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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by summerseeker

  1. summerseeker

    Gastric bypass people

    Don't be scared, its only liquid you are on. Eat tiny mouthfuls and drink tiny sips. Try not to swallow air with your food and drink. Try warm drinks if cold ones bother your new tummy. It will get better soon
  2. summerseeker

    Low On Iron

    Sounds like you are having absorption issues. { sorry cant remember how to spell that} There is a person on here who can tell you about that What does your team say about you struggling to eat ?
  3. summerseeker

    Dumb questions

    Hello and congrats on your surgery date. If you have any questions, ask away, none are silly I had my hair dyed pre surgery. I had my bottom length hair cut twice. My long straight, hair made me look so much balder. Once to shoulder length then a very necessary pixie cut. I have lost hair at other times of my life when going through surgery so did not bother to try expensive treatments. I read others say nothing stopped the shedding so that was good enough for me I was already using a stick so continued with it for a while. Walking is recommended by everyone. I love it still. Try and keep people at a distance in the last two weeks, especially school children. I know this advice is a waste but its the only way you can be sure of no virus cropping up the last week before surgery. I bought a thermos cup to keep my drinks warm. My stomach would not tolerate cold drinks. Like hair loss, skin sagging after surgery is a matter of age, weight and genetics. I believe the chemists who have nothing to do with the cosmetic industry. They say nothing helps your skin regain its shape after loosing a ton of weight if you are a certain age and your skin has no elasticity left.
  4. summerseeker

    Getting gastric sleeve tomorrow

    Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. Advice - rest, sip, sleep, sip and repeat. hugs
  5. summerseeker

    Brain Fog after RYGB Surgery

    I don't think we give enough thought to how big this surgery is. Just because we are in hospital a short time, we think its less than it is, I did. The anaesthetic alone will make you woolly headed. If you are in any doubt, ask your team. You are doing so well with your liquids, WTG
  6. summerseeker

    Softs Go To Foods

    I found a good quality supermarket that did mini meals. I liked the minced meat and gravy topped with mashed potato. Fish pie and a mild minced meat curry and rice. There was plenty of protein in them. I also made a tummy friendly Moussaka with baked aubergine instead of fried. I make a lot of soup, big soup fans. Mushroom with added bacon, blitzed at the end with extra cheese and or a light cream. Pea soup or carrot, sweet potato and red lentil are also great because they are good and thick when blitzed and full of protein. As you can tell I had my surgery in our winter months and needed warming foods. I was allowed melba toast and cream cheese, pate or peanut butter. I had a ton of protein yogurts, soft scrambled and boiled egg, tuna mayo. Good luck with finding suitable foods, it is a bit of a head scratcher in the early days
  7. I had the most loathsome taste until I started eating better foods, defo ketosis as everyone has said. I too had lots of saliva, I take anti nausea medication and that helps. Occasionally my mouth fills with saliva and I know I will vomit. I have eaten too quick, eaten something my stomach objects to, overeaten or a few time I have come a cropper with pepper and grape skins getting stuck in my tiny tummy. I don't vomit food just foamy saliva. We call this the foamies. Go back to your team and get some more info if you need it. Hugs
  8. I had terrible problems drinking and eating enough in the first month. Lots of people do. Its huge surgery. Remember, shakes water, broth, soup and tea all add to your liquids. Don't doubt the process, it works. Have you tried tracking your calories to prove to yourself how little your calorie count is?
  9. summerseeker

    Just had surgery 2/14

    For some reason. the foods that I loved before surgery are the hardest to re incorporate into my diet. Salmon and chicken took me 13 months to begin to eat. Pasta is still a no-no for me. I made beef broth and could not eat it. Later on, at about 6 months out, I made it into the most delicious Pho. I am just in the middle of a flu bug and wishing I still had some in stock. Hold on to the liquid gold
  10. summerseeker

    Food Boredom

    You may not think you are criticizing but oh boy, you are.
  11. summerseeker

    Recovery TImes / Back to work

    I had a rough time. I had diarrhoea, nausea and swelling on my internal stitches. I stayed in the hospital 6 days. I was quite ill for a month. If I worked, it may have taken me 2 months to go back. While I have been on this site there have not been many who took so long to recover but it does happen. My age and disabilities didn't help.
  12. summerseeker

    Hurry up and wait some more

    We have to shrink our livers to aid the surgeon as it lies over the stomach. If its really fatty, it could tear when its moved aside to operate on our stomachs. This is one of the main reasons we do a pre op diet. Everybody on here had a different pre op diet, so you can not second guess what you will need to do. You need to be patient, we know its tough, we all wanted the surgery to be over and to get on with our new skinny lives. In the USA, caffeine and carbonation seem to be pet hates of the surgeons, so cutting back on these may help you a little if you are a lover but TBH as others have said, just wait. Read the back pages on here, they tell you so much.
  13. summerseeker

    Food Boredom

    I can relate to this. I had a period where I just did not want to eat. I had lots of yogurt replacement meals. Real food still didn't taste good to me and there were lots of foods I just couldn't stomach. Going on holiday kickstarted my appetite. Lots of different foods to try seemed to switch my taste buds on again. I love Asian foods and as I live in the back of beyond, if I want them, I have to cook them. I get so much inspiration from the pages - Food before and after. @Starwarsandcupcakes gave me miso [ never heard of it before] @Tomo does food I always want to eat, I drool looking at the photos. Hang in there, do your best to eat 'proper' foods at mealtimes. Skinny people skip meals all the time. Just get your teams goals in, as in protein etc.
  14. Hello and welcome in this forum. The good people here give the very best information and just when its needed. If you need to know anything just ask, good luck with your pre surgery consults
  15. summerseeker

    Just had surgery 2/14

    Yes it does get better, just hang in there. Take your pain meds and rest and then rest some more. Is it gas pain you are suffering with or pain from your incisions ? Another few days should see you feeling so much better. A little advice, hug a pillow when you try to rise.. You can get a wiper thingy but I am not sure if they get the job done.
  16. summerseeker

    Anyone willing...

    You are asking a very sensitive question and I believe you need to share your sensitive information too. If you are unwilling then I wouldn't
  17. summerseeker

    Any 50yo or older?

    Congrats on your up coming surgery. I had to crush some of my tablets. You need to chat to your doctor about this because some tablets react differently. I never did the puree stage. Just looking at it made me barf. Ground meats are not for me. I had yogurt and soft cheese and soft boiled eggs, mashed. I have heard people do baby food but I never even gave it to my children, TBH at the time it was out of my range due to costs, so its not something I know about.
  18. Me too. My partner has a disability so I would get his food and then go back for my own. Never, ever be seen carrying two at once. Now, meh, who cares, not me.
  19. summerseeker

    Complications 11 yrs after surgery

    If you have doubts at any time for any reason, pause your surgery until you feel the time is right. I asked my surgeon what the stats were and found my up and coming sleeve surgery was so much safer than the knee replacement that I also need.
  20. Like @catwoman7 I tell overweight people who genuinely want to know how I did it. Skinny people - I just say I do a low or no carb diet. If they say how much weight have I lost, I just say a lot and laugh or have I ? My family I tell the truth when ever I meet them. Its too late for them to have an opinion. I have found that nobody understands my tiny meals. Eating out is really tough.
  21. summerseeker

    Emergency Contraception

    I would ring your doc and ask. This pill cant hang about waiting for answers
  22. summerseeker

    Grazing, is this normal?

    I would say that I graze all day too. I still have a good restriction, especially where meats are concerned, so to get my protein and enough calories in, I eat tiny meals all day. If don't manage to eat it, I will go back to it later. Protein yogurt for breakfast, Homemade lentil and vegetable soup for lunch, cheese and fruit snack in the afternoon. Meat or fish and vegetables for evening meal, nuts and seeds watching TV and a glass of milk before bed. It works for me and my constipation
  23. I love a cross body handbag. My NSV is having to shorten the strap because the bag hangs way to low now that my back is so much thinner.
  24. Many people on here have said they are weighing heavier after their surgery and say its because they are pumped full of water to hydrate them for the weeks after when its tough to drink for many. So you are really lucky that you have no issues there. Water can weigh heavy so just give it time and this will pass! You feel like you are failing., Please don't. How many calories a day are you logging ? If you could have compared yourself to me at the same stage, I was lucky to get in 300 a day. I was so ill. My body was hanging onto every calorie it could get hold of. People were racing ahead of me BUT, in the end it didn't matter, as I healed my weight dropped. I got to where I am now happy with myself. Listen to the nurse, give yourself 6 months to a year to do this. Its not magic. You have to put lots of effort in to get to the weight you desire. You may also be in a early version of the dreaded 3 week stall. Hang in there and keep away from the scales if you can.

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