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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sportscar

  1. sportscar

    For those who have PCOS

    I had backpain, lower stomach pain, etc. It was awful...After the hyster have never felt better in my life. Now...just need to get this weight off. Went for my first appointment after being banded on the 27th and lost 4 lbs. Dr was excited for me, but I just want it all gone. I will say that on occassion, I still get very sharp pains where my ovaries use to be. Nothing is showing on any scans. My dr is not sure what is going on...bad part is my pap smears keep coming back abnormal. I have had to do the different tests and about 4-6 months the pain comes back. Last year he told me to wait a year and see what happens. If the pain is really bad he wanted to see me. It has been tolerable...I go back in October for a check up. Guess I'll see what is going on then. I don't understand why pap would be abnormal when there is nothing there any more?? thoughts anyone...
  2. I'm so sorry to hear you had a bad reaction to the surgery. I also felt very nauseated to my stomach as they were wheeling me into my room. Next time try putting one or two alchol swabs under your nose. It took the nausea away just like that. Good luck and give the band a try.
  3. sportscar

    For those who have PCOS

    Six years ago... I finally switched doctors because the pain and bleeding were an every day occurrance and my OB/GYN said to stop complaining that every woman has a period. March 2002 I went to a new doctor and he told me I had PCOS and ademyosis (sp?). My uterus was like it was 5 months pregant. Thank goodness nothing had turned to cancer. :tt2: Had my total hyster. in July 2002. I could not believe how much better I felt the next day. My new doctor told me it was a miracle my husband and I were able to have our daughter. She is 16 years old now and I treasure every day with her and my husband. I thought after my hyster that the weight would just come off...NOT. I was banded on June 27, 2008 and in reading the posts I'm hoping to have the weight off within the next two years. Good luck to everyone
  4. sportscar

    Looking in Missouri

    The gas was the WORST!!!! The gas moved to my left neck and shoulder. But especially my neck and my daughter could actually see how "swollen" my neck was. ouch, ouch... Wednesday it finally went away with just a little tenderness. Yesterday I think I overdid it around the house, cause where the port is it is a little sore this morning. So...back to taking it a little easier.
  5. sportscar

    Looking in Missouri

    I can't wait till I can eat some mashed potatos and gravy. My doctor has me on creamed soups and liquids till I see him on Thursday the 10th. I'm getting bored with the soups and feeling sorry for myself with the holiday weekend and everyone barbequing. Sounds so good. I did find a creamy soup to eat yesterday for the holiday...Cream Corn. My husband said it smelled great, but of course he wouldn't eat any... I actually thought it was pretty good for something different. The salt content of soups is bothering me. I am a scale person and it is not moving like I want it to...I know it has only been a week and a day since surgery...mind over matter. I just need to take my time. Good luck Deedra, you will do great!
  6. sportscar

    Looking in Missouri

    How did the surgery go? I went back to work on Tuesday and am doing great! It is exciting to see the progress of everyone writing in. To be 78 lbs lighter...I can only imagine at this point. I was wondering how others are dealing with people asking questions of why were you off work. I'm afraid / ashamed to tell people right now that I've had the lap band. To me I feel like I have failed myself because I could not lose the weight on my own. I'm hoping to eventually be able to tell people what I've had done and to be proud that I've had the motivation to finally get this weight off.
  7. sportscar

    Looking in Missouri

    Yes, I'll post pictures in the next day or so. I had my daughter take a picture of me the night before I started the preop liquid diet and again the day of my surgery. I thought that with each doctor's appointment I would take a picture to see the progress this way versus just the scale. Good luck tomorrow. You will be fine.
  8. sportscar

    Looking in Missouri

    Good morning! I'm from Festus, MO about 30 miles south of St. Louis. I posted by surgery story under "surgery stories". To sum it up, what a breeze. I expected it to be far worse than it was. I'm not going to lie, I am sore around the middle, especially the left side. I understand this is normal because this is wear the port is. After reading some of the other port location stories, I did make sure with my doctor where the port would be. I did not want it right under my left breast and have by bra rub it constantly. I had my clear liquid diet yesterday and I am suppose to be able to start some of the creamy liquids now for the next two weeks. I am a little nervous about this. But I do want to be sure to get the nutrients in I need. I have noticed that each doctor has their paitents eating different things at different times. Someone posted on their first day they were eating eggs. I can not imagine that! Slow and easy...that is what we need to do. I will be thinking about you tomorrow and I know everything will go well for you. Trust yourself, your doctor and God. Everything will be great! Can't wait to hear how your surgergy went. What time do you go in tomorrow and begin your new life?
  9. I had my surgery on Friday, June 27th. The soreness you will feel is nothing. Today I'm looking foward to getting out and walking a little. I don't want to over do it, but I feel like a new woman! I wish the best for you tomorrow and remember you will be starting a new chapter in your life. Let us know how you are doing in a few days.
  10. I have to agree with quite a few of you. Surgery was not bad at all..just the pain on the left side from where the port is. I had to be at the hospital at 10:30 yesterday for a surgergy time of 12:30 p.m. Waiting was the hardest part. The surgergies before me were running late. I didn't get in until 3:00 p.m. I didn't know that I was to receive a shot in my stomach to help prevent blood clots. It stung but not as bad as the IV needle. I have always had problems with those in the past. I can remember going to the OR and the nurses telling me that I would'nt remember anything. I do remember them talking about a nurse that had the procedure done and how well he was doing while they were having me stretch my arms out to be taped down. They explained why they tape them is because patients when they sleep pull them to their sides. That was the last I remember until I woke up the recovery room. The nurses were fantastic. My pain was about a 3.5. It was just a pain on my breast bone. The incisions I didn't feel. They gave me a something (not sure what) and the pain went to about a 3 then went away. We went to my room about 6:30 p.m. This was a bad experience and I appreciated the nurses moving me quickly to another room. I had a roommate who had about 8 visitors and eating a fried stale food smell. I immediately got nauseated and the nurses put about 3 alcohol swabs unter my nose and oxygen mask and whispered in my ear they were moving me to another room. The nausea went away and it was very nice to have a private room for the evening. The ice chips and apple juice went down fine and my husband and I could see some fireworks from the window. By 2:00 a.m. I was feeling much more human and actually had to go the bathroom. After that I sleep till about 6:00 a.m. I didn't have any more pain medication since this time. The barium swallow does not taste very good but it was neat to see where the band is in my stomach and watching yourself swallow is a different sensation to see. My doctor came to see me about 11: 15 a.m. and said everything went fine. I apparently had a little bleeding with a stich from the lap band but it was ok after about 5 minutes. He was afriad I would have trouble swallowing today, but was glad I did not. Because I stuck strictly with the 10 day liquid diet to a tee, it made the surgery that much easier for him. I was discharged at 12:45 p.m. At home, my husband gave me some Jello and Water and then I took a nap this afternoon. I just finished 8 oz of organge Isopur - not the best tasting to say the least, but I do want to me sure to get Protein in every day. I want to try my best to have no major hair lost. Has anyone had problems with losing hair? All in all, I would recommend this surgery to anyone. I am looking forward to a new me. And when the weight is gone, I will do something that I have always wanted to but didn't feel I could because of being overweight....SKY DIVING.
  11. Well, the day has finally arrived. Surgery is just a few short hours away. I have visited the site quite a bit over the last couple of weeks. It has been my salvation during the pre-op liquid diet. It has been nice to hear about the ups and downs everyone has had and will continue to have over this tremedous journey. I'm looking forward to the next 40 years of my life being much healthier and able to do things I couldn't do before. My highest weight was 283 lb. When I went to the doctor for the final consultation I was down to 274.8 lb. Not good, but at least down. I'm curious to know what my weight is now before surgery after the pre-op diet. Anyone else going in today for surgery?
  12. sportscar

    Looking in Missouri

    Hello! I'm getting banded today. I have 130 lbs to lose. Looking forward to seeing it melt off. Hope all is going well for you during the pre-op liquid options. I'll try and post this weekend after my surgery.

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