I decided in October of last year to have WLS. My doctor recommended the surgeon I'm currently seeing. When I went to the info session he seemed like a personable guy, good credentials, thousands of bandings under his belt. I was excited and made all my appointments right away as I was told. I met with the nutritionalist twice, the pulmonologist, my PCP, cardiologist and psychologist and made further follow up appointments as I was told. Along the way little insignificant information wasn't told to me and that should have been my first clue especially when I got the, "Oh you didn't know?" answer more than once. The lack of information wasn't a big concern because it delayed other appointments but I was still weeks away from a surgical date. Well now the little insignificant information has turned into a major miscommunication.
My insurance carrier requires I see a nutritionalist for 6 months. In the info packet from the surgeon I was told I needed to see my PCP for 6 months and follow a doctor prescribed weight loss program. Well that's not true. My insurance carrier requires I see a nutritionalist not my PCP. So now my surgical date will be delayed for another 4 months, (I saw my surgeon's nutritionalist twice in two months).
The lesson to be learned here for anyone contemplating WLS please learn all that is required of you. Call your insurance carrier yourself and ask. Make sure you call your surgeon's office often to make sure all the information is correct and accurate. Don't trust the answer of one person. Make sure you ask for comfirmation from someone else in the office. Interview the office help before you decide on your surgeon.
I have an appointment on Monday with a different surgeon. I'll interview his staff and may change doctors. Problem is he prefers gastric bypass. At this point I could be talked into it very easily.