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Mike Long

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mike Long

  1. As everybody else has said, the “3 week stall” is a real thing. I will be 4 weeks post op tomorrow and from about the 12 day mark to the 22 day mark, I only lost 2 lbs. I started to freak a little because I’m barely eating and have no hunger or desire to eat. My nutritionist said it was normal and I confirmed that here on the message boards. My best advice is like everybody else said, stick to the script and only weigh once a week. I’m down 60 lbs in 6 weeks (2 weeks pre op diet until now). So while I had that little “stall”, I’m averaging 1lb a day. So I look at the big picture. I wish I had your hunger!
  2. Mike Long

    Light headness

    I experienced this as well. I’m 4 weeks post op tomorrow. I was on blood pressure meds before (still am) and never felt light headed in my life until after the surgery. The solution was simple, I cut one of my meds in half. Since I did that a few days ago, I’ve only felt the sensation once or so. I spoke with my PCP & surgeon and they both agreed it was best. Not sure if you’re on BP meds but maybe talk to your dr’s about it if you are.
  3. Man to man, you look great bro! Congrats on having the mental toughness to not only lose the weight but get fit as well. Inspiring stuff!
  4. @Nanagrrl3 I’m 4 weeks post op tomorrow and I was cleared for full solid foods after 3 weeks. I have been overly cautious about eating the entire time. While I haven’t had any issues with food coming up or pain/discomfort, I have no desire to eat and can seemingly only eat tiny bits of food. I get full really fast. I totally agree with @catwoman7 that we’re all very different and to try soft foods like fish or soft meats with sauce. Fish has a ton of protein and very low calories. This is a mental struggle that only people who have had this surgery can know. I can’t wait for the day when I feel hungry, can eat without worry and move on. I really wish I knew when that would be. Good luck!
  5. Just curious, why are you doing this? Did you have a complication with the sleeve?
  6. I eat either SF pops (they really are fantastic) or a piece of cheese. Sometimes I’ll have some peaches or pears but rarely. I have found that eating a little something helps me in the morning not be as blah feeling.
  7. Mike Long

    Any March Surgeries?

    This is fantastic m, congrats! When did you weight 436? Almost 100 lbs is amazing but I’m curious the time frame. I started at 492 on 3/11, surgery was 3/25 I was 471 and as of 4/11 i was 439. So I’ve lost 50+ in about a month. I know that won’t continue but a good start. You’re killing it bro!
  8. Has anybody tested how much you can eat in one sitting? A friend of mine who got the sleeve told me that once you’re on soft foods or beyond that I should push the limits, so to speak, so I can understand what being full is. I can’t bring myself to do this. I’m only 17 days post op and I haven’t had any issues so I’m in the soft food stage. It’s difficult because I’m not hungry at all and also I have a mental block around getting sick. Where do people stand on this?
  9. The wife comment is about recovery, yes. She doesn’t get it that I can’t be lifting and pulling and working on a shed just after this. Anyhoo, I didn’t have all of what you’re saying with food. I just ate what I wanted when I wanted and how much ever I wanted. I definitely didn’t have a healthy relationship but I never was cerebral about it. Also having a desk job doesn’t help. I also am not a person who cares what people think of me so I didn’t have body image issues. My why is I realized that there’s nobody in their 70’s, 80’s or 90’s walking around my size. They don’t exist. I have two young boys that need me and I want to see them become men. So I made the decision. Right now I hate it. Absolutely hate it. But I’m hopeful each day and week is better than the last and I’ll get a grip on the mental anguish I’m going thru.
  10. Mike Long

    Any March Surgeries?

    Very sorry to hear this. My surgery was 3/25 so I’m in week 3 as well. Hopefully you can get better and get home. Positive vibes sent!
  11. Thank you. This is very helpful. I think more than anything I’m venting lol. I don’t have an outlet other than the friend I mentioned in this thread. My family supports me but only so much. they don’t understand Any of this and quite frankly don’t seem to want to. Nobody is overweight In my family or wife’s family. I’m literally the only one who would even be considered not a normal size. My wife, for example, asks me the other day why I can’t go out in the garden and till and help her build a shed lol. She’s basically clueless. That’s for another topic tho lol. So I feel I have to use this outlet. Thanks again for the response.
  12. Thanks. I really appreciate your thoughts. I have taken the safe route since the surgery and I haven’t really been uncomfortable or sick yet. I’ve been so cognizant of it I think that’s why my friend said what she said. I’ve been afraid to eat too much. But that has also caused some anxiety about me questioning if I’m getting enough. I don’t want to lose muscle. I don’t want to get sick from lack of nutrients. I gotta say that if I had known this before I wouldn’t have had the surgery. I’m sure that I’ll laugh at that statement in a few months or years when I look back at this. But right now all I can think about is this feeling I have that I’ll never be able to eat more than a tiny piece of food again. I’d rather be obese and take my chances and be happier than miserable and not obese. Sounds awful but that’s the goins on. Anyhoo, thanks for the response. It does help.
  13. I’m not easily offended. I just think I didn’t pose the question the right way and should’ve clarified with my friend before coming here to ask others. But regardless, it’s all good.
  14. Thank you. I think you’re right and I will talk with her again to clarify some of things she mentioned. She didn’t tell me to run out to Mickey D’s and get a double quarter pounder meal. But I also think that she probably meant that I should do the “testing” when I’m actually on regular foods after I’ve healed. She’s been extremely successful and leads a very large Bariatric help group. I should’ve had her clarify before posing the question here. I feel like a little kid getting scolded for having candy before dinner lol
  15. This all makes sense. Thanks
  16. Ok, thanks. I’ll stop being friends with her based on your thoughts.
  17. LOL so true about the voice of granny!
  18. I’m not eating more than the portions (in most cases I’m below) and I’m never hungry. I haven’t felt hungry a single time since my surgery 18 days ago. The point my friend was making (she had the sleeve 6 years ago and has been wildly successful) was that there’s nothing wrong with feeling full and that it will help me to understand that when I’m 1,2+ years post op when I’m in maintenance. I guess everybody has their own way. I asked my Dietician and she simply said to eat what I’m supposed to and I should be full. I’m also very early in the process so my cues aren’t fully developed. I’m just going to do what I’ve been doing. I just wanted to see what others are doing. Thanks for the response.
  19. Good luck on the surgery! You’ll do great!
  20. Thank you for the response. I think that’s exactly it - each person is different. I’m doing exactly what you are with respect to eating until I feel a little something and I stop. Maybe I’m full, maybe I’m not. But if I’m feeling ok and not getting sick, that’s the major priorities for me. Good luck!
  21. This is almost identical to my situation. I haven’t had anything come up, I feel very blah almost every time after I eat anything but soup and I get the 5-10 min uncomfortable feeling. I guess it’s just early in the process and it will get better as each week goes by.
  22. Thanks for the responses. To be clear, I should’ve Clarified what my friend said. She didn’t mean gorge myself. She meant that I should eat until I’m full. And feel what it feels like. This was after I told her that I didn’t think I’m actually eating until I’m full as I was nervous. She was coming at it from the standpoint of making sure I was getting all my nutrients.
  23. Mike Long

    Increased Anxiety since surgery

    I’ve experienced this as well. I’m 17 days post op and my anxiety is high about a number of things related to this surgery. Mainly, a feeling that I’ll never again be “normal”. It’s hard to describe but I feel like I made a horrible mistake by doing this. Even though I understand the big picture benefit, I can’t shake this feeling. I’m chalking it up to being very early on in the process. At least I hope so.
  24. Congrats on the weight loss thus far. I’m 3 weeks post op and started at around your weight (492). When did you start eating “normally” again? If you have. 

    1. Kikikayaker


      I’m still part time food... most time shake lol at 6 mo post bypass... but it doesn’t bother me. Hope you are doing well. I’m down to 145 from 240.
      best wishes

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