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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Disney

  1. Thanks a bunch- I have a GNC near by I will have to check them out.
  2. MAy I ask How Expensive your TT was???
  3. Disney

    Getting banded 9-4-08

    Good Luck to you! I was banded on June 23, 08 and I have lost 34lbs so far and have had to get new shorts and pants already--shopping has been fun! So think positive and soon you'll be in the same boat. :mad2:
  4. Where did you find this drink-grocery store or a health food store, online??? Sounds like a good find! Thanks
  5. Disney

    Afraid of getting saggy skin

    FYI---I found this interesting article w/skin tips! We lose weight to look great and feel good about our bodies. And yet even when we lose a lot of weight and look great in our clothes we can still feel unhappy at how our bodies look undressed. The problem? Unwanted loose sagging skin left as a reminder of our former shape. Here are the 5 keys to prevent loose sagging skin when you undergo a weight loss program. 1. Lose weight slowly Skin has remarkable powers of elasticity and yet it does not snap back instantly into shape if you lose a lot of weight quickly - anyone who has ever had a baby will tell you that one for free! The more gradually you lose weight the easier it is for your skin to keep pace with your new shape. You certainly didn't put on all those pounds overnight - your skin had time to adapt so don't try to get rid of them all at once either if you want your skin to stay looking good. Change your habits gradually so that you lose your weight bit by bit and you're far less likely to have problems than someone going on a crash diet and congratulating themselves on losing 100lbs in 6 months. 2. Eat nutrient rich foods If your meals and Snacks consist of junk food (even if you eat it in smaller quantities than before) then you're unlikely to nourish your skin properly and build up its strength. Choose foods which are high in Vitamins and minerals and low in sugar, saturated fat and additives. Include foods high in essential fatty acids such as avocados, olives, oily fish, nuts and seeds and oils made from these and also ensure that you have an adequate supply of lean Protein. 3. Preserve your muscle tone When you lose weight you may find that the skin becomes loose because you have lost some of the underlying muscle which supports it. If you lose more than a pound or two of weight a week then it is very likely you're losing muscle tissue as well as fat and without specific intense exercises to replace that muscle your skin will sag. In any case, no matter how fast you lose weight (and even just to prevent age-related sagging) it is always helpful to do some toning exercises for all parts of your body including your face to keep skin firm if you care about looking good. 4. Keep skin hydrated Drink plenty of Water to keep skin healthy. If you drink wall to wall fizzy drinks, coffee and tea skin suffers because these drinks cause you to be more dehydrated than ever. And diet drinks full of additives do not help your skin no matter how few calories they contain. Only water and pure herbal teas will do the trick. You can add lemon or orange slices to your water and you can have it at any temperature you like but drink enough - about 2 litres a day. That's about 8 glasses. If it helps try the rubber band trick and put 8 bands on your wrist or around a pot or bottle on your desk and remove one each drink of water you have. 5. Lose weight sooner rather than later Don't keep putting off your weight loss program. The older you are and the longer you have been overweight the less elastic and resilient your skin becomes and the more you need to stick stringently to the other guidelines here to prevent skin becoming too loose. Also don't get too complacent about being able to eat all you want and then lose weight later before you get hugely overweight The constant yo-yo dieting stretching and then loosening the skin will harm your skin's elasticity too.
  6. Disney

    can anyone help me with this issue?

    I am sure it will get better after the fill. I have not been crazy hungry yet(banded 6/23/08). But I feel great and have been keeping really busy. I go for my first fill July 21. And you really should try and stay off the scale--weighing in once a week is fine, more than that can make you crazy! Your body does go up and down a little here and there. I know when I get up int he morning I always weigh less then if I weigh later on in the day , or in the evening. Try to give yourself a break. Go for a walk! Do something you enjoy (besides eating!). I find distracting myself with activity has been helpful. Hang in there! Good Luck!
  7. That is AWESOME Bonnie--you go girl! CHEERS to your Health, and your Happiness, and your daughter!
  8. Disney

    Eating out at Costco!

    FUNNY! Then you can go to Baskin Robbins and taste test a few flavors of ice cream!!!
  9. Hi, Congrats on your banding. Hope all is going well. I'd like to check it out. Thanks for the info. Happy 4th!
  10. Disney

    Afraid of getting saggy skin

    I have been banded to help lose weight so I don't develop any serious health issues. i have PCOS, but no high blood pressure, no high cholesterol, no heart problems, no diabetes,...I am a pretty healthy fat girl. SO for me health is number 1--but I don't want to have ugly saggy skin either--I want to do everything in my power to prevent it as mush as possible--I am sure I will have some and I will consider PS to correct it--I am not sure about the costs and all. But I think it is personal for everyone. I would never judge anyway either way. Do what you think is confortable for you! Be happy & healthy-Enjoy Life!
  11. Thanks for the info Tammy. That really does make sense. Not sure if you are set with a date yet but I wish you Good Luck with your procedure!
  12. Disney

    Eating out at Costco!

    Thanks for the laugh and good idea!!! We can really save a lot on groceries that way too! Happy 4th!
  13. I agree with everyone---I am 12 days out and I am treading on the tread mill 20 minuts a day, and taking a walk around the neighborhood! Moving helps. My first 3 days were tough and then each day has gotten better and better. Hang in there! 20 lbs down 80 more to go.
  14. Disney

    2nd week liquid ideas

    Thanks. Looks like you are doing great as well! Keep up the good work! :thumbup: Happy 4th!
  15. YES! I felt that way at first thoughts about doing it. I have tried for years to lose and never get there--sure lose some gain some,...it never worked 100%. And I feel I should have tried harder or been more diligent but then I was thinking--I do try really hard and when I hit that plateau for a LONG period of time it kills me--I am hoping the plateaus with using the lapband tool will be shorter and easier to manage. Plus I figure I can't really go off of it--unless I get in totally unfilled and/or totally removed. My doctor said I should consider this and it would help to crack the tough nut of a 100lbs. He said," I have trouble losing 10 lbs--it is so difficult to lose weight--I think you would really be a good candidate for the lap band --you should look into it." So I really thought about it and then went to an info seminar and here I am today. I have lost like 20 lbs so far and it's 12 days since the procedure. I am exercising already 20 mins a day on the treadmill and/or walking outside to since it has been so nice. Well I hope that helps you feel better about it --a little any way. :thumbup: Best of luck!
  16. Disney

    2nd week liquid ideas

    Good for about your pants--what a nice feeling! I was banded June 23rd and I also ate applesauce(I bought the ready to eat in cups,and they also have different flavors summer stawberry and harvest peach) and mashed potatoes (I bought instant Idahoian 4 cheese--yummy). 1 cup filled me up for dinner/the evening. They both worked fine. I also got some Italian Ice cups & sugar free popscicles. Good Luck & Happy 4th!
  17. I got my band June 23rd and I am eating food(chewing really well!) I have had cheerios, mini burgers, ham salad on crackers,talapia,... I am going slow but that is pretty quick to eating I'd say! I went and had my 1 week check from my Doctor. He said I was doing well. I was feeling great by the 1 week mark. So start mushy foods and go into regular foods the next week. I did mushy foods for a couple days and then got brave and tried some food! Like I said I little at a time to see how it felt and I had no problem. It is an adventure to try things and see how it goes. I have been cautious and successful so far. But I am quite pleased with my recovery so far. My worst days were the second and third day pain wise and then it just got better each day. My pain was where the port was inserted (the bigger incision area). Bending was not so fun for a few days and then like I said better each day. I have lost 20 lbs so far. I am scheduled for my first fill on July 21st. Best of luck to you! :thumbup:
  18. I am just getting started--Banded on June 23rd and that is a big conern of mine. What helps?? exercising? Special Lotions??? Is there something out there to help?? I know it depends on the person and their skin type and all that but I want to be proactive about it. I am not sure what the timeline for a future procedures would be either. Sorry I am no help--but you are not alone with your concerns. Good Luck!
  19. Disney

    Surgery Date 062708

    I am sure if it goes down it is okay! I am moving into soft mushy foods this week and I tried some mashed potatoes yestrday--WHOO HOO!!! They were tastey!!! I had a cup and it filled me up from dinner time on throught he evening. I am trying to figure out soft mushy and healthier food choises--so far it seems many of the softer stuff is high carb stuff. I hear ya about the finances. I had surgery Monday and on Wednesday our air conditioning went out. There's ALWAYS something! Hang in there!
  20. Disney

    Surgery Date 062708

    Yeah, that is what my Doctor said this aftenoon(first follow up appointment). I can start trying soft mushy foods and next week more solids. I figure i will go slowly and just see how things work. They keep saying many things do depend on the person and how they react to foods. SO it seems like a little trial and error. Kind of scary and kind of exciting too! My Doctor(Dr. Watkins) is in IL and OH, and Wash. DC. I really like him and his whole office is great. Very nice, helpful and supportive group of people. Many of the staff have had bands and can tell you professionally and personally how things go. Is anyone else going to take part in group meetings? My place has group meetings once a month. I will go to my first one in July. The doctor and nurses have said people who use the group support seem to do really well. So I figured why not!
  21. Disney

    Surgery Date 062708

    So let's try and keep some positive stuff cirulating and keep on encouraging each other! Funny about your kitchen---I have my bedroom redecorating on hold at the moment! Priorities! And our air conditioner just decided to poop out ---Great timing! But, I do get to eat some applesauce and maybe some mac and cheese so life goes on!
  22. Disney

    Surgery Date 062708

    I am on the LabBandTalk.com Blog as a Newbie myself. I had my band put in last Monday(6/23/08) and just came from the doctor after my first follow up appointment. I am happy to say all is going well with my recovery and I am progressing on to soft foods this week--Yeah! I want you to know that I went on to this site for the first time Saturday and I had about the same reaction as you. Oh my what did I do? SO many stories about things going wrong and people wanting to eat whatever,... I was feeling like, "what is the point?" But then I did see a few blogs that were more positive and I have written back and forth with a couple people who seem to be in that mode--more positive. I also paid out of pocket and I want to see success. I am willing to do what it takes to stay on track and be successful. That doesn't mean I will never eat anything that may be considered "bad" for me but I will really be thinking about and planning what I am putting in my mouth from now on. I think it all depends on the person and if you want it you can and will be successful. It is a tool to use to your advantage. If you are going to cheat it will be you who pays the price and paid the cash !!! I went on the Live Chat and a girl was talking about how she was going to have this HUGE meal tomorrow and cheese cake and on and on, and I was like WHY??? Don't do it!!! You spent the time and effort to have the band -use it!!! I mentioned all this to my doctor today and he said "yeah those Blogs are great, but at times you find that the successful people aren't on them that much and you hear a lot of negatives!" So I am hoping that I can find a few people who want to be successful and stick with them. I plan to be slow and steady and hope for the best! Don't let others pull you down. Good Luck!
  23. Disney

    Hi! Banded 5/1

    :thumbup:That all sounds great! That was my thing--I knew I couldn't do this if I couldn't (eventually) eat "normal" foods. I don't want to have to totally change everything--my tastes are what they are. I am willing to make some changes and not be a pig and all--but being able to eat basically normal is what I want to reach. Smaller portions of course! That is reasonable! What you have listed sounds very doable and is encouraging! Thanks!!!
  24. Disney

    Hi! Banded 5/1

    You seem to be doing really well-------30 lbs so far! I am curious on how you are losing--all in your waist? Or are you seeing it come off in different places? Are you doing any special exercise plan? Keep up the good work!
  25. Disney

    Farewell tour....

    Sounds like you are doing a good job with the farewell tour. I think the beach weekend would be a great finally! You are planning good eats and exercise, so you seem to have a good plan. Good luck with your insurance--mine didn't pay-which sucks, but it is still worth it, I am worth the investment!!! I have been banded a week all is well--the whole thing happened kind of quickly-I got to move my date up a week--l didn't really get to plan a tour but I did get in some good eats before the liquids started. Good Luck &Have Fun!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
