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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by summerseeker

  1. summerseeker

    I did it! Duodenal Switch

    If you are struggling with the thickness of the shakes, I have heard people on here say that they let them down with milk or water. Try different temperature of drinks and shakes. I struggled with the amount of liquid too but I survived and got there eventually
  2. There are foods that I still have trouble eating even at 8 months out. Salmon and Chicken being my biggest failures. I have continued trying them and I can tolerate a small amount of each so I will keep on trying them. Eggs took me quite a while for my tummy to tolerate them. In the UK we are not told to drink protein shakes as much as in the USA. I have had skimmed milk since my pre op diet and still drink a pint a day to get me to my protein goal. My new tummy is very small and I cant eat enough at each meal to get me there with out milk and another small snack a day Protein yogurts have been my saviours. Once I found one I like - Aldi is my go to. I can now make my protein goals almost every day. If I am short I have more protein yogurt in the evening.
  3. summerseeker


    I was never told to stop drinking coffee thankfully but for some reason I have begun drinking only 1 to 2 cups a day. I would have a cup of coffee by my side at all times beforehand.
  4. summerseeker

    Acid reflux at nightime

    Hello and welcome to the forum. People who already have reflux prior to surgery are usually channelled towards a Gastric Bypass instead of Gastric sleeve. Is this the case for you ?
  5. summerseeker

    Do I have to eat ?

    I am one of the lucky ones, I don't feel hunger yet. So do I have to eat a meal if I still feel full after an earlier meal ? At times I feel as if I am forcing food down just to make my protein quota. Is it ok to just have a drink of milk to get to my quota ? I would ask my team but I am a month away from seeing them. Any help is appreciated, thank you
  6. summerseeker

    It's Skinny Pasta

    I used to eat lots of these products before surgery, especially the noodle and rice types. They fill you up and have very few calories. I have some ready in stock for when I can eat more than my protein and vegetables. I also found some dried protein pasta this week. Enjoy
  7. Hello and congratulations on your approval. The only advise that I can give you is read the back pages of this forum. It holds 20 + years of questions and includes everything you never thought you needed to know.
  8. Congratulations, My arms are a mess. I want to follow in your footsteps
  9. I had palpitations every time I walked, even with a stick, my blood pressure was high and my knees and back ached when ever I stood. To prep food I had to sit down as much as possible. Eventually, a few months after surgery. The walking stick stays in the cupboard, my heart doesn't do somersaults when I walk and I no longer have Diabetes and high blood pressure. I feel 10 years younger . It was worth the money and the change of eating. For me it was a rocky road and I still has the odd day of nausea and sickness but I would do it again in a heartbeat.
  10. summerseeker

    Marriage changes post op

    I have been with my man since I was 12. Over our 47 year marriage we have had our share of caring for each other whilst ill. I had a really bad time after this surgery with nausea and vomiting and it has taken a long time to master it with medication. He has seen me vomit for days and has been very worried. I was so weak and he had to take care of me for so long. If it had not been for Covid he would have been able to join me in all my consultations and ask his own questions and air his worries. He would have heard the positive answers and heard any input the nurse and dietician have given me. I am convinced he would have been more reassured had this been so. He always said he didn't care what I weighed and he didn't. For the first time in my marriage he has started to compliment me, I like it. I will be happier when we can eat the same meals again, I am only just eating protein and a tiny amount of vegetables and do not have any room for carbs. This limits the food that we can eat as a family. Now I have endless energy he can rest while I do the household chores once again. He has health issues and needs all the rest time he can get. I am so pleased that I can do this for him.
  11. summerseeker

    Milk and Yogurt pre op diet

    My UK doctor had me on 3 weeks of skimmed milk and non carb vegetables. It wasn't to bad as pre op diets go but I was glad to get to the surgery day. I lost 15lbs and the surgeon said my liver was small
  12. I watched it and it shocked me. About 20 years ago they took cookery from the UK schools curriculum. In my humble opinion it was one of the worst thing the government decided upon. All to save money. Its costing lots now because if you are not learned basic cookery at an early age then your only option is to go down the high calorie, take away and processed food options to feed your family.
  13. summerseeker

    Low weight loss

    I agree with all of the above and can add that as you are doing a good amount of exercise you might need to up your calories in order to loose more weight. If your body is in starvation mode then your body wont let your weight drop. When you next contact your team they will sort you out. You are doing great.
  14. summerseeker

    Food intolerance after wls

    I would really like some family friendly recipes using chicken mince suitable for a chilli hating family. The last recipe I made was tiny chicken meatballs in a vegetable soup/broth. It tasted delicious and fresh. I still can not fit in any carbs so for the family they are separate. Any other chicken is still a no go area for me.
  15. summerseeker

    Low weight loss

    Hello Carol, welcome into the forum. So that we can help you we need a little more information. How much did you loose pre surgery? What is your weight now? What are you eating, how many calories a day are you having? Next to your name at the top of the page is a little drop down box where you can fill your information in if you wish
  16. summerseeker

    Laxatives Before Surgery ?

    I am in the UK and didn't have to have a enema. I had to stop eating at a point the night before but could drink up until a few hours before surgery.
  17. summerseeker

    Post op sleeping

    I had really bad reflux so I had to sleep almost in a sitting position for about a month. I really wished that I had retained a recliner chair. I had very little pain or pulling with my incisions and managed to get in and out of bed without problem
  18. Congratulations and good luck this time around
  19. summerseeker

    Medical tourism

    Hi, I am in the UK and it cost me £11000
  20. summerseeker

    I cheated on my Pre op

    You are a whole 7 days from surgery, you will be fine, just don't go outside your guidelines again. Stick to your pre op diet like glue. Its torture, we all know it because we have done it and succeeded in shrinking our livers so the surgery was safe to go ahead. About 3 weeks ago somebody posted that the surgeon began the surgery and stopped because the patient had a huge liver. They were devastated. You can do this
  21. summerseeker

    Unsupportive Husband

    I have been a member of this forum for about 18 months and you are now the fourth woman that I have come across on here having this problem with family. If you want this surgery then you will have a fight on your hands. Its going to get dirty. For their own reasons they don't want you to change. Personally I agree with you, you will continually gain and loose the same weight over and over again, I did. Its heart breaking. The people on this forum will help in any way they can. If you can get to do this, you wont regret it.
  22. summerseeker


    Hello, Congratulations on your date and welcome to the forum
  23. summerseeker

    Sex Drive

    At my age, I wish
  24. summerseeker

    UK forum users

    I had my gastric sleeve surgery at my local Spire hospital. I had no pain. It was a friends birthday yesterday and I took her out for lunch. We chose a sharing platter, TBH I was full very quickly and just chatted while she ate. I have got used to this now and so have my friends. I believe that at about 1 year things are easier and you are able to eat more. Or as much as a thin person would eat at any rate. In America they are warned away from drinking. I was told to be careful as I would get drunk quickly, The alcohol gets into your bloodstream quicker. I am not the biggest drinker these days but I have had some. Its a bit like having your first drink again. I was tipsy quite quick after a Bloody Mary. My calories are around 700 to 900 a day so not enough to soak up much alcohol. Some struggle to drink enough, I did. At 3 months, I could gulp a mouthful of any drink again but I still cant guzzle a bottle of water. I dont remember being thirsty but it is a pain to constantly keep sipping
  25. summerseeker


    In the UK we have a different medical set up than others have. Our normal needs are taken care of by our local doctor. My bariatric surgeon has no more input into my care. His team of dieticians etc, just look after diet and problems around it. I had my blood tests and they are good but my Cholesterol is higher than they want it too be. They want me to go on Statins. I want to know if I need to argue my corner and say NO to them, is higher Cholesterol a temporary thing ? Once I can eat a variety of foods will it go back to its good levels. Thanks for your replies in advance

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