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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by summerseeker

  1. summerseeker

    Hi everyone

    Hello and welcome in the forum, Congrats on your weight loss so far. Yes its very normal to not feel hungry. The part of your stomach that sends the hungry signals has been cut away. Until it heals and knits together we are in happy land. I am 2 weeks shy of six months out and I still never feel hungry. We are the lucky ones. It must feel awful to be hungry and only eat tiny amounts or have to suffer shakes that go straight out of the stomach.
  2. summerseeker

    Throwing up

    What pills are they ? If they are your vitamins or iron tablets, space them out over the day with food. I couldnt stomach the gummy vitamins and changed them to regular. Contact your team if its anything else
  3. summerseeker

    Water Retention on Pre Op Liquid Diet

    Don't worry about any of the process, It works. You will loose and its not a race. Have a weigh in every week then you wont have the anxiety of the ups and downs of a daily weigh in. You are doing so well. Give yourself a hug and a pat on the back from me
  4. summerseeker

    Just had sleeve to RNY

    Congratulations, it sounds as if you are doing wonderfully well. Rest and drink and sleep are your orders for a few days x
  5. summerseeker

    Am I being a big baby

    You are dealing with a lot all at once. Definitely not a baby. Pain, gas, lack of sleep and the horrid protein drinks. Your hormones are on red alert too. I could have cried every day. I personally didn't have protein drinks, just milk with extra dried milk powder in. Just be kind to yourself, rest, relax and let healing begin. The first week is the hardest. I hope you can forgive yourself a little weakness. No body else needs to know, just us honest.
  6. summerseeker

    UK forum users

    Yes I did have extra costs on top of the £10,999. I did expect them though. I paid £150 twice to see the surgeon, one for initial consult and then a few days before my surgery. £150 for a half hour phone call with the psychiatrist [daylight robbery] I also paid for a dieticians chat in person £90. I had a test to see if I had some bad bacteria in my stomach at my own doctors, free. Then I had bloods done the day before surgery, this was all included in the package price. I had to stay in hospital 6 days due to extreme nausea. I can see the dietician for 2 years included. I would ask the hospital if you need to pay for your blood tests, the telephone ladies are very approachable and friendly. Good luck
  7. summerseeker


    Congratulations. You must be overjoyed. I am a wannabe onederlander ever since I heard the term on the show Biggest looser.
  8. Hello and welcome in. As @Arabesque says we rarely post when we are having no issues, So plenty of times I have posted when I needed help. I have had a really elongated rough ride. If you look at in context, I never post saying that I have had a good week with lots of weight loss. So its never balanced. Its like taking a grain of rice out of a pan full and saying ' oh its all ruined now, I will have to throw it all away'
  9. Could you book into a nearby hotel earlier in the day so you can rest up before the show ?
  10. summerseeker

    Did Anyone Pre-Med The Day of Surgery?

    I wanted a pre med every time I have had surgery. I worry about everything. I never, ever did get one for what ever reason they had. This time I was so ready for the surgery, I almost ran to the theatre. I had a 3 week pre op diet and the end of it couldn't come soon enough. I was fine. I hope you will be too
  11. summerseeker

    Mashed Cauliflower during puréed phase?

    I just could not eat cauliflower mashed on its own, it smelled so bad and looked vile but in with other things it was ok. TBH I preferred Broccoli.
  12. Just eat what you can. I bought tiny amounts of everything at that time because I was the same as you. I loved all kinds of fish and shellfish before the surgery. After it made me heave. Its a bit like being pregnant again too. Food smells are a no, no too. At the moment the only ones I can eat are scallops, tuna, shrimp and smoked salmon { ordinary salmon is the biggest no, no} Just hang in there, keep trying things. Leave out the carbs and veg till you can eat more protein
  13. I haven't had to restrict my coffee intake in fact its recommended that I make it with skimmed milk instead of water . [ I haven't had to do protein shakes] If your team think it causes dehydration see if you can get caffeine free. The first thing they brought me in hospital was a milky coffee. Try it, if it doesn't agree with you, you will know. I am not a big drinker these days but my family and friends are so socially I have a drink or two. I have changed my tipple to something lower alcohol. I like vermouth and soda or a small measure of vodka in a long Bloody Mary. I am now 5 months out and can eat all proteins and a few tiny vegetables. I have no room for carbs yet. I am learning [ and its a hard learning curve for me ] to get bigger protein hits in my yogurts and other foods, then maybe I can fill my requirement sooner in the day and have room for a few noodles or rice. I had massive buyers remorse in my first month, It cost me £12,000. I was very nauseous but with time it all settles down and weight comes off. Now I would have the surgery repeated again tomorrow. I am so happy, I no longer feel so disabled and dependant on others. Hang in there. You will get better
  14. summerseeker

    How long are you missing work?

    I had a rough ride early on and can honestly say that I could not go back to a desk job till 8 weeks. However I am only one of a tiny percentage who dont do well for a while after surgery.
  15. summerseeker

    My hell week starts tomorrow (April 26th)

    If you are allowed - try changing to a different variety of shake. You may be intolerant of the sugar substitute in it. The tablets that I could not swallow, I crushed them. They taste vile. The others you are worried about, let the doctors figure that out. I dont know how it works in the U.S. but here in the UK, any Hospital doctor/ specialist will over rule a general practitioner and write a script for a months meds and write to my doctor and recommend how to go forward with my treatment. I hope it goes well for you
  16. summerseeker

    My hell week starts tomorrow (April 26th)

    Its just a test, a pretty mean test at that but if you stick to it then you get the big pay out. After 4 days it gets easier but that's not much consolation now. Try and tough it out, its worth it in the end. Good luck
  17. summerseeker

    7 months post op

    You look so healthy. Is it not the best feeling to have rolled back the clock and be like your younger self. I do a happy dance every day, feeling so much lighter is wonderful
  18. Hello Debber and welcome to the forum. Congratulations on your surgery in 2 days. My advice for you would be - Clean your home and get all the stuff you need for the next week or so. Then relax, let the docs take over. Once you are home drink as much as you can, when ever you can. Walk as much as you can to shift the gas. Sleep and rest in the most comfortable place you can. Let us know how you are doing
  19. summerseeker


    I am unable to comment on the binge eating, others can help you there. Prior to my surgery, I did stay home. I was so embarrassed to go out because of my size and how it disgusted me. I had made myself disabled, it was so hard to do anything and doing the smallest home chores would leave me panting. I didn't want to be in the spotlight and have people talking about me being fat, so I remained at home. I was happier that way or so I thought. Now I know I was depressed. I have always been thrifty and seek out clothes on Ebay. I will go into a store [ or order online and return the item ] try on their range and then stalk the same clothes on Ebay. Now that I am loosing weight I am selling. I dont buy much because I will hopefully need a size smaller very soon. If you have to buy some more clothes - tell yourself they will be the last fat suits ever. Keep a set to remind yourself in your near future. Try them on occasionally and laugh and cry at how far you have come since you bought them. As River Moon said, Hang in there, not long now.
  20. That is the funniest NSV ever. I have to say though, that ghost door bell would would be dead and in the dustbin, never to ring again in my house. Children here have a game called 'knock a door, run'. The local kids would have got the blame haha
  21. summerseeker

    How much calcium??

    My dose for calcium is 1000mgs in I chewable tablet x once a day. I take it after lunch. I could not stomach the dissolvable ones
  22. summerseeker

    Under 300lb! WOOHOO

    Doesn't it feel good to be a '200 rather than a 300.' I did a happy dance as soon as I saw that. Drinking so much liquids early on seems like a mountain you will never climb but eventually you will get there. Its the same with the protein but you are early on. I had to sleep sat up for 3 weeks but the day finally came when I could lie flat. Pre op I would go to the loo at least 3 times in the night, now its once. A bonus I never thought of. Take care of yourself and just do the best you can.
  23. summerseeker

    Help with nausea?

    Hi, Laura. I had really severe nausea and couldn't eat or drink. I was full of buyers remorse, I paid to suffer like this. I was miserable. I had problems over the Christmas period getting through to any doctor, due to Covid. The helpline 111 was swamped and it was a full 6 weeks before I got help. I was very wobbly, dizzy and weak I finally got help via my own doctor and got prescribed Lansoprazole capsules twice a day to begin with. I would have one in bed about 6am. It coats my stomach and really works. The second one I took about 5pm so it had time to work before my evening meal. I only take the morning one now. When I got to about 9 weeks, things really improved for me and I am getting on great now. I have occasional nausea but it passes. I have always loved Heinz chicken soup, so I strained it and tolerated it really well early on. I had Bovril, milk, fruit ice lollies and milky coffee when ever I could tolerate anything. TBH I have only recently reached my liquid and protein goals. I am walking every day and getting better at it. I am 62 so a late starter at this. My husband was really worried about me early on but I think it was so worth it. No matter that I was so ill, I would do this again in a heartbeat. Ask me anything. I am here for you
  24. summerseeker

    Eating too much

    To help we need a little back ground information. Please tell us your height , weight and age. Then how much weight you have lost. Then if you could tell us what you ate for the 1400 calories. It may be a very simple fix. Do not beat yourself up its only one day
  25. summerseeker

    7 day post op mental breakdown

    If you need to vent and cry on here its fine, we will listen and send you virtual hugs. I am here to listen every day if you need it. Our hormones go wild after this surgery and nobody told me either. I am very much past menopause but I got a big dose of anger and regrets, tears and tantrums. The kind people on here put me straight. Take it hour by hour and day by day. One day the slim, confident you will look back on today and say Wow, Look how strong am I. I survived and thrived. You may be nauseous because you are dehydrated. Rest, drink and repeat x

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