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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About CJEE

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  1. I had Dr. Raheb for my surgery in May 2021. He was great and the follow up from the dietician for the past year was super helpful. St. Joes was nice too. They are very encouraging while there to get up and move. The sooner you can, the sooner you can discharge
  2. 35. Bypass in May 2021, 120 lbs lost. One of the best decisions ever. Best of luck to everyone!
  3. CJEE

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Hi all! I just hit my one year post-op at the end of May. I’ve made it to my goal weight and then some which feels great. However, over the past few weeks I have begun feeling extremely bloated in the afternoons and evenings. The bloating is causing some pain above my belly button and gas (sorry tmi). Has anyone else experienced this? I have a meeting with my dietitian tomorrow and am planning on asking about it too. I haven’t changed my diet in any way for several months now and am feeling full/satisfied after eating so I know it’s not hunger pangs. Thoughts? Thanks everyone and keep up the amazing work!
  4. CJEE

    May Surgeries - check in!

    I’m down 110 lbs and feeling pretty good. Starting to notice some sagging skin in some areas 👎 and not sure what to do about that. I’m down to my initial goal weight and not sure what is next in terms of goals. I definitely gotten my appetite back over the past few months and feeling a bit nervous about that, but so far have been able to stay on track. Congrats to everyone for their amazing work!!!
  5. CJEE

    May Surgeries - check in!

    I am headed to Disney World in April and a little nervous about food options. Any thing you t recommend or don’t recommend?
  6. CJEE

    Support buddies?

    I don’t know any groups in the Tampa area, but congratulations on your recent surgery!
  7. CJEE

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Awesome job! It looks like we had the same surgeon
  8. CJEE

    May Surgeries - check in!

    4 months post-op! How is everyone doing?
  9. CJEE

    Support buddies?

    Hi there! I would be interested in being your buddy. I had gastric bypass in May 2021. I have been doing well, but would love some accountability from others going through the same thing
  10. CJEE


    I just started taking bariatric choice once daily vitamins. I take it at night and have been feeling sick to my stomach all day today. Has anyone else experienced this?
  11. CJEE

    Bruising Not on Incisions

    I had Heparin shots while at the hospital and just noticed significant bruising from it. I wonder if that is what yours is?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
