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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by GottaBThin

  1. GottaBThin

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    I'm far from skinny jeans, but know that can be a reality, where before that would never happen by myself. Nazzy & Bradley18: I still choke a lot. I'm learning that my body doesn't/or can't eat any more. That is my biggest obstacle. I want to eat, but can't. Also, I've loss at a slower rate than many. I also was wondering why. For me I just need to be consistent in my eating. If I stay with the proteins and veggies, I do well. If I eat junk my body stays the same. I don't gain, but I don't loose. I just tell myself, this is still a life changing event. The band does not work by itself. I have to do my part too. Hang in there and remember that you could at your start weight. THANK GOD WE ARE LIGHTER!!!
  2. GottaBThin

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    GO OCTOBER BANDSTERS...!!!!!! We are carving into who we want to be!!! EVERYONE CONGRATS!!! I can't say it enough. I also had a big win this week...I'm under 200, even after I eat. 194!!!! I love it. Also, I RAN/WALKED 20 MILES!!! There were days I thought I wouldn't make it. So, my nexy goal is 180. The lowest I've been in 14 years. After that...its all skinny jeans, size 12, size 8!!! Stay healthy, be strong, and be inspired...because you inspire me!
  3. tmg333 - It is hard. Crazy hard. I'm gonna check out that web site recommended.


    Sometimes I eat well...and other days..I eat like the old me. My head says that food looks gooood, EAT IT!! So, sometimes I try and get sick, which is so bad. I got a fill 2 weeks ago and have been doing really good. I still have head hunger though.


    tm12paws - Would love to be added as a friend. It's hard to explain what we are going thru to others when they think we cheated and had "wegiht loss" srugery. Little do they know.


    Ladies - Keep up the good work..it is work even if we do have help.


    Take care.

  4. Hello TMG333 - You look like you are doing great on your weight loss. I was banded Oct 21 and have lost 39 lbs. I was just wondering for one sista to another, what is your daily food intake like? I'm happy with my weight loss 245 pre surgery, 236 suregery day, and now 197 as of today. BUT, more is always better. Do you have any wise words you can pass on.


    Keep up the good work. Did you get the Realize Band? I saw your model the the Realize page. Just wondering. Also, how full in your band?


    Thanks for the help and inspiration.



  5. GottaBThin

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    NRPNRP - Great job!!! Army Mom - Thanks for a kind words on the hair. I love running. What do you eat in an average day? I was banded 4/21 and have lost 36 lbs. I'm doing something wrong. Happy, but wish I was a little further.
  6. GottaBThin

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    NRPNRP - U R AWESOME!!! Army Mom - That's great on the run. i love it myself. Thanks for the tips on the hair. Can you tell me what you eat on an average day? I was banded 1 day before you and have only lost 36 lbs since. Little frustrated, but no regrets.
  7. GottaBThin

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    THANKS EVERYONE for the kind advise on the hair. I will try the B complex. I do need to be better on making sure I get my 60-70 grams of protein. You all are doing so well. I too am LOVIN' the down sizing. I've slowed down, but still fill great! I can't wait to be in a 10. I'm in a tight 14. So, I'm working on it. Skinnydippn42 - Thats great you go to a dietian. They can help keep you on track. I have a hard time with the head hunger vs stomach hunger. NRPNRP - You go Lady!!! You are knockin on the door to your goal. That's great. That KARENK for the advise.:sad:
  8. How are you? Where are you today? We are very similar in our starting point...and I'm in SJ also.
  9. GottaBThin

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Everyone looks great. I hope to post pics with week too. I started watching my carbs intake again with all of your inspiration and lost 5 lbs just from last week!! THANK YOU ALL!! So, I'm back on track ready to go. I have .7 lbs to never see 2XX again. :smile: Does anyone know of a good vitamin for hair? I feel like my hair is thinning a lot.
  10. GottaBThin

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Cattoy - your pic are testimony by themself. Tyme2GetRite - Good to see you're doing so great. EVERyONE - Congrats! i'm training for a marathon at the end of May and I'm up to 10 miles....16.2 to go. Wish me luck.
  11. GottaBThin

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    cattoy - I feel you on what you're saying, but I'm trying to stay focused. I need to eat better. How about you? Are you sticking to the diet they gave us.
  12. GottaBThin

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    You are so right. I'm feeling like all of you. What happened? I did well up to January and have been at 205 since end of Feb. I know it's my eating, I just gotta do it. We just gotta do it. I see my scar every morning thinking I did this for a reason. I would do it all over again. I just want to be loosin the 10 - 13 lbs a month.
  13. GottaBThin

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Hello all my October Bandster Friends!!!! Thanks a million Tyme2getrite!!!! This is definitely a journey. I thank God for this site. It helps so much to have people that totally understand where I'm at mentally and physically. So I did do 30 minutes this morning. 10 min squat program, 10 minute abs, 10 on arms and push ups. I felt better afterward just because I did SOMETHING. I need to start paying attention to what I'm eating and doing the right thing. I am so focused on the scale, if I gain I think the band isn't working and it's the bands fault. No, Susie, you just ate pizza yesterday...hello! :shades_smile: So I made it down to 213.8 and back up to 216.4..I'm stressing. I ate carbs last week for the first time continuously since my surgery and now am trying to break myself of them all over again. I CAN DO IT!!! WE CAN DO IT!!! ps....hello sickntired...how is everything going?:confused:
  14. GottaBThin

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Morning Folks...OK..putting exercise into my day is harder than I thought. If I worked out as many as times as I thought about going to the gym...I would have no problem. I did Yoga for 30 minutes Friday. That's about it. I wouldn't feel guilty bout wanting a fill. Like everyone said, everyone is different. My mind was hard to keep under control this week. I ate way too many carbs. i'm up 2lbs. Today I'm trying to manage myself. This is hard. We had lay offs Friday at work. I think eating is my way of dealing with the stress. I still have my job and probably won't loose it, but it is still stressful.
  15. GottaBThin

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    AGREE!!!:ohmy::wink: I did do some arm stuff that night with some bands. Don't be impressed though, I couldn't even feel it that next day and it was like for 10 minutes if that. So, yes..Starting now!?!?:tt2: OK, I will commit to do some excerise starting Saturday...everyday at least 30 minutes. What are you gonna do? Tyme2GetRite or Ewiedbingcott - do you want in on this?
  16. GottaBThin

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Bandsters (TYME2GETRITE) - We gotta keep each other lifted!!!! I loose 2 - 21/2 lbs...then gain back 1 or so. Then within a week I keep 2lbs off. So, on average I loose 2-3 lbs a week. So, I say to myself...OK, I'm 215.8 today. I will never see 218 again. :w00t::w00t: I LOVE THAT! Knowing I was 245, I won't see 235, I won't see 225...AND by the end of this month....I WONT SEE 215!!! PRAISE GOD!!! ( I have the chills and am smilin' from ear to ear, with my eyes filling up with JOY!) So, don't beat yourself up(no one is better than that than me). Love where your at, and where we will be in another 8 weeks. This is how I get thru each day. SICKNTIRED - I got all the same excuses, yours are better than mine :angry_smile: We just gotta do it. I'm trying to get over this cold (my excuse right now) then I plan to start. I'm hoping next week. My biggest fear is SAGGY SKIN. I dream about it.:frown:
  17. GottaBThin

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    SICK N TIRED you and I are about the same. Banded 10/21 (236lbs), I've lost 21lbs (215lbs). I feel like the fill (12/1) did n't do much at all. I just can't eat that last bite, but still can eat 8-10 oz of food. I probably could eat more, but don't. My stomach even growls sometimes. They say the Realize band only holds 7cc total. So we are like half full. I'm hoping next month's fill (1/7) gives me more restriction. Do you excercise a lot?
  18. GottaBThin

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Hello fellow October folks!!! Life is good and I wanted to check in and share. I hope all is well with everyone. It's been 7 wks(banded 10/21, 236 lbs) and I've lost 21 lbs (215lbs). Slow and steady is OK by me. My goal for this month is to hit the 200 mark, which is way too aggressive, but as long as I get close (205-7), I'll be happy. I wish everyone great success and keep your head up. Remember, even if its only 1-2 lbs..most likely you'll never see that # again. :wink_smile::w00t::tt2::cool2::tt1:
  19. HELLO!!! we haven't kept in contact and I was curious how everything is going for you? I hope well.

  20. You are doing great!!!

  21. I just bought apricots. We'll see???!!! I pray. I'm up 1.6 lbs and I think it's because of PMS and I CANT FRICKIN' GO TO THE BATHROOM. Annoying!!! Ok..Anyways, on a positive note, I do have so much more energy since the surgery. i'm not so sluggish. So, I have no regrets. just learning my new body. :cursing:
  22. So, I stopped the flaxseed oil, I can't handle it. It's gross plain. I've been doing the prunes 2-3 per meal, and it helps. I go every other day. Should we be going to the bathroom everyday? We don't eat as much food as we use to, so I'm not sure how often we should be going to the bathroom. Susie
  23. Jack & Jodi (HI!!) - thanks for your details. It was very helpful. This my first week in the muchies, but I think I've been eating like week 6-8. I do try to eat only 4-6 oz of protien per meal. I will push back to 4 oz. I'm pretty happy today...I LOST ANOTHER POUND!!!!
  24. GottaBThin

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Well, I was able to start eating 1 to 1 1/2 cups of food right at my start of the stage 3, the muchies. Before I could only eat 1/2 cup. We talk about the band slipping, but how do we really know? how does the dr know if they don't do an ultrasound at the time of your fill? Please share how your first fills goes. Do they just do the fill and not check for anything else like placement?:tongue2: Susie
  25. GottaBThin

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Cottoy71 - We are really close, I'm in SJ. My dr. told me weigh myself everyday. Is everyone else doing the same? It is a little discouraging. I stay the same, I go up 1/2 lb, then I go down 1 whole lb. Susie

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