As a counselor and halth care professional who was recently banded, I can tell you that I have seriously considered exactly what your concern is and have also experienced what happens through my clients. So here it is. If you and your spouse had issues that have gone unresolved before the weight loss they will be exacerbated with the weight loss. The issue is that one of you is "changing" and when one changes both parties have to be willing to work at creating something new... hopefully together. In a relationship, there are really three "people": you, your spouse, and the marriage( which is how you operate together). Have you had any serious discussions with your spouse about what to expect and how to prepare for it? Although I love my husband dearly we do have issues that each of us tolerate about each other. I know that my changes will result in increased risk for our marriage and we talk about it frequently. We have both put some plans into effect to enhance our relationship, and my husband has made it clear that he does not intend to lose me. and I really don't want to lose him. So we will work at it now, as this is really his journey, too. Hope this helps.