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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by summerseeker

  1. summerseeker


    I am so sorry that the worst thing has happened to you. No one would like this. You are all prepared and ready to go and wham ! its a no go. Keep doing what you are doing, you are amazing. You will soon get passed this setback. Big hugs
  2. summerseeker

    Weight Loss Patterns?

    Changing Chris, Hi. You re doing a huge amount of walking on a tiny amount of calories. You will crash and burn if you are not careful. Your body needs to keep the few nutrients you are giving it, hence no weight loss. Let your body heal and at least get on to real foods before you put the stress of any exercise on your body. You don't need to jump start the weight loss or cut corners, It will just happen while you rest and recover.
  3. summerseeker

    2 months post op and 4 week stall

    You said it all yourself - You are stressed, eating badly and not sleeping. Your body has to cope with all this on top of the massive surgery you have just had. Your body just can not cope with this and is holding on to every last calorie. Give yourself a pause, even if its only a half hour every day, your body will thank you. Shop for some good foods, begin to eat well. You are an athlete and know how to do this. Buy a good book and read it for a short while before sleep. { well it works for me} Has your team cleared you to be lifting weights ? To this non surgical person this activity seems very strenuous this early in your recovery. In other words - put yourself first for a while until you have the hang of this new stomach. Sleep Eat Drink repeat
  4. summerseeker

    Terrible pain incision site

    Hang in there Sherrie. It should get better soon. When you stand, hug a cushion. Take your pain killers. Rest and nap as much as possible Some people wear a binder
  5. summerseeker

    Food Before and After Photos

    I wish there was a drool emoji. I would use it all the time on this thread
  6. summerseeker

    Terrible pain incision site

    I don't know why your team will not see you now, mine would have. Try A and E. You should not be in pain now when you are this far out from surgery. I know we all have different pain thresholds but still ! You need some more pain killers and maybe a CAT scan or x-ray, just to make sure everything is ok for your peace of mind. I hope it gets fixed soon
  7. summerseeker

    So so SO annoyed right now!!!!

    Your stress levels must be on high alert. I really wished you could have had your happy ending by now. You are having such a rough ride. I hope your team get all their ducks in a row and begin to see sense. You deserve it.
  8. I am maybe a little more confident than you. I have learned over the years to act confident. My jobs needed a confident person, so like an actress I took over that role. The attention I get now amuses me as I am soon to be 64 and married 47 years. Only this week, I was stood waiting for a bus, totally wrapped up in my winter coat, leggings and boots. A 30ish cyclist went passed me and he almost fell off , craning his neck to look me up and down. He needed to put glasses on. I am way passed my sell by date
  9. summerseeker

    Food Before and After Photos

    Hiya, It you look at the top of the page, next to your name you will see - Create +. Drop down that box and choose Ticker. Then just choose the one you want
  10. summerseeker

    First time

    Hello and welcome. Any surgery is tough on mind and body in the first 2 weeks. Bariatrics take it to another level when we have to drink and all our new tiny stomach wants to do is eject it. Just do your best, I was told that would be ok for a few weeks. It took the pressure off somewhat. I must confess I did not do some vitamins for months. Get passed this week and you will feel better. Ring your team if you start to get overwhelmed with pain or nausea etc
  11. summerseeker


    Put on your heaviest shoes. Have loads of change in your pockets. Wear winter clothes. Sorry that's all I've got
  12. summerseeker

    Revision from VBG and the 2-wk blues

    Another hug from a virtual stranger. The blues you are feeling are seeping into your words. Hang in there, one more hour, do what you know you need too. You are over the worst. x
  13. summerseeker

    Hurry Up and Wait!

    I paid all the money. It still took 8 long months. It was during Covid, all the NHS hospitals were filled with Covid patients so many people were paying to go Private for all their surgery needs. I wanted the surgery SO badly that the waiting hurt. I have never been told that I am a patient person Had I lived in the US, my wait could have been less than a week in some cities.
  14. summerseeker

    1 year after Sleeve surgery...

    Your stats are amazing. Imagine loosing 3 inches off your neck. I wish I had done the measurements too.
  15. summerseeker

    Puréed Stage

    I just could never do the Puree stage, I made my own soups. I added lentils and bacon to vegetables and blitzed it. I added a little cream and found a texture that I could stomach. Just get through it the best you can, it doesn't last forever
  16. summerseeker

    Help, Anyone Have The Same Problem?

    Yes this was me too, its miserable. You need to go to the emergency room or contact your team and see if you are dehydrated, if you are they will put you on a drip. There are other things that will eventually make you feel better. Biotin spray is brilliant for that awful dry mouth You need to get some anti nausea medication, I take 2 a day, it helped a lot You need to up your liquids everyday, even if its only a little, once you get to your quota, this helps you feel better. The iron in the multivitamin may make you nauseous, I dropped it from my regime. I have never put it back into my vitamin regime because I have never needed it to date. So if this worked for me, it is not proven, I would have tried anything, I was so miserable. We all keep the large amount of acid our stomachs that we had before surgery, this does not help with nausea. Sleep in a recliner if you have one. I didn't, so I put a large book under the top of my bed and bought a wedge pillow Your first bowel movement is a doozy and TMI ALERT, I had to resort to rubber gloves, others have had to go to the ER and let the nurses deal with it. Once you get more liquid and food in you will manage better, plus then you will be able to get some constipation meds. As this medication pulls water into your bowel you can not take it yet. It would make you more dehydrated. I hope you feel better fast
  17. summerseeker

    Food Before and After Photos

    I have never used this button either. Time to find a new food. I digest cheese easily so its a no brainer. Thanks
  18. summerseeker

    Lbs lost in 2 week pre-op phase?

    Mine was 3 weeks and I lost an amazing 15 pounds
  19. summerseeker

    Calories 1 year post op

    My weight loss is slow now. I am trying to expand my menu so lots of different foods with different calorific values. So it may be up and down on any given day but my average is about 1300 this week.
  20. Hello and welcome. You do sound as if you have this sorted. You have to do a week more than me, Cruelty overload. It will fly by though. I did a lot of house cleaning and it was useful because I was so busy after fitting in my water and protein into the new days. Onwards and downwards
  21. summerseeker

    Food Before and After Photos

    I have had too search the internet for Labneh. I love fresh cheeses so would like to make this. Would you know if you start with full fat Greek or normal thin yogurt ?
  22. summerseeker

    New here!

    Hello and welcome. You are very wise not to weigh yourself everyday. The rate of weight lost is so stop start and stop again. If you have to go back to work then rest as much as you can around the work times. Snooze if you can, whenever you can. Leave the housework until next month, ignore it. Your first week back will be hard. Pack lots of little snack packs and lots of drinks.
  23. summerseeker

    7 weeks post op

    It a really hard ask when we have all done diets in the past and failed, but we only need to believe in the process. I was a doubter too. All you need to do is stick to your teams plan and have some patience. After you have stalled a few times and stay away from the scales as much, it will sink in that you are steadily loosing.
  24. summerseeker

    Two days post op

    I think the sleeve gives wonderful results, look at mine. I can not exercise beyond walking. Stick to your plan and you will be skinny in no time { well a year }
  25. summerseeker

    Best protein bar?

    I like the Amfit protein bars from Amazon 20grams of protein and 186 cals. I also like the Clif bars but they are less protein and more cals per bar

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
