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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by summerseeker

  1. summerseeker


    I had terrible problems with nausea and vomiting for months until they increased my ppi to 2 x 30mgs a day. That solved all my problems
  2. summerseeker

    Trapped wind 3 weeks after surgery

    How are you today
  3. summerseeker


    Hi Colleen, I had my surgery in the UK too, 9 months ago. The pre op diet is hard for the first 4 days for some but you know it has to be done to get the surgery. I would do it all again to feel this good at aged 63. I have never heard of 3 and 9 month bleeds. I asked my surgeon of the risks and he told me the plus and minus points I needed. I never asked any questions anywhere but here.
  4. summerseeker

    Trapped wind 3 weeks after surgery

    As you are early out contact a doctor at your surgery, go to the A&E or ring 111. You need to know what is going on. Its tough when you are having surgery in a different country as you are not able to get their direct input . Unfortunately they are not bariatric surgeons but they will check for symptoms It could be as simple as the Covid or a reaction to the sugars in the shakes. Also tomato soup is very acidic and could hurt your new tummy, try strained chicken soup or diluted bovril stock cubes. My Uk surgeon believes in plain skimmed milk not shakes. Its cheaper too. Just a thought ... How are your bowel movements ? Sorry TMI, I know but we speak freely on here as we have all been there done that Please feel free to ask me anything
  5. Never ever heard of such utter nonsense. Clean your teeth as usual, visit your dentist as per normal and ignore the other utter rot
  6. summerseeker

    One year PO, before & after 💕

    Congrats on you surgiversary. You have smashed it. You have an amazing body now. I love how you are tucking your shirt in your pants. Your socks are cute too
  7. summerseeker

    Trapped wind 3 weeks after surgery

    Could you tell us what you are eating and drinking in a day. Everyone has a different diet set by their surgeon so its easier if you tell us what yours is. And do you get stomach acid in your throat at night?
  8. summerseeker

    Will I ever be hungry again???

    I am 9 months out and never have hunger. Its a massive boon. I hope it never ever comes back
  9. summerseeker

    Jack link's meat sticks

    I have the small packets of his Beef Jerky all the time. Really high protein, low in calories and portable.
  10. summerseeker

    Head hunger is real....OMG

    I still vomit occasionally when I over eat, usually on a food that I haven't had in a while. Some foods just taste so good but I try to keep from doing it. I try and eat slow and wait for the signals to kick in. I feel so ill for hours, the two extra bites are just not worth it. Once you get to know your signals it will be easier.
  11. Congratulations and thank you for sharing. Its really great to read your successful journey. Keep posting, its great to here from another country.
  12. summerseeker


    I can honestly say this is the one of the worst things I went through in the first 6 weeks. I tried everything and 14 days later still nothing. TMI alert - I put on a rubber glove and went in. The relief was wonderful. It happened once more then I have been ok ever since.
  13. summerseeker

    69 yrs old and unsure..

    I had my sleeve done nine months ago, aged 62. I walked with a stick, had severe shortage of breath, high blood pressure and was told 11 months before surgery that I was diabetic. I am a carer for my husband and there were times when he was having to care for me. Things had to change. I never realised that loosing weight would have made such a huge difference. I gallop through chores, walk miles and have endless energy. The diabetes and blood pressure went within a few months. The only pills I take now are for Fibromyalgia. The only downside to being overweight and being my age is the loose skin. I will need more surgery .
  14. summerseeker

    Get ready to blossom

    Exactly that. The smile
  15. You could have had a glass of milk. 250 mls [8.5 fluid ounces ] of Skimmed milk = 9grams of protein. On our new life journeys we never stop learning. I personally have learned more from @Arabesque than anywhere else. At 9 months out I always take a drink and a protein snack even if I am out for just an hour. I have been caught out and that woozy feeling is not nice.
  16. summerseeker

    Phobias since surgery

    Just rest, sleep and heal. Forget everything else, you have enough to think about with vitamins, supplements and drinking your quota.
  17. summerseeker

    ISO Appeal letter example

    It has taken me 9 months to stabilise my GERD and nausea. I am also on 2 doses a day. I feel your pain. I would never want to go back to those horrid nightmare days of acid and broken sleep
  18. summerseeker

    Kitchen tools

    I bought a thermos cup. I was so fed up of my coffee going cold before I had more than a few sips of it. Now its summer I just drink cold coffee. I needed a step to get in my bed the early days after surgery. We had a bed wedge already and I still use it. If I could have afforded it, I would have bought a recliner chair for the first few weeks after surgery. I would have slept in it. I had terrible nausea and GERD Another thing to consider - I had my surgery in very cold weather, end of November. I very quickly found as I lost weight that I was freezing cold all the time. 100lbs + later, I am ready for this winter. I have lots of fluffy blankets for the sofa and fluffy slippers. My husband spent the winter in his underwear, he couldn't stand the house so warm.
  19. summerseeker

    keto practice time success

    Thats awesome. You have knocked 10 points off your BMI already. You are doing so well.
  20. summerseeker


    Congratulations everyone
  21. summerseeker

    5 months post op hair loss

    As arabesque says. Its upsetting and worrying for sure. My hair has just about stopped shedding at 9 months out. I have had very long hair all my life and it went at the front of my head the worst. It looked to me to be scalp without hair, very scary. I took the leap and had a short cut and then a pixie cut. If I say so myself it looks good. So quick and easy to style every morning too.
  22. I bought my first non elastic waist skirt and it fits perfectly. I just cant believe that tiny skirt fits me. Deep joy day
  23. I am still wearing my elastic waisted skirts from before surgery. I have had to turn them up because not having a big bum and stomach anymore, they were sweeping the floor.
  24. Yes it happens all the time. Trust the process, do what your team says and stay off the scales. Easier said than done i know. Read the back pages on here of the 3 week stall
  25. Please ring them and ask. Explain that you dont understand the letter, neither do I. Good luck

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