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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by summerseeker

  1. summerseeker

    Fluid Intake

    In my modest opinion and I may be wrong but back in the bad old days -If your urine was dark then you were dehydrated but if its light yellow - you are doing just fine. We get liquids from fruits and vegetables, soups and stews and we never think of them as liquids. I still have to work at my liquid [and protein levels] I still can not drink for an hour after meals. I take a drink to bed at night and drink every time I wake and that gets me a bit more in. I am doing ok so don't sweat it anymore. You can only do so much as your body will allow. Not eating so much seems to indicate that I do not need so much liquid as before
  2. summerseeker


    I just wanted to say Congratulations and Good luck, you have got this
  3. summerseeker

    Eating carbs (pasta, rice, or bread )

    I have yet to try Carbs. I don't have room in my tummy yet. I am not sure if I want to eat them again. I could eat endless amounts of delicious pasta, rice and noodles and I just don't trust myself to stop before I am full. I am a vegetable lover and so looking forwards to the day when I can eat more than a mini cucumber again
  4. summerseeker

    UK forum users

    Oops forgot to say also have Vitamin B12 shots every 3 months at docs as per directed by my team at Spire
  5. summerseeker

    UK forum users

    I get Multivitamins with iron from the supermarket or Amazon. I take 2, spread over the day, The Gummy ones went in the bin. I couldn't stomach the dissolvable calcium, the thought of drinking them again make me heave, so I take Calci-D chewable { after breakfast } these I get on my repeat prescription. I also get anti nausea meds on Prescription. My team at Spire told me what to ask the Doc for
  6. summerseeker


    Hello and welcome in here. I think there is a special thread for May WLS. You can hook up with people of a similar date to you and compare pre op diets etc
  7. summerseeker

    surgery is done. back home

    Awesome, Now the work begins. Rest and drink and repeat. Hope everything goes well from here on in.
  8. summerseeker


    Hello @debg74 Welcome to the forum and congrats on your surgery. Lovely to hear from a fellow Lancastrian. Hope the yogurt goes down well.
  9. summerseeker

    First day back at work

    I don't think you realise how big a surgery it is. I didn't. Just because its over and done in a day we expect to bounce back quickly. I am fairly sure if you can get your protein and water levels up to the required level you will be fine at work. Be kind to yourself and let the housework slide a bit. I did. Take Nana naps when you need them. You will soon be powering along especially when you are a few more pounds down
  10. summerseeker

    Sleeping Upright Post Op

    In the 18 months or so that I have been reading this forum, A few people have said they sleep in a lazy boy type chair but not many in the scheme of things. Some for reflux and some for the pain from the surgery and ease of getting up and about. I had to sleep propped up in bed because once I left hospital, it lasted 3 long weeks. I didn't get any anti nausea meds and struggled with acid reflux. It was compounded by the pandemic, lack of doctors in my area and Christmas/ new year. Once I had the meds in me things settled quickly and I could sleep lying down which was blissful. Try not to worry about things that may or may not happen to you. Take each day as it comes.
  11. On this site you will never ever be judged. People on here are really helpful and no problem is too big or small. I have never been on shakes but from what I have read on here, some people have reactions to certain ingredients in some of them. It gives them extreme bowel movements and nausea. Your team need to earn their money and help you. You can not continue like this, get help please. Let us know how you get on. I wish I could hug you
  12. summerseeker

    Fed up

    I woke up one morning and knew I had to get this surgery too. Nothing else would work. I couldn't begin that diet again and then regain the pounds and the extra's that come with it. I am so glad I did it. You will be too
  13. summerseeker

    Off to the hospital for surgery

    Happy surgery day, I imagine by now you will be pacing the room to rid yourself of the gas. Rest, sleep. walk and drink. Repeat...
  14. summerseeker

    Help with protein

    In the Uk the Docs here are not all on the same protein shake page. Mine hates them and has me drinking skimmed milk. 8 ounces = 8 grams of protein. You can make peanut butter [ 2tbsp = 7 grams of protein ] and banana shakes with it. Win win. 1 ounce of hard cheese = 7 grams of protein. I cut it into tiny slivers and chewed this deliciousness slowly. We have supermarkets that sell good quality Bolognese sauce, good on the protein count and easy to digest as the beef is really tender. I was allowed to eat melba toast as it was really crisp and disappeared on my tongue. I had this with egg mashed with mayo and tuna mashed well with mayo. Pate is good on this too. My favorite is crab pate. I can manage 3 tiny melba toasts and they are only 39 calories for the 3. Just keep trying foods. I have only just about mastered chicken thighs at almost 5 months. Salmon is still a no go area. Hummus is good protein but I hate the taste now. Good luck trying foods, it is all a bit boring till you get to proper food
  15. summerseeker

    Surgery and Covid

    I am my husbands carer. In this winter he got his second dose of covid. He was un to date with his vaccines and only got a mild dose. We didn't use masks or open windows, just too cold outdoors for that. We kissed and cuddled every night [ You don't know when its your last night do you ? ] I never tested positive for it and I was 8 weeks out from surgery. Its a lottery. I may have passed it to him and not had any symptoms. BTW I wouldn't want to barrier nurse my child. If they need you, they need you
  16. summerseeker

    100 pounds lost!!

    Onederland and 100lbs lost and below your goal weight That's 3 huge celebrations in one. Well done and Happy Easter
  17. I hope to forget out those heel cracks too. Mine became so sore in summer, they bled. Spelunking haha. Love this thread
  18. summerseeker

    Today is the day!!

    Best wishes and let us know how you are doing
  19. summerseeker

    Carbonated drinks

    I was never told to not have them. I am allowed coffee too. [ and straws] I dont / never have drunk many carbonated drinks but occasionally fancy one. I had a small ginger ale this week and it was fine and made a nice change but I would rather drink tomato juice.
  20. summerseeker

    Did I Blow It?

    Did your team give you a diet sheet for the up coming months ? Every surgeon has his/her own and they vary greatly. Normally its about 1-2 weeks liquids because your new stomach is full of staples and needs to heal. Then 1 - 2 weeks of pureed foods because you are still healing. Then soft foods like egg mayo, tuna mayo, mashed veg and minced meats. After that is the stage where we can try regular foods. Eating protein first , then veg if there is room in your tummy . Carbs are allowed last. Rice , pasta and starchy veg like potatoes. You will begin to feel your restriction at about 3 - 4 months out. Its when the nerves in your new tummy have healed together again and send 'full ' messages to your brain. Eating chicken and salad was beyond me at 2 weeks, it does seem too early to try it. Others will help here if they have eaten these foods so early on
  21. summerseeker

    Just ordered my shakes

    Yes it makes perfect sense to me. You are getting yourself ready in everyway you can. Its like nesting when you are pregnant. I waited about 8 months for my surgery and I am not the most patient person. It was a trial. I wanted the day of surgery to come but had a 3 week pre op diet to do before it. Mine was non carb veg and skimmed milk. I worried about whether I could manage it but it had to be done or no surgery. I was bored of it by week 2 and I am a keen and adventurous cook. I couldn't wait till surgery day came and the diet ended. I hope you haven't bought too many shakes for after your surgery because your tastes may change drastically, mine did. You may need extra toothpaste and mouthwash for a few weeks. Good luck, you are almost at the starting post.
  22. summerseeker

    Day Of Surgery

    Gosh Crisscat, That's a lot of people still to see. They really test your stamina. Everybody wants a bit of cash from your surgery money pot. Three tests for nicotine does seem excessive. Thankfully, my word that I had abstained for 12 years was enough for my surgeon. Good luck with your journey
  23. summerseeker

    Surgery on Wednesday. Scared, 2nd thoughts

    We wouldn't be human if we didn't get afraid before the unknown. I was so pleased to get off the 3 week pre op diet that I almost ran to the operating theatre. It wasn't my first surgery. Others will tell you how soon they were out and about again but I am sure it really soon. You can always say no to the surgery if the time is not right for you. Its up to you. Its your body.
  24. summerseeker


    Not if you didnt get told to by your team. Every Surgeon has his or her own opinion on this subject. Its different if you want to but I didnt. I had a few food funerals and nights out
  25. summerseeker

    First day of purée diet

    Egg is a difficult thing to master for many of us. I can only do one egg, boiled and smashed with mayo. Leave it for a while and try something different like protein yogurt for breakfast.. You are very early in your journey. Take it a day at a time and go back a stage if you need to.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
