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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by summerseeker

  1. summerseeker

    What am I doing wrong?

    You need to call your team. The dietician will give you some really great guidelines and hints if you are loosing too slow. As we do not know your weight and height we can not really say..
  2. You look so good and even better, you look so happy. Huge congratulations
  3. summerseeker

    New here, nervous and excited!

    Hello @ Skyeblu99 Welcome in the forum. Its a great place for information and advice. We do not judge or be nasty as we have all been in the same shoes. Is there any chance you can ring and postpone your surgery a month? You are in hole and with Christmas on the horizon its going to be super tough to lose the weight before your appointment. Hats off to you if you can do it. I sure couldn't.
  4. summerseeker

    Gaining Weight

    I am in the UK and have to be a carer for my husband too. Its not a bed of roses is it. I send my hubby to the man creche in the pub twice a week by taxi. I then have some me time. I look forward to this time so much. I do not allow anything to interfere with it. As to the weather ! oh dear it is awful at the moment. We have had flood warnings all weekend. I still got out though because I once saw a psychiatrist and said I had become so house bound because of the weather it affected my mental well being. He simply said ' Get better clothes' So I did. I hope you can get your world sorted, everything seems harder at Christmas time. Moving home is the hardest thing to do. I always say ' I am never doing that again' You need to phone your team and find out why you cant eat hot foods. Can you eat soup ? I still have issues with lamb and cooked salmon but I am ok with other proteins. Eggs took me almost 2 years to master then one day I craved them. I allow myself a treat every day, my love is children's rocket ice lollies. Asda and M&S ones are less than 40 calories each. Yesterday I had 2 Mcvities chocolate biscuits and thought to myself they were ok but 87 calories each ! and no real nutritional value, I might give them a miss till Christmas. Don't beat yourself up, just try to eat better. Your body deserves it.
  5. If we are honest with ourselves, we all feared the surgery. We also feared continuing to live as a very obese person. Just because we elected to have this surgery does not mean it was more or less life saving than other emergency procedures. BUT, we are jumping into the unknown and this scares us. It will change your life. It should change your eating habits. We have had plenty to learn along the way. Am I thrilled that I overcame my fears 2 years and 2 weeks ago ? hell yes. I am half the old woman I was and have 4 times the life I used to have. You can always back out of this surgery, right up to the operating theatre doors. A few people in the forum have been honest about this. It may not be your time. If you need too, give yourself some breathing space
  6. summerseeker

    Post Op Exercising

    Are you eating well ? What is your daily average calories ? Are you getting your protein quota and liquids in ? Are you taking your vitamins ? Have you had any nutritional blood works done lately ? Sorry if this sounds intrusive but it does really matter if we are to give you a quality answer. I am due my 3 monthly B12 shot and I really know its due because I feel incredibly worn out and old again. In 2 weeks I will be running around like the ever ready bunny on the battery advert.
  7. summerseeker

    Post Op Sleeve 8 years

    Hello Joanne, You will find nothing but good wishes and support here. You have done really well to only have a regain 8 pounds in 8 years. Good luck with the hard work of loosing it again especially at this time of year.
  8. You are doing just fine. Do what suits your lifestyle and you.
  9. summerseeker

    Pre-surgery cold

    You will be ok unless you get other symptoms like a chesty cough/ bronchitis. Then you may need a chat with the anaesthetist.
  10. summerseeker


    Rice is a love of mine too. I have been able to eat rice but only in tiny amounts. Now, 2 years out, a tablespoon is all I can manage. I do similar to what @ Briar Rose does. Pasta is still off limits to me.
  11. summerseeker

    Before and After Pics

    Great shrinking pictures. You are doing amazing. I bet you feel a million dollars.
  12. summerseeker


    If I am struggling to get in my protein, I have a protein pudding/ yogurt. They really make my poop like concrete. One of these and my internal system is like a traffic jam. I am not sure if its the artificial sugar or the protein in them that causes this
  13. I think that you really need to contact your team. You need some real help here. Its not normal to feel permanently hungry after this surgery. Occasional head hunger is more usual. Do you feel a restriction ? You really need to fill yourself with good quality food now. Has your team said you must keep carbs out of your diet ? I ask because you sound as if you eat protein or carbs. Your body needs the protein to function well. Eat your protein first, then the vegetables and then you can eat the carbs. Try to eat better carbs like fruits, skin on potatoes, brown rice and pasta and quality wholemeal or seeded bread. You are more than likely eating 2000 plus calories a day because you are at a plateau now. The only way to reverse this is to reduce your calories and eat better. Find a calorie tracker you like and be honest with it.
  14. summerseeker

    Stool Tests?

    I did one to test for a type of bad bacteria in my gut. They need to rid you of it before they can do the surgery. I was negative. Sorry but I can not remember which bacteria
  15. summerseeker

    Nervous about exercising

    I don't have those episodes anymore but they are a little scary. I still carry a drink and a protein bar with me where ever I go. Just walk, its great exercise. Just a thought. Are you on Blood pressure medication ? My symptoms were better once I got off the tablets for this
  16. summerseeker

    Before and After Pics

    Wow you are looking great. You are a fine advertisement for this surgery, just shows how awesome the results are if you follow the plan. Even your Tattoo has been on a diet !
  17. A very friendly lady doctor once told me eat 10 different vegetables a day instead of the recommended 5. I put this in place by eating a homemade veg soup or a vegetable salad for lunch. This meal replacement was very low in calories and super filling. I could eat a thoughtful meal with my family in the evening and a low cal. snack later in the evening, like jelly and yogurt or the porridge I swopped it for at breakfast. Of course the weight didn't stay off but I did loose lots until I went on holiday and broke out and went back to my old ways. I didnt feel like I was on much of a diet because I love salad and veg
  18. summerseeker

    Care immediately following surgery

    I had the surgery when I was incredibly unfit and I had major health issues. I was classed as disabled. I am sure this impeded my recovery. I had to stay in hospital 4 extra days due to vomiting. I struggled with sickness and GERD for about 6 weeks until I got the correct medications. I needed to sleep sat up all this time. They found my internal stitch line was very swollen and eating and drinking was difficult. This resulted in me being very weak until I could reach my goals. I am retired but if I worked, I would not have been able to go back for 3 months. I had zero pain, either gas or from the surgery. I have a high bed so needed a step to help me get in and out of it. I used a bed wedge for the GERD. The main thing that people on this forum teach us is, do not over buy. This surgery seriously affects your taste buds. Its 2 years to the day since my surgery and I still detest my once favourite foods, salmon and lamb.
  19. summerseeker

    So I have updates.....

    You are looking fabulous. Your joy shines from the photo. I never realised that I would get so much from this surgery either. You have so much determination you will get to your goals.
  20. summerseeker

    1 year down

    I think you need to go back to your team. You need advice on real foods. You should not need protein supplements this far out. I had 6 meals a day at 1 year out too. Breakfast - 100 grams Greek yogurt with fruit - 10 grams protein Snack - 25 grams nuts - 5 grams protein Lunch - 100 grams prawns and small salad salad - 16 grams protein Snack - 25 grams Biltong - 13 grams protein Evening meal - tuna - 50 grams with mayo and on a slice of super seeded bread - 17 grams protein snack - Glass of milk or protein pudding I hope this helps a little, I could get in 60 - 80 grams of protein a day eat similar foods to this
  21. summerseeker

    Thanksgiving and not eating

    I had my surgery at the end of November, 2 years ago. I missed Christmas, TBH I did not care. I wanted this surgery all my life. I have a whole pile of Christmas's to come
  22. No human being goes into elective surgery without the jitters. We are choosing this and its a biggy. Its a leap into the unknown. We can all tell you that its so very worth it but will you believe us ? If you can not do this surgery now - you will regret it and return to it at a later date. I can not say for other forums but this one. People come on here because they have an issue. They want advice and mostly its an easy fix. These people never come back again, they go on to lead skinny, happy lives. So you see people do not post that they are doing well, we know we are. The tiny fraction of people who are struggling and have written about it are your red flags. You are not seeing the invisible 99% who have little to no problems. Make the correct decision for you. Your time may not be now, Its your body and your life. However its one of the safest surgeries going.
  23. summerseeker

    7 months post op

    Your pictures look so different, in a good way. Its like looking at those before and after pictures for an advert for diet products. You just know its can not be the same person, But there you are, you are the same person. Congratulations. I hope you feel as good as you look
  24. summerseeker

    Surgery on Monday

    Congratulations on your will power to get this far, you will be fine. Its one of the safest surgeries around. To me you are doing the hardest part, the pre op diet really sucks. Let us know how you get on
  25. summerseeker

    How many calories

    As everyone has a different regime, it would be advisable for you to contact your team and ask where they want you to be.

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