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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by summerseeker

  1. This is a good thread because I am facing this dilemma as well. All winter this skin did not bother me at all because it was well wrapped up. Now its summer and I am having to keep my arms covered. Will I have this painful surgery ? I really don't know. All the time I ponder it the cost is sure to increase. And can you just get arms done and nothing else ? Would it look silly ?
  2. summerseeker

    Pre-op diet for revision starts on the 22nd!!

    I love this new photo of you. After all you have gone through you look so happy. Second pre op diet, you will smash it after all its much shorter than your previous one. You have so got this
  3. summerseeker

    Too close to the ER today (long post)

    It depends on your Surgeon. In Europe it is not a issue if you want to drink sensibly
  4. summerseeker


    I have just had a drink too quickly after my meal and I am struggling with the foamies. I have to wait at least an hour after food, even this long after my sleeve. I will either burp loudly and shift the blockage or vomit and thats the way my life is now
  5. Are you wanting this to replace a meal or as a biscuit, chocolate bar replacement. ? Have you asked your team can you have these things ? When did you have your surgery ? Or are you pre op ?
  6. summerseeker

    Update about gastric sleeve complications

    Thank you for getting back to us. People tend to ask for answers on here, and then don't update. Nervous people get a one sided idea of the pitfalls of doing this surgery and all they see are the problems. I am happy to hear you are doing great now.
  7. Hello Kathy, I was 62 when I had the surgery, almost at the point of being fully disabled. So I had to start from the back. Building my fitness took me 6 to 9 months. My calorie intake was so low, about 300 cals a day till 6 months. I soon realised doing any exercise on so little food was not going to happen. I took it slow, just walking when I had the energy. Sleep/ take a short nap when you need to Leave your chores, focus on yourself. Anything else will come when it happens, we are not spring chickens anymore. My brain thinks I am 27 but I still run out off energy and need to top up my food and drinks before I feel ok again.
  8. Yes so true and having no back fat rolls which I found more embarrassing than my stomach
  9. Yes it will pass. I had diarrhoea as soon as I came around from surgery. I had 6 days in hospital. Its big surgery and we somehow don't realise this when we think we only stay in hospital 1 day. Don't despair. It is rough for many off us in the beginning. The first weeks are such a learning curve and add some pain and discomfort into the mix, many of us had major regrets. Hang in there
  10. summerseeker

    Any suggestions on baby food flavors

    I just couldn't eat baby food. Maybe puree chunky soups would have more flavour.
  11. summerseeker

    The line that stuck with you...

    I dont have a 'good' but 'bad' was Slimming world, they said I could eat as much rice, pasta and noodles as I wanted and I did. Then later on down the line the woman said you must be eating the wrong foods, you are not loosing weight. I followed that diet religiously, it broke my heart all those weeks not loosing and not knowing why
  12. summerseeker

    Happy 64th to me!

    Amazing, thank you for sharing, I had my 64th last week too. My new body feels so much younger but my knees give me away.
  13. summerseeker

    Gaining weight

    The steroids will have contributed to your weight gain, nasty things, I detest them. To drop some weight eat Vegetables and salads with low fat meats and fish. Try and contain any fats used in cooking and use fat free sauces/ mayonnaise etc. Try not to eat carbs other than the ones in fruit and veg. So no breads, pasta, rice, potatoes. Dont drink anything other than sugar free drinks, tea and coffee without sugar or use a saccharine. Low fat dairy is fine. No snacks other than sugar free popsicle's Its basically what you will eat after surgery. Good luck
  14. summerseeker


    Hello and welcome. One day very soon you will wake up and your bad symptoms will have disappeared. Its amazing. I feel as if I have had a new life, I gallop around now and do stuff that I never thought possible. Once you are through the early rough patch and are on real food again you will already know you made the right decision. Congratulations on starting the whole new version of you
  15. summerseeker

    1 year post op sleeve

    I really do this too. I feed my left overs to the birds, I live in a first floor flat and as soon as my lounge window opens they wait for it to land on the grass. In the past, we never had left overs as I ate everything, its such a novelty.
  16. summerseeker


    Welcome in this great forum. You will be on the other side of the op before you know it. August is so near. I believe there is a August thread you could join. I read lots of the back pages of this forum and it gave me a lot of knowledge I needed later. If you have any questions just ask. As we are world wide, there is always someone here.
  17. summerseeker

    Stalling every 2-3 weeks

    Yes as @Hop_Scotch says, anything your body does is normal. Try and stay off the scale. It is really flummoxing to stall early on because you always believe you are doing something wrong.
  18. Tiny amounts of yogurt, cream cheese, peanut butter and banana blitzed in milk, strained soups etc
  19. summerseeker

    Getting plastics tomorrow!

    Good luck and I hope you heal quickly.
  20. summerseeker

    Hungry and Failing, 11 days Post-op

    There is nothing wrong with eating every 2-3 hours, I did. My team suggested this so I could get some extra calories in. For example, I would make up some egg salad and tuna salad. I would alternate these with some cheese and a small piece of fruit and a protein yogurt. In between I would drink milk or coffee made with milk [ I was allowed coffee] Early on my diet was loaded with dairy. Not every ones cup of tea I know. Work with the regime you have been given, its worth it in the end This is easy prep for you with such a heavy work load. I would also get in some tinned soups bearing in mind tomato soup is very acidic on your new stomach and it may bounce about. I found some low cal popsicles to have at other times. At about 3 months when your stomach is healed your restriction will kick in and then you get the full feeling of this surgery. Nearly every one feels bad in the beginning. Remorse and regret are the usual symptoms we say in the forum at this time, I did. It is a big surgery and takes a lot of getting used to. Just white knuckle it
  21. summerseeker

    What Made You Smile Today?

    My scale chugged down 2 pounds this morning. At over 18 months out and still loosing is so pleasing. I had a two month stall in March and April, I thought my run was over but no, its still going down. I think I will have this smug smile on my face all day.
  22. My surgeon only believes in natural foods. Pre op and post op I drank full skimmed milk, Greek yogurts and soft cheeses.
  23. summerseeker

    Sweeteners after gastric sleeve

    You should always clear things that you are unsure about with your team. No team has the same pre op or post op diet regime. Nothing was off my food list even real coffee, lucky me. Some people find that they react badly to some sweeteners, its a bit of a trial and error process. My husband is diabetic so I just use what he has
  24. summerseeker

    Vaping and WLS

    As an ex smoker, I can tell you that giving up smoking is not the cause of weight gain. Smoking takes up a lot of time in the day and you have to fill this time with a healthier habit. You have every reason to want to stay on the right path. Its going to be tough for a few weeks but it will be worth it
  25. summerseeker


    Once you loose some weight and begin to get more active you will tire yourself out. You may have a lower sugar diet than before and less carbs so you will naturally have less energy. Your meds may not be absorbing the same as before. Its all a new learning curve and some people think its a easy option! To change your status - Go to the top to the page, where your name is. Click on the little down triangle. You get some options, choose surgery.

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