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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by summerseeker

  1. summerseeker

    1 Day Post Op

    Congratulations on your surgery. Walk and drink and rest are the order of the day. Yes I had Blood thinner injections. They are easy to do but can be a bit stingy. The bruising on my belly looked brutal but its to be expected. I was supposed to take them for a month [I think] but binned the last week. I
  2. summerseeker

    No restriction!

    You won't get judged on here. Its not that kind of place
  3. In a little while you will realise that you have had a very lucky escape. They have treated you so very badly. Please name and shame them. You have every right. You are crying and so upset because you are grieving the loss of this surgery. You wanted it so much, you feel as if your heart is broken. I would have been the same. Go and see your own doctor and get a new surgeon asap.
  4. summerseeker

    No restriction!

    Hi Zena, Did you eat them in one meal or over the day ? You could make them sloppy enough to slide on through but 5 ? You need to go back to your team and get the dieticians advice because that's what we paid for. I am still under their umbrella until my 2 years are up On the subject of your restriction, Your nerves have been severed along with 9/10th of your stomach. Until they knit back together you will not feel the real restriction. Around this time you should be onto real foods, meats and such, you will certainly get the full feeling. Even now my restriction is fierce, 50 grams of meat will be all I can manage in one go.
  5. summerseeker

    Easy way out

    I was always told that women should be good to other women. In truth I found it just rarely happens. For what ever reason this person needed to feel better than you and really put you down. That is on her, not you. She is part of the problem and not the answer. People on here rarely tell anyone but immediate family about their surgery. I only told my husband and son. People have no clue what is involved. Thin people have no idea what a fat persons life is like. They have never walked in our shoes. You will find good advice on here and really good knowledge. It will be great to get to know you
  6. I have found them, thank you for the idea. I will have to think about wearing those. Not too expensive either
  7. My weight and other related illnesses made me so disabled, that hoovering a room was my exercise for the day. Vegetables were chopped sitting down. My life was indoors. After I lost about 70lbs and summer came to my part of the world, I started walking. It was so hard to gain enough stamina to walk into our small market town but I eventually did it. I am not allowed to drive anymore due to bad vision so I walk everywhere and anywhere. I volunteer in a charity store and go on day long shopping trips with friends. I still find it amazing that I can do so many things again. I knew I would get loose skin. My age was always against me. After menopause all the elasticity in my skin disappeared. My problem now is that I have masses of loose skin. I look great with clothes on but look shocking butt naked. I really want to go back to the pool which I loved pre covid but hate the idea of showing this new body now. I am sure the skin holds me back more than the 150lbs ever did ! If I had the money to have all the skin surgeries then I would but as I can only afford arms I wonder if its worth bothering.
  8. You have been royally messed around with, that's for sure. We do not go into this surgery on a whim and all of us have had pre op nerves before the day. Its because we are human. You have the worst team going, they have kept you out of the loop at every turn. They are treating you like a number, not a person and You are right to be livid. Your nerves are sure to be super jangling. The fact that you have begun the pre op diet gives you a chance to go ahead but I think you need to contact them and tell them of your fears, if they are any good then they should put you at ease There are people on here who have backed out and are glad they did. If they are around they will post. We are a kind bunch and will help you with any choice you make. Keep us posted
  9. summerseeker

    There are some days...

    Its a thing with me too. On the occasions that I am not hungry, I don't eat. Then the opposite, I eat protein dense foods to satisfy my hunger I think that if I had always been a slim woman then it wouldn't be an issue. Eat, don't eat meh!
  10. Every person who does the pre op diet in any of its forms will struggle. Its brutal. You are over the worst and you just need to white knuckle the rest of your time to surgery. After surgery, for the first two weeks drinking is a full time job and only a few people manage 'food' So don't worry about the afters. Hang in there, we did it, so you can too
  11. summerseeker

    Losing weight before surgery - how

    This was my question too
  12. summerseeker

    What the h*ll is going on?!?!

    Apparently we have the same amount of stomach acid as before. Its not the most pleasant start to your new you. I had huge regrets. I am on twice daily nausea meds and anti acid nasty stuff called Gaviscon. It does get more tolerable. Get your bed higher at the head end, I used books. I bought a wedge pillow and learned to sleep higher. For a whole month I had to sleep sitting up. I was told to eat what I could, I was on about 300 cals a day for months , I survived but my family worried about me. I had so much internal swelling on my stitch line. I though I had a stricture but it wasn't. One lady on here lived on mashed potato and gravy. I had tiny slivers of hard cheese and drank very slowly, coffee made with milk, banana and peanut butter with milk whizzed in my blender and tinned soup, strained. I felt like I was pregnant again, everything made me gag. I never met my liquid goals for months . Then I could and I began to feel so much better. Hang in there. You have joined the unlucky 1% club
  13. summerseeker

    You can't tell me NOTHIN!!! lol

    You look so healthy and glowing, you have gone through so much to get where you are. Huge Congratulations sent
  14. summerseeker

    Still in hospital in HELL

    Are you on a drip ? It would be medically critical for you. This will keep you hydrated. Ask to see your surgeon.
  15. summerseeker

    First real food? Cherries!!

    Last week for the first time, was the very first time I have been able to tolerate salmon. Before it was my very fav food, now its a bit blah. I am fine with it raw but cooked its way too rich, Hope you have better luck than me
  16. summerseeker

    Eating too much 6 days post op RNY

    Fish is wickedly expensive here too and as we dont live on the coast its never totally fresh. Beef steak can be cheaper than cod.
  17. summerseeker

    Eating too much 6 days post op RNY

    Yes the sugar tax is a thing, Anything with more than recommended levels are taxed. Things like Sugary sweets, cakes, biscuits, cereals and fizzy drinks. If you buy the diet version its cheaper. Its a choice you make at the check out. Many suppliers have reduced the sugar in their products which can only be a good thing in the long run.
  18. summerseeker

    Eating too much 6 days post op RNY

    In the UK we call these Melba toast and I was allowed these. They are slider foods though. To us French toast is Good bread dipped in beaten egg and fried and topped with sugar. Vive la difference.
  19. summerseeker

    Eating too much 6 days post op RNY

    Congratulations on your surgery and doing so well. In Europe we seem to be given a little less rules and strict regulations than our forum friends based in the USA. Your team do seem to have the most laid back approach that I have come across. I had 4 -6 weeks of baby type foods until my stomach was healed and went on to normal foods. 1. Ask your team because everyone has a surgeon with a different idea of what a pre op or post op diet should be. 2. I had a wicked restriction so only managed 300 calories for the early months. 1200 - 1500cals a day is where I am now. It doesn't really help you because your team may want you on much more. 3. Many foods are slider foods. Cake, biscuits, crackers, chocolate etc. You will not feel any restriction eating these. They just slide on through. 4. At about 6 to 12 weeks, your real restriction will kick in. It happens when your stomach has healed and your nerves begin to knit together again. Hydration is a different matter all together, if you can eat so many calories ? why can you not drink enough?? It just does not make any sense. We are told to drink up to an hour before meals and wait one hour after to drink again. In the early stages drinking is a 24 hour occupation, it is tough. Take little sips at every opportunity, day and night. Try hot, cold and frozen drinks. I was allowed coffee, so had lattes. Great protein.
  20. summerseeker

    Peanut butter during 14 day liquid diet

    My surgeon did not agree with protein shakes and had me on skimmed milk. Pre and post surgery. I put unsweetened peanut butter in my blender with half a banana and milk as a milk shake. BTW, UK milkshakes come with out ice cream and whipped cream. Loads of protein, inexpensive and delicious.
  21. summerseeker

    Did I eat too much?

    My restriction has been fierce and only in the last 3 months am I able to get in some veg/ salad/ fruit with every meal. This last month has also seen me able to add in some carbs. I still can not drink with my food for up to an hour after. My meal tonight was 2 small homemade lean ribs in a barbecue sauce, a salad the size of my hand with seeds and nuts and a new seasons potato about the size of a golf ball. My point is, if you are like me, once your restriction kicks in then your worries about carb intake will not matter straight away. You wont be eating them.
  22. summerseeker

    GERD/Gastritis with Gastric Sleeve

    I never had GERD before surgery but have it now and its a pain. If I eat too late then I suffer all night. It keeps me honest. Fat without GERD made me miserable, Thinner with GERD, very happy
  23. summerseeker

    Dollar Tree Finds

    I imagine your Dollar tree shops are the same as the Pound shops we have in the UK. If this is the case then you can never find the same thing twice. If you are pre surgery just buy a few things, as another person says - you may find the taste disgusting after surgery.
  24. summerseeker

    Did I eat too much?

    Your team are your go to here because we all have very different surgeons with totally different ideas on what we should be eating at any given part of this surgery. No two plans are the same Once you are on real foods as to soft foods and your restriction kicks in, then you will have a better idea what your intake will be. Protein will fill you { BTW you are doing great with the amount of protein you can manage ] If your team has given you no guide lines then do not worry. I was told to do what I could. Protein first, Veg second and carb last if there is room. Your carb intake looks fine to me, its a tiny amount. Do not use any other persons plan to the minutest detail. They may have to restrict their carb intake but you may be free to taste them.

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