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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by summerseeker

  1. summerseeker

    Amazed at what my body can do now

    My old carcass is no longer carrying another person around. I share your joy every day.
  2. summerseeker

    Food Before and After Photos

    Yum. Worthy of a magazine cover.
  3. summerseeker

    Regular Diet

    Do you feel your restriction yet ? This is my account after the restriction. I did not get to real foods for 12 weeks and I really struggled with meat protein. Depending on what the food was - yogurt, I would not wait anything like a minute. I took tiny spoonful's. With other foods especially warm foods I would eat the few small bites I could and when the food was cold I would put my food away and come back to it later. I hated to eat food that had gone really cold waiting for me to eat. My surgery was in winter and I was frozen to my bones. A lot of the time my food went into the bin because I had eaten enough
  4. If you put Slider foods in the search box at the top of the page it will give you thousands of forum questions and answers. These answers are more reliable than google IMHO
  5. If you don't find the info you want then here goes ... Slider foods are all the good stuff. Chocolate, ice-cream, cream cakes, biscuits, sweets and crisps. All high calorie and really easy to eat lots and lots of. If you ate these all day for a week then you will gain. For some reason these foods do not fill the stomach up. 50 grams of protein, meat, chicken, will fill me up but I managed to scoff a whole 100 gram, M&S cream and apple turnover and it did not touch the sides, had there been another, I might have been very tempted. I don't have bad stuff in the house normally but it happens
  6. summerseeker

    ESG in the UK

    Yep me, I am in the UK and had the Sleeve. I chose Spire. I liked the package they offered and the fact that its near me. You need to go back to them a lot. Once I met my surgeon I knew my choice was right for me. He really made me feel safe and in good hands
  7. I cant say for everyone but I was not able to eat beyond my stomachs capacity. I did not try the slider foods. Still can not. When you are healed enough to get the full signal, about 6 - 8 weeks out, if you have one mouthful more it will sit in your chest like a brick. You will probably become very nauseous and will be unable to drink for hours till you have got rid of the extra food. It will be a very unpleasant feeling. There is no way that I can eat when I feel this way. As for worrying if it was the right decision ? yep I did. Its lots of money to take away from the family. It cost me over £12.000 so that would have been lots of holidays they would miss. It was a huge leap into the unknown for me. All I knew was at my age and size my heart was struggling with the most simple household tasks. Then they told me I was diabetic .... no brainer anymore. I booked a appointment with the surgeon the same week. Everything has failed for all of us before. Doctors now believe that Bariatric surgery is the only way to keep weight off. I am not at maintenance yet so can not say if its easy to do it but I know it takes work and regular monitoring. I am overjoyed that I was able to do this. I am a different woman now. TBH I feel blessed
  8. summerseeker


    I am struggling with this too. My local doctor want me at less than 140 lbs. My family and friends are already saying I have to stop loosing as I am already too thin. I don't tell of anyone of any weight loss now. It is a slow trickle now anyway. I have gone down to a UK size 14 and to me skinny would be a size 6 - 8. I have been fat all my life, do former fat people really have bigger bones ? or is it a myth ?
  9. summerseeker

    Thinking of getting Gastric sleeve

    Why don't you enjoy food ? I may only eat small amounts but I delight in each mouthful. These days I choose quality over quantity. And why are you constantly sick ? Are you taking nausea medications, eating slowly, not overeating, gained a food allergy. This forum may be able to help you with this
  10. summerseeker

    Hi, New to the app

    Doh, I hope you understand this as some info is under your question and the rest is where it should be underneath.
  11. summerseeker

    Hi, New to the app

    Go to your name at the right of the page. Click on the down triangle. Choose Tickers from the options. That gives you the progress chart under your posts
  12. summerseeker

    Hi, New to the app

    Congratulations, not long to wait now.
  13. I had my surgery in the winter. I was cold straight away. The only time that I am in a comfortable temperature is when it gets to 35 + degrees. I have no need for Air con. My poor husband sits in his underwear in the house I wear base layers all year round. This summer I have rarely put my boots away. I have never worn thermal underwear, socks, slipper boots, gloves, scarves, jumpers or big coats before. The bonus is that I make good pastry now, pastry loves cold hands
  14. There are not many rules that we all share as every team has a different outlook on this surgery. Drinking whilst eating is a constant. You are just washing the foods through your stomach. This just means that you are able to eat more and your body is getting very little benefit from what you eat. Especially when you are on puree or soft foods. As the others have said your restriction will kick in soon. I sneezed early on.
  15. summerseeker

    Weight gain

    You know how to do this. Contact your team. What advise have you been given ? Mine is so simple. 1200 to 1500 cals Number 1, Protein 2. Vegetables and if you have room in your stomach, 3. Carbs Track your foods and drinks in a website, I use My fat secret or My fitness Pal Move more
  16. You have had the roughest ride of all of us. Your body is saying enough, I need a holiday. Let it go to the beach. Eat well, exercise to a limit that will not tax your body. Kick back and look at how far you have come I am a great believer of being relaxed about the whole new lifestyle. I am not on a diet. What I do now, I will be able to continue with for the rest of my life. I don't push anything. I don't change the way I do anything, I have watched people do extreme diet and exercise and to be honest it has never worked for them. They fall off the regime that's too much to hard to stick too. I just stick to my teams advice. At the moment they want me to up my calcium and keep below 1500 cals. I don't lose for months and then I clunk down 5 lbs a time. Then the long stall starts again. On here I was advised that a 3 month stall meant that I was doing stuff wrong. The person who said this had not had the surgery and not walked in our shoes. I didn't take offence but oh boy is that person going to have a shock when they get into a stall. Its not all about a calorie deficit.
  17. summerseeker

    4 week Post-op feeling down

    We all have the regrets at some point, its a whole new world. You need to give yourself a pat on the back for getting to a month out. I promise it will get better very soon. I did not appreciate how big a surgery it was TBH. It is a massive learning curve. Use your team when you need to, that's what they are there for. As we all have been given different regimes we do not know what yours entails Lots of us can not make the liquid or protein goals. As soon as you can, you will feel so much better. Try your hardest to get the liquid in. Hot, cold or frozen. It doesn't matter which, just sip all day long. Lots of us still take drinks to bed too. One day you will be able to drink easier. Your internal stitch line will calm down and the swelling will dissipate. Then you can take bigger mouthfuls. Lots of liquid without food will made you nauseous too. Apparently we have the same amount of stomach acid as pre surgery and this rises [GERD] when we sleep lying flat. If this is a problem, try propping yourself on pillows, a bed wedge helped me. I had to drop the iron in my vitamins, it made me super nauseous. Don't be afraid to go back a step if the next step is too far for you at the moment. I never did puree, just looking at it made me heave. You are not alone on this site, We will help you all we can
  18. My team told me to drink more milk, cheap, natural and great protein
  19. summerseeker

    Let's Talk About Maintenance

    Following, thanks
  20. summerseeker

    Best way to get protein

    At almost 2 years out I can almost eat anything. Some meals are always the same. Breakfast is always Greek yogurt and berries. My lunch is usually a bit like pick and mix - a bit of a few things, Which could be a selection of these, Smoked salmon, deli meats, burrata, cashew nuts, walnuts, blue stinky cheese, any fruit, tuna, boiled egg or any left over from a previous meal. The evening meal is usually food cooked from scratch for the family with carbs that I can not fit in my stomach yet, casseroles, roasts, pies, stews. I eat what I can. Later in the day I either eat my meals, left overs or have a protein bar or a protein yogurt. My protein is about 80 grams a day now and my calories are between 1200 and 1500
  21. summerseeker

    Blood work

    I have not had any at the private hospital where I had my surgery. At my local doctors, they are done with your yearly tests unless you have any issues
  22. summerseeker

    Goal Weights

    I had no idea how far this surgery would take me. I also didn't want to dream too high. I had crashed and burned to many times before. I thought that if I lost 60lbs then that would equal what I managed to loose once with Slimming World and again with Weight Watchers and again under my doctor. I smashed through that target very quickly. Then 100lbs came and went. I used to watch the Greatest looser and always wanted to say I was in onderland as I don't ever remember being that weight. My scales clunked down to that dream target too. Now, I am in a place that I am happy in my body. I could happily stop loosing but very occasionally the scales go very slowly down. I posed your question to this forum a while ago. Many answered and told me that my body would tell me when it was at the right weight. It seems like it will. BTW, My NHS doctor wants me under 140lbs but the NHS here will not remove my loose skin so they can go fish . My surgeon and his team are over the moon with my progress. I know I paid for my own surgery but they could have turned me away, I was very unfit. I will always be grateful to them. Good luck at achieving any weight you decide on
  23. Go to your local doctor and ask him / her to look into this for you. You need a second opinion as others have said. Your own doctor will find you one. If you do not have faith in the original ones, run away. A regular stricture is an easy fix and I am so sorry that you are having so many problems
  24. summerseeker

    Olive Oil and butter

    If you didn't know, Ghee is just butter with the solids taken out. It burns at a higher temperature. Do what the Asians do - make it yourself with regular butter. Much cheaper
  25. summerseeker

    Do you have a piercing?

    I have my ears pierced 4 times and a nose piercing. I love jewellery. I am thinking about a tragus piercing, I love the look

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
