurance and information. There are people here who will help you as you go forward. You can ask anything and someone will have had that to deal with. The post go back 20 years and are full of great information and will give you a boost if you need it. 1. Protein shakes - Everybody says don't buy too many of one variety as your tastes will change after surgery. 2. Hair loss - My hair loss has just begun, it worries me a little but its nothing a short hair cut will not solve . Realistically, there is no data if anything extra helps
  19. summerseeker


    In the UK we have a brilliant shop called Long Tall Sally. I am so surprised you dont have anything like it in the States.
  20. summerseeker

    Approved for surgery

    Congrats and I hope you see it the same as me, money well spent. I don't regret a single penny. My fitness is amazing compared to sitting all day. I am getting my independence back
  21. summerseeker

    Eating carbs (pasta, rice, or bread )

    I am unable to eat bread, rice, pasta and potatoes yet. I get too full on the protein. I live in the UK and high protein alternatives are not available unless we pay heavily for them on Amazon. My dietician allows snack size packets of bread sticks [ I manage half a pack] They come in 20gm packs at 81 cals. Because they are crunchy they dissolve and dont sit heavy. They are good for a snack with some soft cheese. Van der Meulen Melba toast comes in tiny packets of 6 slices. I eat 3 and these are 13 calories each, great with egg or tuna salad. At the moment if I want this crunch in my life I have to leave out the cucumber and tomato that I love too ...... I love eating so little
  22. summerseeker

    I'm overweight!

    Congratulations, Soon you will be in onederland !! imagine that.
  23. summerseeker

    What was your "this is it" moment

    I believe you know when its your time to do the surgery. For me it was surgery or I spend 2 years miserable, loosing 70 pounds again, then taking 5 years to slowly fail to keep it off and end up weighing more. I just couldn't do it again. I was so disabled by my weight its almost impossible to loose any. I took the chance and am so pleased I did. I can do so much now. I am getting my independence back, its exhilarating. My future is what ever I want it to be.
  24. summerseeker

    Best sugar free treats?

    I eat so little at the moment that vegetables dont make any part of my diet so when I can, I love a baby cucumber and a couple of tiny baby tomatoes. 10 calories of deliciousness. If I want to splurge, Del monte make some yummy smoothie ice lollies at 77 calories each.
  25. summerseeker

    weight plateau and energy loss

    About 6 -8 weeks. I still take the nausea meds every day.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
