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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by summerseeker

  1. I volunteer in a charity shop one day a week. Its great because I can always find something to take with me to gift and always leave with a 'bargain'. Its a win win for everyone
  2. summerseeker

    Am I The Only One Percent?

    I wish I could hug you, You are having it hard. If you are in the top 1% then maybe I make the 10% club. I had nausea quite bad for the first 8 months. I felt the same as when I was pregnant. I don't think it is / was as bad as you are suffering. I could eat tiny slivers of cheese. I could eat deli meat in tiny bits and jerky. I could eat Melba toast with soft cream cheese on it. I could also manage milk and peanut butter. So this is what I lived on. I never made my protein or even the liquid requirement. I never was able to take my calcium tablet. I survived but I was so lacking energy. My family were worried about me. There are still foods that revolt me like eggs, hummus and fish. I still eat a lot of dairy. I have no room for carbs. Slowly I began to eat a little more and then the nausea became less and less. I have a huge restriction, I can only eat 50 grams of meat. I eat 4 small meals a day, down from 5. I can not eat late at night because of severe GERD, waking with acid in your lungs is nasty. I can drink big gulps now which is a blessing. Just continue to eat what you can, when you can. Forget low calorie, try a big variety, some of it you might be able to keep down. Don't give up
  3. summerseeker

    Bony Butt

    I will take this any day because I had a butt shelf. You can not hide one of those
  4. summerseeker

    Bony Butt

    Me, me, me. I have to put a pillow between my knees now, I hate the bone on bone feeling. Jeez what a wonderful problem to have.
  5. I love that my jewellery fits. My wedding ring doesn't look like it belongs to a slimmer person and is squashed on my fat finger. On the clothing issue, I bought a few key items in a size down from Ebay and thrift shops as soon as I got into the size before. I bought summer coats in winter and visa versa, this saved me tons of money. I still buy second hand but have found a store I like and their range fits me well, so I buy somethings from them as well. Happy shopping
  6. summerseeker

    HORRIFIED of General Anesthesia

    In my lifetime anaesthesia has come such a long way . In 1997 I was told I could never have it again because I had such a bad reaction to it. Yet things have moved on so far its really as safe as can be. In 2010 I was put in a induced coma for three weeks. It saved my life. I had zero effects from my sleeve surgery, it took 3 hours due to lots of scar tissue from former abdominal surgeries. I had no gas issues or pain. Ask to speak with the anaesthetist. They will put you at ease. Ask for a pre med. You will be fine. My only issue is the socks they make you wear. Super sexy - not.
  7. I don't know what's wrong with what you ate. I am allowed to eat everything. I just can not eat potato, rice and pasta. I have sugar free sweets on occasion. My hubby is diabetic so we always have them in the house. I drink strawberry milk every week on my dieticians advice, to up my calorie intake and give me a little energy boost. You said you had crust less pizza, so that's ham, pineapple and melted cheese ? I do not see anything wrong with that. I do not have to count carbs so I can not say its good or bad. I choose to count calories and my protein intake. Just to make sure I am honest. I am up to 1200 calories a day and 80 grams of protein Speak to your team, do you need to be so restricted that you feel you are cheating or sabotaging yourself when you are just eating what seams to me to be ok food choices ? As @Fred in Pa says fill up with protein, before and after exercise. My dietician would say eat some nuts. We all need to find our own way eventually. I really don't want to be the old me who thought all foods were bad unless they were an undressed salad. I just want to eat a lot less than I did.
  8. summerseeker

    Happy with your dietician?

    I have been so lucky with my dieticians. Right from the get go, pre surgery, I was given their mobile numbers for questions. They have done everything I needed them to. I have another 6 months of care with them and I will miss them checking in with me. I really do believe you deserve and need a good team behind you because all this is new and takes some getting used too. I needed so much help and plenty of advice early on. If your dietician is not up to the job then I believe you need to tell your surgeon because you need the best and he/ she may not know that they are not up to the mark
  9. I have just returned from a three week holiday in Greece and I am exactly the same weight as when I set off. In my past I could add 7 -14 pounds to my weight. I walked around in my swimwear and did not need to hide behind a towel. So liberating
  10. summerseeker

    What Made You Smile Today?

    For the first time in my life, I love my legs. I used to have tree trunks and fat ankles and now they look so right. Made me so happy today just looking at them. I have taken so many photos of them. Sent from my Lenovo TB-J606F using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. summerseeker

    Excersise is my major lifestyle change?

    We all had different diets to follow and some are very extreme, others less so. In the end we all get to the same point and we are cut off from our teams. Mine will be two years after surgery. My point being we all have to go it alone and do the best we can. What we eat or don't eat is down to us. We will do our own policing and sink or swim that will be that. On this site there are real achievers who have kept their weight off and others who reappear for a brief time asking for help to loose their gained weight. We don't know the whole story, did they eat carbs? Or did they eat greasy foods? Did they eat chocolate and biscuits? I am not denied carbs, I just can not eat them. 1 tablespoon of potato, pasta or bread fills my stomach for hours and oh boy does it feel heavy. I used to love pasta and noodles but I don't really miss them now. It just restricts my restaurant choices when away from home. I think I will be a scale watcher and a calorie counter in the future. You will work it out. Give yourself time to relearn everything you ever knew about food and your stomach. Sent from my Lenovo TB-J606F using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. summerseeker

    Puking my guts out today :(

    It depends with me, if I am at home I will wait it out. It once lasted 6 hours. Sometimes it passes and other times it doesn't. If it happens when I am out then I will make myself vomit. I can do it quietly, then I can join in the fun again with my family or friends. My worst time was after some mussels that were too greasy. Can not face them again yet. Just this week I was lounging on my holiday sunbed after lunch and I was a little uncomfortable, I burped and projectile vomited a strawberry milkshake, not nice. Obviously too sugary for me. I am still learning what does and doesn't start me off. It would help if it was the same foods every time but one day it's ok for say chicken then not the day after. I am not able to drink when I have it and if it lasts a while then I get very thirsty. I think you will sort it out in a way that's best for you to shift it. Sent from my Lenovo TB-J606F using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. I thought I would be way too embarrassed about my skin too but here I am on holiday in Europe and not really giving two hoots about it. It's so much easier than trying to hide my fat body away from everyone's eyes or thinking black hid everything. At some point I will get my arms done but when that will be, I don't know Sent from my Lenovo TB-J606F using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. I had thought about it for years and even asked a doctor about it once but he poo pooed the idea and referred me to yet another dietitian. I lost the usual 5 stone after two years of hard work. This weight came back slowly, so I did weight watchers, 5 stone off again, slimming world, ditto. Always struggling to keep it off and always on a diet. Stopped smoking, had a bad accident and gained 5 stone. People began to stare at me. Getting very embarrassed Then Covid, gained more. Became Diabetic. Had frightening chest pounding when exerting myself a tiny bit. I became aware that the UK government had me in isolation because I was obese not because I had COPD. I did this to myself and my husband who had to isolate with me. When we were finally let out I was too embarrassed to go out and found it Impossible to get around a supermarket. No clothes fit me anymore. It would have taken me years to gain enough mobility to make any difference and help me to diet again. Rang my nearest private clinic and tada! Job done. Sent from my Lenovo TB-J606F using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. summerseeker

    Puking my guts out today :(

    The foamies are real. Kaiser need to tell their patients the truth. It is scary when you do not know what to expect Sent from my Lenovo TB-J606F using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. summerseeker

    Finally made it to onederland

    You look so good and you still have your hair. Congratulations Sent from my Lenovo TB-J606F using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. summerseeker

    dating AND PICTURES from week 1 til now

    You look amazing, be proud of your achievements and let's hope the complimentary hits continue until you find the right one for you. Sent from my Lenovo TB-J606F using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. Hello Shelley, I am so sorry you are suffering in this manner. It's not what you paid for and you need better care. Go to A & E. Ask them to see if you may have a stricture. You are in the right time frame for one. It sounds like it as you are struggling to swallow anything. If this is the case then it's an easy fix. If you can not get a prescription from a doctor then ask at A& E for one for Lansoprasol, preferably twice a day. I take this for nausea and to help with acid reflux. I also take Gaviscon before bed to stop the reflux. I have a wedge pillow under my pillows to hoik my head higher than my belly. Books under the top of the bed work too. You will learn to sleep like this. It's difficult at first. Better than the reflux though. You are dizzy because your calorie count is lower than low. I had to come off my blood pressure medication at this point too. stand up slowly and always hold on to something to steady yourself. Your poop is that colour because you are getting rid of the fat cells, I didn't fart for a year so I can not help with that one. You can get Windeeze tablets at the chemist that could help. I really hope you sort it asap x Sent from my Lenovo TB-J606F using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. Don't forget a glass of milk twice a day and a greek yogurt or two and some good cheese will get you to 60 grams of protein. In the Netherlands the norm for breakfast is eggs, ham, yogurt and peanut butter with toast. Sent from my Lenovo TB-J606F using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. summerseeker

    Little to no weightloss

    The answers simple, keep off the scales. Just keep going, what have you got to loose but weight Sent from my Lenovo TB-J606F using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. I am in Greece at the moment and am surprised by how much protein focused items that are available in the supermarkets. I am having some delicious protein yogurts that are way better than at home. I don't do shakes but there are masses of them here too. Good quality brands too. I am sure that France will be the same. You will get good soups like consommé and, fish and stews. Omelettes, eggs cheese and milk are great go to foods. Enjoy yourself Sent from my Lenovo TB-J606F using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. I don't know how far along you are. If you are really finding it hard to be without food in the evening then find things that fit your calorie limit. I always have a snack in the early evening. I am helped by having GERD because I can not eat for 2 hours before bed. It depends on my calorie intake for the day - as to what I eat. Sometimes its the remnants of my last meal that I could not manage earlier. If I am low on calories, I will have some blue cheese and fruit. If I am low on protein, then its a protein yogurt or pudding. There are always sugar free ice lollies in the freezer and small single serve packets of popcorn in the cupboard and melon in my fridge.
  23. summerseeker

    Are plastics worth it?

    Thank you for the thread OP, and thanks for the honest answers. I am deciding what to have done at the moment. My arms are a mess so I think they will be going to the surgeon first. I keep forgetting about the waggly skin and they flop about under my clothes.
  24. summerseeker

    Surgery was 04/04/23

    Congratulations on doing so well. You have managed the worst part now and you can begin the hard work of re learning to eat and 'fitting into the normal world'. Don't try to rush things and continue to rest if you can
  25. summerseeker

    African Beauty

    Hello Zimk8a, Congratulations on starting the life altering journey. You have found a great forum with tons of experience and help. Just ask if there is anything you need to know or read the back pages to pass the time

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
