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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by summerseeker

  1. summerseeker

    Feeling down….

    This is major surgery we have gone through, and we don't give ourselves time to get over it. We are human not super humans. Take the help whilst its offered, in a while you will have so much energy that you won't be able to sit still for long. You will be able to repay your family then in love and extra mummy duties. Sleep, rest and heal.
  2. summerseeker

    3 weeks Post Gastric Sleeve

    I couldn't eat puree's either, just looking at it brought on instant nausea. I went back a stage to yogurts, soups and milk shakes
  3. summerseeker


    My pre op liver shrink diet was 3 weeks. I had lots of food funerals before that started and I am so glad I did. I didnt need to loose any weight to get my surgery as some do.
  4. summerseeker

    Just had the sleeve done Sept 12th

    Wow in the Uk being sent home with oxygen isn't a thing. Please contact your team, tell them your fears because I am sure being worried will only make things worse. Thinking logically, it will be the anaesthetic that will have messed with your breathing and so oxygen intake will not be where it should be. There is little reason to believe you will need the oxygen long term. If anything, your breathing will get better as you loose weight. If you are drinking ok and walking your gas pain away. Then take nana naps as much as possible. We all feel like ' oh why did I do this to myself ' moments. Every day it gets easier There are others who are more medically minded on here who will jump in I am sure.
  5. summerseeker

    Starting my journey - Advice

    Hello Ella97, there are a few of us here from the Uk and I personally have found this forum really helpful. There is always some one on this forum who has the same little niggle that you are struggling with and a kind word with a suggestion to ease the worry. As you have been advised, a 3 week break is a good time to have the surgery. In the UK we have different regimes pre surgery, than in the USA and we do not have the counselling or psych services that are the norm over there. Pre surgery, I read a lot of the back pages of this forum, I gained so much knowledge and just knowing that I could be posting before and after photo's like others on the site in only 6 moths to a year really spurred this old girl on. Just imagine how wonderful you will look next summer !
  6. summerseeker

    insurance frustration

    Oh yes but not via insurance. I had to pay for my surgery in a private hospital as everywhere in the UK was swamped with Covid cases and all surgeries were put back and non essential surgery was stopped altogether. The hospital had its bariatric services audited and the surgeon then had a holiday which all put my surgery back at least 2 months. For a few weeks I felt like I was unjustly punished, the ' why me ' syndrome kicked in. I was so upset. Then I got over it, what else can you do ? The days dragged by and then I was into the 3 week pre op diet so they dragged even more but I got there in the end. If your part of the world is into winter when you have the surgery, be ready, You may feel really cold, I did. Even in the house I needed lots of layers. I hope you get it sorted soon
  7. That amazing weight loss without the surgery. Well done, you got this girl. Keep posting and letting us know how you are getting on
  8. summerseeker

    Just had the sleeve done Sept 12th

    Hello and welcome to the forum. We all had a terrible first few weeks after the surgery. There are so many new things to fit into a day. Drinks, tablets, walking and so much resting and snoozing. Its so much but it does get better at about a month out. What are you anxious about mostly ? We will have the answers and helpful tips you need at the moment.
  9. summerseeker

    August 4 Surgery

    Congratulations on your surgery and finding this wonderful forum. There is plenty of useful information if you delve deep enough. Any questions just ask
  10. summerseeker

    A newbie 17 days post op

    Hello and welcome in the forum, its great to have peoples from other countries who contribute and share their journeys and knowledge. I didn't know anyone who had this surgery either, so this forum was super helpful. In the months waiting my surgery I read thousands of back pages. You are at a really difficult place in your journey. Everything is hard to learn, eating and drinking are difficult. Lots of people find it hard to drink the shakes, I just drank milk with dried milk powder in to boost the protein or milk with peanut butter and fruit. You just have to wait until you can have real food again. We have all been there, it sucks. There are still foods that are off my menu, mainly chicken and the very preloved cooked salmon. I hope that I can eat them one day but its still a small price to pay for my weight loss and getting my life back. I wouldn't change a thing You may get a stall in your weight loss soon. If you want to read up on it, put three week stall in the header. There are thousands of posts. It saves a lot of anguish and asking yourself 'What am I doing wrong' Just take it day by day and trust the process. Go back and ask your team if they have any info that will help you just now with food and drink choices and make sure you have enough medication for the nausea. Good luck in your journey
  11. summerseeker

    Is this normal? Does it go away?

    Hi, You have found the two foods that are really difficult to eat after surgery. Just leave them for a few weeks and then rotate them back into your diet. I am 9 months out and still struggle with chicken. [ Minced chicken is fine ! ] Keep trying foods every month that you struggle with and I am told eventually we will be ok with it. I am struggling with cooked salmon too.
  12. summerseeker

    Not eating, drinking or walking enough…

    I had surgery 9 months ago and didnt hit my goals until at least 6 months along. I had so much nausea and vomiting that taking the extra vitamins and calcium was tough. So I rarely did. I never ever got enough water or protein. Then on the 6th month I saw the right person and got the help I needed. Two doses of the right PPi a day. My husband was so worried for me. Since then I have gained strength and can do loads more. My body tells me when its time to rest and sometimes take a day off. I rarely get more than 60 gms of protein a day and if I had not found protein yogurts that I could stomach, I would still struggle. My calorie count is about 650 to 1000 a day. I am lucky that I have no hunger. I dont count my liquid intake but its probably less than it should be but I am ok with that. Its not a biggy with my team either. I am not dehydrated I can walk anywhere I want to now as before I would need a walking stick to go the shortest distance and be puffing like an old train. I may have had a slow start but it has not affected my weight loss, other than having more stalls when I have not been able to eat enough. Every persons journey is different. Its hard not to compare yourself to others but it does no good in the long run. I didnt exercise until month 6 and I knew I didnt have enough strength to do more than keep my home clean and go shopping. Now most days I have too much energy This surgery makes your hormones go stratospheric. Even at my age I knew my hormones where out of whack. My poor hubby couldn't understand why I was so short with him. I was just like when I had PMT again. My team were never bothered about my progress, just helpful I hope you get through your period quickly and get the right amount of ppi for the nausea. You will then gallop along
  13. summerseeker

    Mexico Surgery

    Hello and welcome in the forum. There are lots of people on here who have gone the Mexico route. If you click on the forum heading and opt for the across arrow, you will find a separate heading for Mexico.
  14. summerseeker

    Nervous on vacation!!!! Help!!!

    About 6 months after surgery I went on holiday to Europe. The hotel food was very carb based, fried or salads. I couldn't eat any at the time. The meat was tough and the fish overcooked. I really struggled to find foods I could eat. I ate yogurts and soup. I bought deli meats to snack on in between. TBH It was great to get home to the foods I knew. I was glad that I packed jerky and crackers and cheese in my suitcase. I needed them. If you are on a budget, pre buy your foods if you can and snack on them. Then eat a small entree as a main course at the restaurant with family
  15. summerseeker

    Surgery the end of this month!

    You would not be human if you did not notice any nerves or worries before this huge surgery. I am the same when I have my twice yearly appointments at the dentist. Fear of the unknown. Read the ' before and after photo's ' in this forum, this should give you some inspiration, it did me. I wanted to be 100lbs lighter and tada, waves magic wand, now I am. I have not had the easiest ride but I wouldn't change a thing. My entire life has changed for the better. If you have to back out, its ok. People on this forum have done this and some have eventually had the surgery and wished they did it the first time. It has to be the right time for you, Good luck
  16. summerseeker

    No cooking!!!

    Yes I eat out with friends and family about once a month. I have had some bad meals that I thought were good choices. I find it to be like expensive russian roulette. I have been so ill with the simplest looking choices. I am unable to eat sweet or greasy foods. I have found a Thai restaurant that suits me well, so its a nice treat now and again My favourite no cook summer food at the moment is - a slice of very crisply toasted seeded bread with smashed avocado and 100 gms of cooked prawns. This gives me 25 + grams of protein as well as only 350 cals win win
  17. Congratulations. Its a wonderful feeling being smaller isn't it. Good luck on the rest of your journey
  18. summerseeker

    Stall with water retention

    I think the stalls you have read about are later stalls on the journey. This first stall is scary because you will not yet believe the process. My first stall was 2 weeks and my second 5 weeks. I didn't bother to count them after that. Ride it out, weigh yourself less. Keep doing what your surgeons team told you. Is your urine dark or light? If its dark increase your water intake if you can and contact your team if you are worried. Are you having salty drinks ? like homemade broths ? These make me retain water
  19. summerseeker

    Monthly weigh in and measurements

    I love looking at your weights and measurements every month. Wish I had done the same. Congratulations
  20. summerseeker

    Surgery Date In a few Days

    TBH I never had any pain after the first day. I hope you have the same result. Onwards and downwards
  21. summerseeker

    Trapped wind 3 weeks after surgery

    Glad you are feeling better. Keep hydrated and rest up
  22. summerseeker


    I had terrible problems with nausea and vomiting for months until they increased my ppi to 2 x 30mgs a day. That solved all my problems
  23. summerseeker

    Trapped wind 3 weeks after surgery

    How are you today
  24. summerseeker


    Hi Colleen, I had my surgery in the UK too, 9 months ago. The pre op diet is hard for the first 4 days for some but you know it has to be done to get the surgery. I would do it all again to feel this good at aged 63. I have never heard of 3 and 9 month bleeds. I asked my surgeon of the risks and he told me the plus and minus points I needed. I never asked any questions anywhere but here.
  25. summerseeker

    Trapped wind 3 weeks after surgery

    As you are early out contact a doctor at your surgery, go to the A&E or ring 111. You need to know what is going on. Its tough when you are having surgery in a different country as you are not able to get their direct input . Unfortunately they are not bariatric surgeons but they will check for symptoms It could be as simple as the Covid or a reaction to the sugars in the shakes. Also tomato soup is very acidic and could hurt your new tummy, try strained chicken soup or diluted bovril stock cubes. My Uk surgeon believes in plain skimmed milk not shakes. Its cheaper too. Just a thought ... How are your bowel movements ? Sorry TMI, I know but we speak freely on here as we have all been there done that Please feel free to ask me anything

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