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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by summerseeker

  1. My package had a 2 year lifespan. I could see them every month if I needed to and I did in the beginning. That lasted about 9 months because I had some problems. The last year was 2 x quarterly and a last check in at 2 years for my pat on the back. I enjoyed my visits because I did well at weight loss, unlike weight watchers etc where I would just stall for months on end. All the while enduring the ritual non humiliation/ seething jealousy that these groups use to motivate
  2. summerseeker

    Weightloss Stall

    Is there a reason why you are so very restricted. 400 calories a day is very low. Your body thinks its starving and it is. It will be a stall for that reason. It will break when its ready. There is nothing you can do but add more calories.
  3. summerseeker

    Liver Shrinkage Diet struggles

    Here we have Bovril in jars and cubes. I forgot about these. A different flavour low cal drink. I had them after surgery because it was winter and wicked cold.
  4. I didn't know this but apparently our hormones live inside fat cells. We are rapidly shedding fat early on. This old 60+ woman felt like I was pregnant. My hormones were woken with a bang. It makes women extremely fertile. Periods go haywire and moods are up and up and then very down. Our bodies are so strange.
  5. summerseeker

    Liver Shrinkage Diet struggles

    Yes, It is a cheat and off plan but they do not have much in them 10 cals I think. Asda have children's rocket lollies that have very few cals in. I still have them every day. If they would ok a raw carrot or celery just so you can chomp on something, would make things better. Be strong, We are all here for you whenever you need us. Its that kind of forum x
  6. This is the first time in 4 years on this forum that I ever heard of a leak. It must be rare. This surgery is so safe these days. Stop frightening yourself reading about stuff that might never happen.
  7. summerseeker

    Liver Shrinkage Diet struggles

    Hi Kirsten, Big hugs. We all think the pre op diet is the toughest part of the whole process. It will get easier. Once you are past 5 days the hunger just evaporates. You have it tough but just tell yourself it will be worth it. No lie it is. Your life will change. I had to do 3 weeks and oh boy did I want to take revenge on the surgeon. There were times that I hated him. I paid and I still had to go through this, how could he ! The only thing that kept me in line was the threat of waking up after surgery to find they could not do it. I had no shakes but had milk instead. I could also have non carb veg. My daily calories would be the same as you. I lost 15 pounds. You can try making lollies with the sugar free squash. It gives you a different mouth feel. Some people on here have successfully frozen their shakes, so they are like ice cream. Try the sugar free jellies if you need a safe cheat Ring your team if you struggle after a week. They might let you eat something else.
  8. summerseeker

    Is this a stall ?

    Yes this ! I have gone from 45 years with a gas cooker, to a house that's all electric and I got a fan oven to boot. I might crack the temperatures before I die. I take your point about the plate and why do we baby our men ?
  9. summerseeker

    Is this a stall ?

    I have bought a few cook books in the past and they are a waste of money to us in the UK. We don't use your measures and don't get your brands. I spent ages converting the few recipes I used and thought sod it. After a few months you are on to real foods and do not need them as you can go back to altering your families meals a little to include ourselves. I have found the food section on here very useful and really expands my food knowledge. The amounts of food eaten and portions left were really good examples for me to aim at. I also bought a plate, I have had 0 meals on it ...... I don't eat enough to fill the sections
  10. summerseeker

    Is this a stall ?

    I am shocked that she said go back to liquids, that seems like really bad advice. You would be hungrier than ever as they just go straight through the pouch. I once had a stall of over 2 months, it was so tough but then I dropped 5lbs over night. I was only on roughly 800 cals a day then. Stall are the pits I have 5 small meals a day. It works for me. Just find what works for you.
  11. summerseeker

    Is this a stall ?

    I am on 1500 and maintaining. My exercise is next to none this time of year. If I needed to eat more to loose more then I would need to really exercise. If you really work hard you can loose for up to 2 years after surgery. You can also start eating lower calorie products and go back to protein first and vegetables second. The closer to target the harder the loses are. Do you have access to a dietician with your surgery package ?
  12. summerseeker

    Struggling with being perceived

    Why do you think its you who should change ? Its not you saying these things. Its people who should know better. They are your beloved family after all. TBH I would have come back with something like - well if I am a pig what does that make you ? The big bad wolf ? I am older and have developed a thicker skin. I may be delusional but I always think that if someone is looking at me, its because I am gorgeous haha. I smile, flash my lashes and laugh. A woman stared at me for so long once, I went over and asked her was she waiting for my head to fall off. I know counselling is hard to get here but it would help you, it did me
  13. summerseeker

    Incision area bulge after Gastric Bypass

    Are they possibly keloid scars ? You usually get them in areas where they can be rubbed. If so you will need steroid injections in them. That will stop them growing bigger. I had a big scar under my arm pit from a punctured lung and had to have this treatment. It worked.
  14. summerseeker


    You have done so well and you look fabulous. I had a blip at Christmas too and its the first time that I had put a little weight back on. I was so mad at myself. It took me until all the festive food was out of the house. I could then shop better. I left carbs off my diet . Once I knuckled down and got my calories under 1200 for the day, it came off again. If you want to reply to someone's comments, just press the quote button. Or you can put @summerseeker for example and pick the persons name out of the drop down list
  15. Its quite normal to go off foods. I think its the Keto diet that changes the foods tastes. Two years on, I still am unable to stomach cooked salmon, mussels and lamb. Strangely enough, they were my most favourite foods pre surgery. It does get better once real foods are back on your menu, I promise. Just eat what you can now because this stage of having little appetite doesn't last for everyone. What you are doing is great
  16. summerseeker


    I was always on and off a diet pre surgery, so I used a tracker on and off then as well. I never fail to fill mine in now. I have OCD so it settles my mind. Everyone finds a different way of their own. My week is usually - I have hungry days at 1600 cals and really low cal days at 650. in between I eat 1200 to 1500. I am trying to maintain. i can see all this on my tracker.
  17. summerseeker

    Choosing Bariatric Surgery

    I don't know the figures but can say that if you already have GERD, the sleeve is not the surgery for you.
  18. summerseeker

    Nausea and low mood

    Hello and welcome in this great forum. Yes I had a ton of nausea and vomiting in the beginning. It took me about 3 months to get the upper hand on it. I still take Lansoprazole 30mgs twice a day. My internal stitch line was very swollen. I had to sleep sitting up for a month because of reflux. I had the remorse in a big way. I paid to feel this way. You have just made a huge change to all you have ever known. Food and eating is often more than just sustenance and once its taken away we wonder what we have done. You sound like you are grieving. Staying in and not showering are classic signs. Its difficult to get therapy in the UK but you might need to seek it out. People on here often have low moods to the lack of sugary foods and drinks or just fast foods after surgery and need to go through a type of withdrawal. Early out you still have the whole stomach amount of acid in a tiny pouch. It does make you nauseous. When you can eat better it does get better. If you find moving through the eating stages difficult, go back to the last one. I couldn't do puree. Puke... DM me on here if you want to chat.
  19. I had just gone from pre diabetic to full on diabetic. This propelled me towards the surgery. I was prematurely old, walking with a stick and just about managing to keep house. I am now energetic, independent and quite frankly blooming. My high blood pressure disappeared with in two months and I came off those meds. At 6 months out, I was back to prediabetic. 12 months out, I was no longer pre diabetic. I had a rough ride early on. I had a very narrow new stomach. Eating and drinking were difficult. I have gained GERD which is a pain but its manageable if I eat and drink right. I eat out, drink alcohol and leave food uneaten. I have loose skin but I look great in clothes I am overjoyed that I did this surgery. I fit in the world, nobody looks at me.
  20. summerseeker

    Zofran didn’t work tonight

    Yep @Arabesque is correct, the foamies. You overate. I still do it now and again. I think of them like a teacher at my school who after thumping you around the ears would say ' will you never learn? '
  21. summerseeker

    One year later...

    Hello and congratulations, you are smack in the middle of what I would have called a crisis. Pre surgery, I would have turned to food for comfort. So big applause and back slapping for coping with life's ups and downs so well. I have GERD in a big way so have to tailor my diet to the bland side or I know about it. I am also done with protein products. Except the protein bars I forgot about. At times I don't want food and at times I am super hungry. If I was a lifelong thin person, I would eat when I was hungry and skip meals when I wasn't. Its just that I was so used to eating every meal that its a hard change now. So on average this is my daily menu. On a hungry day I might get in 1600 calories but level that out with a day of 800 calories Breakfast - A latte, yoghurt and berries Lunch - Home made soup or a picky plate of cucumber, celery, beets etc [ hell I don't know why this tastes so good ] cashew nuts or deli meat, apple, grapes or orange, cheese. This plate will often go back in the fridge and finished later. My restriction is fierce. Dinner/supper - A homemade family meal. I adapt a portion for myself. Typically made from a meat, veg and potatoes/ rice. Pasta is off my menu and my fam are not fans. This may also go back in the fridge and I will eat it later. Evening - A latte, A popsicle, watermelon etc I always carry a protein bar because when I am out and about, if I am hungry its not always easy to find my foods in a café or restaurant. A small adult plate is only just becoming a thing here.
  22. summerseeker

    Laying Flat

    I have never heard that quotation before. Comparison is the thief of joy. So very true
  23. summerseeker

    Didn’t go as planned!

    I didn't have issues with the surgery but had the same because of Pneumonia. To make matters worse I was abroad with a language barrier. I had to learn to sit, stand, walk and feed myself again. Even talking was difficult because of all the time the ventilator was in. I was in hospital 5 months. I had a long time to think about things. It was very tough on my family. So with bariatric surgery you get the natural regret for the first weeks of recovery because its a massive new learning curve and then you have all this other stuff that has happened to you, and oh boy its scary. Give yourself time to let your brain process what has happened to you. Yes it was a lot BUT you have survived. You cant go back and change your actions so look to the future and embrace every new day you have been given.
  24. summerseeker

    Delivery and pregnancy with WLS

    Hello, You really need to talk to a bariatric surgeon about these issues. Their knowledge of the different surgeries and your body are priceless. BUT here is my non medical answer - Why would giving birth be any different because you have a smaller stomach ? Your lady bits are all in the same place. I imagine the problems would be getting the correct nutrition into your body to support yourself and the foetus. You will need to wait as long as possible to get pregnant if you have issues. Some people have no problems eating and drinking after surgery but I did. For 18 months I only managed an average of 800 cals daily. Good luck with your journey
  25. If its a specific food you crave then its head hunger and you need to ignore this as much as possible. You will see it written time and again on here that just because you can eat it does not mean that you should. You have to remember the fragility of your internal stitch line. The rules are - follow your doctors orders. So just keep drinking. Once you hit 6 weeks out and you are eating regular [ish] foods again and your new stomach has almost healed. You will find a restriction kicks in in a big way.

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