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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by summerseeker

  1. summerseeker

    Vaping pre op

    I was a long term smoker, I continuously stopped and started smoking so many times. I only managed it in the end by being in a hospital bed for 11 weeks. I never had chance to smoke. I figured that the nicotine was now out of my system. That was 12 years ago and I have never wanted to smoke again. I would never have stopped otherwise. My point is you will not get any judging from me. BUT - You need to stop now if you want this surgery. I believe some hospitals will not do the surgery if they detect it. You need to be as fit as you can for any surgery, Life is very unfair, just when you need it most your go to helpers are taken away from you. It will be a battle of wills for you. I hope you win. Good luck
  2. summerseeker

    6 weeks post op depressed

    I had this explained to me when I crashed in a crying mess. It was a wonderful medical explanation but I have lost the post. The basics was, As our fat cells melt off us they expel the hormones that are inside then. Loosing weight we have all these extra hormones floating around. No wonder we feel like we have been mixed in a blender. It does pass quickly, keep going on, you are doing great
  3. summerseeker

    Endoscopy aftermath

    Sorry to hear this. I have never had one either but I dont imagine you should feel like this. You need to go to see a doctor who will know if its rough handling or needing antibiotics. Ring somebody.
  4. summerseeker

    Liver shrinking diet UK

    Yes its hell, I had 3 weeks of non carb veg and lots of milk. I hated the process but needed the outcome. The English surgeons don't tend to use protein shakes. There is plenty of protein in milk without the awful additives found in those drinks. It each to their own. I would contact your team and tell them you are struggling and ask if there is anything they can do to help. Let me know how you get on
  5. summerseeker

    Frustrated and scared

    Its very unpleasant to have to go through this, its like you cant get on like everyone else. I didn't have a stricture but I did suffer this for 3 months. I never met my goals either, It has not had a adverse effect on my health. I haven't had a episode for a couple of weeks now but I feel nauseous when I smell some foods, just like when I was pregnant. At the moment my diet is limited but I am trying to expand it. If I vomit on a food it puts me off it for a a few weeks. I would contact your team and make sure you do not have a stricture or need some some better nausea tablets. Good luck going forward.
  6. summerseeker

    Kinda annoyed and confused

    You have lost 28lbs, You are eating tiny amounts. Eat your protein and drink your water quota. Like every one in here you have to trust the process, all we can do is advice you. There is very little protein in apple sauce. Buy some minced meat and cook it really well with tinned tomatoes like a bolognaise sauce. Blitz it if necessary. Lots of protein and it will stay in your tummy longer. Portion it up into two ounce pots and freeze it. Sometimes hunger pangs are stomach acid and believe me they feel the same. If you need more information, track your calories, I use MY FAT SECRET. An awful name but very useful. You only fail if you give up. If you watch that tv show a lady had the surgery and ended up weighing 200 lbs heavier than when she started.
  7. summerseeker

    Outpatient surgery?

    I also had to pay for it myself. I was lucky they offered a all inclusive package, Stay as long as was necessary and with 2 years dietician and weigh ins. I had to stay 6 days, 5 days for being unable to drink and nausea and 1 day because we had a power outage and had no heating at home. You are close by and have assistance so you will be fine. You will know if you need to stay longer in the hotel. Lots of people have day surgery and have said it was easy.
  8. summerseeker

    Kinda annoyed and confused

    Once you get on to real foods your restriction will kick in big time. At 2 months I was still struggling with the liquids so had to eat 5 tiny meals. I would average 400 Cals a day. A meal the size of a egg would be my limit. If you are getting your liquid and protein allowance then you have no need to worry. At almost 6 months I am fine with the liquids and my protein allotment but have no room for vegetables or carbs. I saw my dietician last week and they were thrilled with my progress and said its a bonus that I have such a restriction. I have 4 meals and 800 - 900 Cals a day ish.
  9. summerseeker

    Compression socks

    Only the 6 days I was in hospital
  10. Well is this him being insecure or a fattist or has a medical condition or just woke from a 3 year sleep ? Which ever it is its not the attitude a woman wants from her man. I would ask him to explain himself PDQ. You have been cruelly treated and if the answer is not the one you want then give him the cold treatment back. Hopefully talking can sort this out because you have a big rift in your relationship at the moment. Could you get couples counselling ?
  11. summerseeker

    Achieving your goals and rewarding yourself

    I have always struggled to buy clothes, I am almost 63. I was biggish as a teenager but not overly fat. I was very sporty. I always seemed to be one size bigger than all the fashionable shops. So I started to shop from catalogues, which were expensive and as a young woman I didnt have much money. I made clothes too. Over the years this has taken all the joy out of clothes shopping . I have well and truly fell out of love with clothes. Now I am able to to shop anywhere, I am frequently saying well sod you, you didnt dress me before you can go fish now. I think I am very bitter and twisted about it dont you ?
  12. summerseeker

    The perfect size pan

    In the UK we call them a one egg pan or bachelor pan haha
  13. summerseeker

    Please tell me I haven't failed.

    Whoa there @winkydinks. It would be wrong of any of us to make assumptions that this lady is overeating. This persons team has set these quotas and you have to work within the guide lines you have been given. You don't know if this person is or is not following the guidelines. @Miratia Please use your teams scales as a good guide. They should have them recalibrated very regularly. My advice to you would be track your foods, ring your team and relax. 1200 calories seems a good amount to be eating at 1 year out, Many eat more than that and will chip in here later. Please don't panic.
  14. summerseeker

    Liquid Diet

    You just have to get through it, its tough everyone who has done the pre op will tell you it stinks. The thought of being opened up and the surgeon being unable to continue with the surgery because of a huge liver kept me on track. You have only a few more horrid days and then if you are anything like me you will run to the theatre just so you can finish this torturous diet. { mine was 3 weeks } There will be a thread for May surgeries, you will find a buddy there. Good luck
  15. summerseeker

    Newby to group

    Congrats on the surgery and I am so happy to hear you are doing well. There are quite a few Aussies in this forum, they will find you now. Good luck going forward
  16. summerseeker

    Starting my journey, I need a good word

    Hello Hisana, Welcome to to forum. In here your questions will be answered and if you read the back pages you will get so much knowledge that you will feel very secure in your procedure. I did. I did not know anyone who had the surgery so I did lots of research and read loads of the posts on this forum. I knew what to expect and when I had problems there were plenty of kind and knowledgeable people to help me. Do not be nervous
  17. summerseeker

    Spouse Obsessed with Food

    Hmmm its a tough one to answer. My husband is so clueless on anything that doesn't include his days out, horse racing and his medical issues that after 47 years married, I learned to tell him what I want to happen if its anything including me. It saves arguments. If I have to eat out, I book Tapas restaurants. Tiny plates suit me well. When I can eat salads and spicy foods I will run back to my favourite Thai restaurant. They will happily bag up the left over for the day after
  18. When I had my surgery done, I knew I wanted it and it was almost a life or death decision for me. I wanted a life that did not include bad knees, breathlessness and diabetes. I was so embarrassed of my weight that I never went outdoors. For me it was a no brainer. I paid as quick as I could. I had a rough ride in the beginning but I am over it now and away and pacing. I am so happy with my choice. I cant make your fears go away but I can show you some more success stories. Go and look at the before and after threads. They go back 20 years and give wonderful motivation. Millions of people have had this done and very few of them have problems. I don't know the numbers. All I can say is if you have doubts, wait until you are 100% ready. You know when you know !
  19. summerseeker

    Gastric bypass

    I am 63 next month and had a sleeve. After loosing 80 + pounds I feel 20 years younger and loving life
  20. summerseeker

    2 days out beed advice

    As @Arabesque says on the 3rd gulp I get a real feeling of discomfort. It makes me feel as if I can not breath for a second or two and I have to get hold of the panicky feeling before it runs away with me. Taking tiny sips at the beginning was extremely hard for me to master. I dont do cold drinks even now
  21. summerseeker

    On the losers bench

    Whoop whoop Possum, see you on the loosing team. Keep us posted
  22. summerseeker

    TMI question 🙋‍♀️

    Immediately after surgery I had Diarrhoea for 2 days. Then I was very sick and dehydrated. I had a 6 day hospital stay. I think I went 9 days without a bowel movement after that. I tried everything but in the end I had to resort to a pair of marigold gloves...... The relief I felt was worth the 'the cure'
  23. Ouchio, me too. I have to sit on one cheek and then the other
  24. summerseeker

    What's Your Food Nemesis?

    You could make your own Tzatziki from fat free Greek yogurt. High in protein and good for you. I have it on anything not just chips
  25. summerseeker

    Gas and bloating

    I believe it is very normal as the first rule that I picked up on this forum was never trust a fart. Many people have had accidents and one poor lady soiled herself in a store. You must be feeling worn out. I think you maybe having intolerances to the sugars in your protein shakes or milk. Some people become lactose intolerant after surgery. I think contacting your team would be a good idea. If its just the mushy food or the amount of liquid we have to take it will improve as soon as you get on to more normal foods. I hope you get better soon

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