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About kalassi

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  1. Thanks for taking the time to reply!! "Hiding food from others" just means hiding my eating habits from others, like sneaking food to eat by myself so no one sees my portions and criticizes. I think that's a normal behavior for someone who's ashamed of their eating. I have seen a bariatric psychologist and started CBT to identify the thoughts behind the behaviors. I can see how cross addiction could be a problem, because the coping mechanism of food is taken away after surgery. I think in my mind I just want the answers to be "ok you're a perfect candidate let's go to surgery tomorrow!" and in reality there are some things I need to work on first.
  2. Hi guys, I'm new to this community but have been struggling with my weight my entire life. I've been considering WLS for the past year. I would very much like to undergo surgery this year. I have access to a large academic medical center through my employer, and the weight loss clinic there has excellent providers (I say this to say I didn't see a hack). I saw one last year and we discussed my history of disordered eating (restricting then binging/purging, yoyo dieting, hiding extra food from others) and was very candid. I also have a history of alcoholism (sober 10 years). The provider I saw told me I was very different from the patients she usually sees which leads me to ask this community - are there really so few bariatric patients with eating disorders and other mental health conditions??? I'm just looking to hear from others with similar experiences who are traveling or have traveled this road.

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