I am 4' 11" tall and my weight fluctuates between 198 and 204 lbs. I have had arthritis and depression for a number of years, along with blood clots, and my parents and brother have type 2 diabetes although I don't - yet - but they all have high blood pressure and I was diagnosed last week and have started medication, and believe diabetes is just around the corner. Having said all this, my BMI is usually more than 35 and around 40 (depending on the calculator I use it may be just slightly over 40) so even though I am right at 200 lbs I still seem to meet the criteria. I haven't been to a seminar yet but am scheduled to go in July. I am just like everyone else, just because I don't need to lose 200 lbs or more doesn't mean I haven't tried and it's just as hard, if not harder, to lose less weight. I believe I should have the same opportunity to increase my health and decrease my weight as those needing to lose more. My weight still affects my life in an unhealthy way. If I am accepted as a candidate and my insurance will pay, then I plan to have the surgery.