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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by summerseeker

  1. summerseeker


    No It was very low before surgery. I am unable to eat a lot at one sitting so have 5 small meals a day. Its very protein led as I have very little room for anything else, vegetable wise.
  2. summerseeker

    Do I have to eat ?

    It always seems to be my evening meal that I don't want. I would and could easily swop it for a high protein yogurt but it seems so wrong ... Is that a legacy from my other 100lbs + life ? I think I have just answered my own question, A thin person would eat a yogurt for a meal.
  3. summerseeker

    Pre Op Diet Concerns

    Did you eat a lot of sweet foods or drink sweet drinks. It sounds like you are having a reaction to withdrawal from no sugar in your diet. The reaction is a bit like flu symptoms, making you ache all over. It happens with strong coffee drinkers too. Contact your team and check in with them. I doubt very much if you will need any vitamins at this stage.
  4. summerseeker

    Lipedema Treatment

    I have lipoedema. Its the first time I have heard of treatment for it. All I was told it was genetic
  5. summerseeker

    Surgery next week

    Hello and congratulations on your new skills. I hope you like this forum as much as we all do. Its full of empathy and kindness and experience. Let us know how your surgery goes
  6. This made me smile, isn't the surgery worth it when you can be like you were years earlier.
  7. summerseeker

    Tracking Apps

    I have used my fitness pal and my fat secret. In the UK - My fat secret has the foods from my supermarkets, so I tend to go with this.
  8. summerseeker


    I get the cheapest multivitamin from the supermarket and take two a day. My team told me they were ok
  9. You have done the most of your pre op thank goodness, just the last little bit to go. Everyone agrees its the worst thing they have ever done and its hard. We have to give up all the things we love to eat and the enjoyment it gives. Its why we ended up the weight we are. We love food too much. Its like having another person in our life that says only good things like - lets have a bar of chocolate or look at that yummy cake, lets get some. That voice never says no. Now I have a tiny stomach that says NO WAY, you are full girl, well old woman. Just do your very best, take it hour by hour if necessary. You will get through this. You wont die. You will be the skinny active roll model your baby needs. We wouldn't be human if we were not scared of the unknown. There are 20 years of people on this forum who felt just like you and are now reaping the benefits of having had the surgery. I hope you can continue to do so well, sleep as much as you can because its less time to think negative thoughts. Good luck
  10. summerseeker

    Introducing Myself- I'm new

    Hello Melly and welcome in here. To fill in your profile, Go to the top of the page, By your name is a little down arrow. Click on it and scroll down to My surgery. You can then fill it in. On the top left of this page you will see surgeon and below ' progress' This you can update every time you loose weight, which I find very satisfying
  11. summerseeker

    Eating ritz reduced fat crackers

    I was allowed melba toast because its crispy and they dissolve in your mouth. I had them with pate and things like squished egg mayonnaise. These tiny melba toasts were 42 cals for 3. If I could give you some advice, I would say eat the crackers as part of your meal and not as a snack.
  12. I only went with Spire because they were the nearest to me and out of 6 hospitals I emailed, they were the only one to email me back. In the end I felt like I had made a good choice. Their care of me was exceptional.
  13. summerseeker

    Telling others

    Before my surgery, Just my son and husband knew. It was my decision and I didn't want any one else's point of view to dissuade me. We used to be foster parents and the comments that we got from ' know it all and know nothings' really would anger and upset me. I live in a small town and other peoples opinions get back to you in one way or another. Since surgery it is now apparent that I have lost weight. A neighbour asked me and as she is large too, I told her the truth. It became a great conversation as she was also considering the surgery. My hairdresser was the same. My sisters live abroad and I have been to visit them this last month. I told them then. That's my tally so far.
  14. It cost me £150 to see the surgeon for initial chat Then £150 for dietician and bariatric nurse chat Then £150 for psych evaluation rip off Then another £150 to see surgeon to set date Then it cost £10, 999 for operation package which includes 2 years follow up with dietician. I had to stay in 5 extra days at no extra cost
  15. summerseeker

    100lbs down

    Whoop whoop congratulations, 100lbs seems such a huge milestone to get to doesn't it. Imagine carrying 100 pound packets of butter around it would be so heavy.
  16. Hi, I was a private patient in the UK. I was at a Spire hospital and found my surgeon and his team very easy to talk to. You are paying, ask all the questions you need. If they have no time for your questions then you need to look at changing to another hospital. No need for a catheter, you can get up and around quite quickly after you wake up. You will be asleep before being tubed.
  17. summerseeker

    Much less pain after 1 week mark

    Thanks for letting us know the good news. It helps others too. I hope the rest of your journey goes smoothly
  18. summerseeker


    Are you constipated ? I cant get a handle on mine at the moment and I look very pregnant.
  19. summerseeker

    Almost there

    Congrats on your fabulous loss so far, you have done amazing in such a short time. Shooting for a goal weight is good but if you cant achieve it, don't be down hearted. It may affect your progress. Just keep working your plan and see where you get to. It must become obvious when we get to our set point. I am a little bothered by the 20lb bounce back at 3 years out that people have talked about.
  20. summerseeker

    Surgery tomorrow!?

    We wouldn't be human if we didn't worry about the unknown. Once I was in the hospital I calmed myself. I was so fed up with the pre op diet, I almost ran to the theatre
  21. summerseeker

    Surgery postponed

    I am sorry you didn't get your surgery. It must be a real shock to find you have a enlarged liver. Were you given a pre op diet ? Nearly all of us were given them to shrink our liver pre surgery.
  22. summerseeker

    Just found this app.

    I wish you the very best for tomorrow. Let us know how you get on
  23. Try full skim milk with extra dried milk powder stirred in. You can flavour them if you wish with fruit or peanut butter. Plenty of protein and much better for you than artificial drinks
  24. summerseeker

    1 month post op activities

    I did not give the surgery the care it deserved. I think it was because of the 1 day hospital stay. It made it seem a more minor procedure. I also didn't realise the time it would take a woman my age and disability to recover. I didn't start bouncing along till I got to the 4 month mark. I needed nana naps during the day and if I had a busy day I knew about the next day. Cut yourself some slack when you can. It will take as long as it takes
  25. summerseeker

    Final Weigh-in

    I remember your trials and tribulations last year. You knew you didn't want the first team and you go through with it. You are a strong person. You did all that and lost and kept off 50lbs, you can do this last little hurdle. I hopr you get the date you want.

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