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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by summerseeker

  1. summerseeker

    Food not digesting in pouch

    Chicken is my nemesis. Minced is fine but any other cut mostly makes me get the foamies
  2. Congratulations. I had mine at the end of November last year and I will forever look back and think what a wonderous day it was. I was so eager that I almost ran to the operating theatre.
  3. summerseeker

    NON Drinker Drinking Question. (Alcohol)

    In Europe we have a more relaxed view of alcohol use. Red wine is seen as good for you if you have a glass a day etc. I don't drink much these days, but I was the same before surgery. I went on an All-inclusive holiday about 2 months after surgery and carefully tried a few drinks here and there. I kept the alcohol content small and the drink long and tall. Every time I felt slightly tipsy for 30 minutes or so and then nothing. I am the same now. Its your birthday, have a drink if you want to
  4. summerseeker

    Surgery scheduled!

    Congratulations on your great news. Stay on the forum and become a regular. The back pages are a fountain of knowledge that will keep you entertained until your pre op starts. Keep us posted
  5. summerseeker

    Spices (not heat) post op

    We eat a lot of Thai and Chinese foods that I cook to our tastes. I haven't had a problem with those foods. I never had anybody from my team say that I couldn't have spice in my life. I cannot have the noodles or rice yet. I cannot tolerate them.
  6. summerseeker

    69 yrs old and unsure..

    So glad you went ahead, its like knocking 20 years off your age. I gallop about like a 40 something, I got my life back
  7. summerseeker


    You may not be in the time zone for hair loss yet. Mine started from 4 months out. I agree with you, its still the best thing that I ever did for myself
  8. summerseeker

    Hopefully November sleeve!

    Congratulations and I hope you get a quick date. Exciting isn't it
  9. summerseeker

    Annual Cookie Day

    Are high protein, sugar free bars classed as cookies? You could make these for yourself and have no guilt. The ones that I make are made of dates, peanut butter, oats and protein granola. Very good for food on the go
  10. summerseeker

    New here

    Hello and congratulations on your surgery date. People on here are very helpful and eager to answer any questions you may have. I filled my waiting days reading back pages of this forum. So much knowledge is stored in these pages. Let us know how you get on
  11. summerseeker

    over preparing??

    I still use my 2 ounce containers. They come in really handy for packed lunch sauces/ mayo. Great for having in your bag for emergency food. I never go out without some protein heavy snack for when my energy levels are low. I put nuts in mine, great for quick grab snacks. I never needed bigger tubs, just used my own Chinese rice bowls
  12. summerseeker

    This is my 1st post 😁

    Welcome in this wonderful forum. The people here have helped me so much. Good luck on Wednesday
  13. summerseeker

    John’s Story - 3.5 years out

    Congratulations, you have done a great job, not only with your weight loss but in your life as a whole. I know your story will help others who are still deciding which step to take on their weight loss journey.
  14. I didn't notice it as much when I had a pixie cut. Before I was forever untangling my very long hairs from the hoover and cleaning my hairbrush. It was bad from 4 to 8 months out
  15. summerseeker

    Am I weird?

    Lots of people on this forum have had bad results from telling others about this surgery. Before this surgery I didn't want any negative input from people, so I only told my husband, son and BFF. Even now I have only told larger people who have seen the change in me and were genuinely interested in how I managed such a big loss. I am not an open person; the British reserve is a real thing. We don't share our feelings. I would never tell a waitress/ waiter why I wanted different choices, just that I did. If more people were like you then maybe some of the stigma would disappear.
  16. summerseeker

    Meats Post Surgery

    Yes, this happened to me. I had to keep going back to well-cooked minced meats and trying whole meats every two weeks or so. Lamb is a little rich for me and I have found that I can eat it one day but the day after my stomach says a definite no. I have struggled so much that it's only the last few months that I can incorporate vegetables into my diet. With me the vomiting is not immediate, it happens later. I feel a pressure in the middle of my chest that I know will not go away until I vomit. Its only saliva and foam that comes up. On here it's called the foamies. I cannot drink until its gone. Things are much better now almost 11 months out, but I still have days when my petulant tummy will not accept chicken, eggs or cooked salmon. The biggest bonus to this is I do not have any hunger pangs. I have to drink milk to help with my energy levels and push my calorie count up to an average of 1000 a day. My team are not bothered, they know everything is getting better with time. I am overjoyed with my weight loss, I only ever dreamed of such a big loss. Go back to your team and ask them for help, just in case you have a stricture. If you do it's easy to remedy
  17. summerseeker

    Gastric bypass surgery

    This seems very extreme for someone with your stats. All surgeons are different, some are just mean
  18. summerseeker

    Gastric bypass surgery

    Four weeks is the longest liquid diet that I have heard of. I feel for you. I did 3 weeks but I did get certain vegetables to eat. Its to shrink your liver so the surgeon can operate easily
  19. summerseeker

    Liquid Diet PO

    You might want to pack a Biotin spray as your mouth gets really dry and it's a terrible sensation. I used a Lipsil on my lips so much, as my lips were so dry. Sorry I can't think what you call them in the USA. Like a clear lipstick ??
  20. summerseeker

    Stomach spasms??

    Have you tried a warm drink? I couldn't tolerate cold drinks at all and as soon as someone said try warm, the spasms went away
  21. summerseeker

    Nausea 8 Weeks Post-op

    I had a huge problem early on with nausea and vomiting. I had GERD at night, and it took about 6 months to find the right medication and dosage for me. It took me a while to find the right time in the day to take my doses for my tablets. I take one dose at 4pm and don't eat for 1 hour before and 2 hours after. I take my second dose at midnight and have nothing for 1 hour before and never eat till my breakfast protein yogurt and milky coffee. If my mouth waters I have eaten something my stomach doesn't want yet, usually chicken. I will have to vomit saliva and foam. I also had to take vitamins without any iron as the iron made me nauseous too The nasty taste disappeared when I could eat better I hope you get this sorted quicker than I did, it makes you so weak eating so little
  22. summerseeker

    Always cold!!!!

    Lols I think your winter might be a UK summer
  23. summerseeker

    Nausea and Taste issues

    I remember that horrid taste. I just couldn't clean my teeth enough in a day. The taste in my mouth really gave me an aversion to eating some foods. When I could eat a better range of foods it got better. Are you on nausea meds? they really make my life better. I take them twice a day. I was miserable till I got the dose right. I also had to drop the iron from my multivitamin to stop nausea If you are struggling to eat, go back to your team and ask if you can maybe have 5 or 6 tiny meals instead or 3 bigger ones. You will be loads better real soon. People who say this is an easy option to weight loss just do not have a clue how hard we work to get healthy
  24. summerseeker

    Always cold!!!!

    I am sat on the sofa in my sock boots and loads of layers. I have a backup blanket. As soon as I stop moving, I need to layer up. Like everyone else I was so hot all the time, its still a weird feeling to be so cold Due to world problems our heating bills have quadrupled in the UK and its going to be an expensive winter even with help from the government. We haven't had a bitter freezing winter since forever, so fingers crossed for this year
  25. summerseeker

    Before and After Pics

    You look amazing, you must feel it too.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
