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Posts posted by Incredibleshrinkiningkiley

  1. Hey guys I am 6 almost 7 months out (April 27) and I started measuring my food, by volume not by weight, (so I use measuring cups) I do 1/2 a cup of everything the portions seem accurate, well it’s to much. I’ve mostly just been intuitive eating meaning I eat until I’m full, I try not to over eat but now when I do that there’s sO much left on my plate. Any advice will help.

  2. 6 minutes ago, TriciaC. said:


    I'm also 4 mos out with a stall between 192-195. I'm also became caretaker for my elderly Mom so lots of stress going on here. I know how that can impact a person's health but at least I'm not gaining. Still thrilled to be in "onederland" and really enjoying breaks I get from other fam members so I can do my. Reformer Pilates classes where my focus is now cardio/sculpt. I also hop on my treadmill at home buty Water intake has really taken a dive. Need to work on that. The great news is that my A1c # for diabetes no longer requires meds. I'm so, so, happy about that🙂. Btw, my highest history of weight gain was 261, pre-op was 245 to 235 from the week fast, and now 192. Goal is 150 since I am 5'6". I had the revision from lap band to gastric sleeve. My niece had the bypass and she said that her stall required her to go back on Protein Shakes 3x a day un order to trigger more weight loss and so far she has lost 100 pounds. I think I will be trying that, too. Good luck to everyone and I love seeing the pics Mizzkay! You look awesome. Blueslily, thx for keeping this topic alive. I'm right there with you on the stall. We can do this!



    Stalls are normal my love. Things that help me with stalls are relaxing and knowing it’s temporary. Also measuring helps. Switch up your workout routine a little too. My friend who had the surgery said she carb loads to break a stall, I personally can’t have carbs because they make me sick. I take care of myself everyday and I love to relax in the tub burn some incense and take time for me. I don’t weigh myself everyday anymore like I was. Our bodies like certain weights and have a hard time coming out of them. But just like the 3-4 week stall we had back a few months ago this one will pass too!

  3. Hello everyone! My surgery date was April 27, I am down 70lbs from my liquid diet and 60 from the day I went into surgery. Size 20-size 14(I would be a size 12 but I have big hips and a big bottom still) for workouts I’m hiking, walking, starting to run, swimming, yoga(hot yoga is my favorite) and HIIT. In the mornings I eat my Protein yogurt then I’ll snack around 11, then I’ll eat my lunch which is a piece of cheese and feta and olive salad, then I do a Protein Shake for dinner I do chicken or salmon. I can’t do beef and I’m real careful about pork. I’m drinking tons of water! I’m so happy I can have salads and fruits now. Hope everyone is doing well.

  4. Anyone have any NSV to share? I’m in a large shirt now(went from 2x) and my waist size is 35 inches which means I officially have a healthy non obese waist size according to the cdc. I’m down exactly 50lbs! So proud of myself and my journey so far.

    hows the gym going for everyone? I’m hitting it 5x a week. Also I’m loving my yoga routine.

    im starting to be able to eat more than usual. Meal prepping is going really well for me. But chicken is the only meat I can do as fish just makes me cringe, turkey is to heavy and sits in my tummy like a rock, pork is ok but I don’t like it so much.

  5. So I lost my first 45 lbs pretty fast. At 6 weeks I started working out. I’m 8 weeks out and I’ve been stuck between 233-239 every time I get on the scale it tells me a different number. I have lost inches though 5.5 inches last week and 5 inches the week before so 10 inches but no weightloss.

    Here’s what my weekly workout looks like

    m- swim Pilates

    t- Water fitness

    w- HIIT class am yoga pm

    Thursday - swim

    Friday- yoga

    Saturday- yoga

    Sunday- off

    and here’s what I eat daily

    breakfast- 30 G Protein Shake

    Snack- light cheese stick

    lunch- 1 oz Protein of choice and Quest protein chips

    dinner- 2 oz chicken

    snack: protein shake

    64-80 oz of water

    90 g of protein daily as my medical team has advised.

    ok help what am I doing wrong here. I’m not snacking I’m not cheating I’m working out and feeling discouraged. This is why I always quit at diets because I do everything right and I feel like it’s not enough.
    many advice will help.

  6. 32 minutes ago, Flounder said:

    Going thru a stall now been 1 week, hope I break thru soon, keep an eye on measurements if you're not losing on the scale

    This^ I have been between the same 5 pounds for weeks now! scales not really moving. Mind you I work out daily and I do a lot of strength training. Measurements are going down down down.

  7. 1 hour ago, Blueslily said:

    Hello April Sleevers,

    How's everyone doing?

    During the past week, I had my first experience with dizziness. The first time I just figured I moved too quickly and didn't really associate it with WLS. But, when it happened again a week later and was in two settings, I figured it out. Spent the weekend increasing Water intake. I meet with my team tomorrow. I'm ok. Just a couple brief moments mainly when transitioning quickly in bed.

    Anyone have any exciting non-scale victories lately? Yesterday I put on clothes for work and looked like a clown because it was falling all off me, lol. That was exciting 🙂

    I hit my first stall last week. But, probably my fault due to not getting in all my Water the past couple weeks while at work. Still working on increasing water intake during busy days at work. Water at home is easy. At work, I'm just in go, go, go mode. Ugh. I will keep working on it.

    Im Doing great and a lot better with water to be honest. This week I really started to work out and push myself to work out. I’m trying my hardest to stay off the scale because I seem to go between 5 pounds for the past 2 weeks which I’m assuming has to do with muscles. I’m feeling so good since I’m back to yoga and working out. Still can’t eat eggs and I’m finding it harder and harder to make meals because I still can’t have veggies and I’m so tired of the same old turkey meat or ham or soft chicken.

  8. Sounds like you are just like me! I’m almost at week 6. I won’t be able to do any soft veggies until next month. My nutritionist did say soft fruit is OK if you absolutely need it for BMs. That’s why I felt ok eating the strawberry. It’s the lack of carbs that’s the issue for me and carbs are healthy and good in moderation. As for the bms I take 2 stool softeners in the morning with my morning meds and a Fiber chewable(they make sugar free ones) and I am regular every morning. And my program advises against straws but I need one to get my Water intake in. I did a ton of research on them And the non use of straws is kind of a myth based on studies the straw doesn’t do much except very early on after surgery and it has to do with air and gas. Many people use them and are fine.

  9. 8 minutes ago, TriciaC. said:

    Hi, I also had my surgery close to your date(April 28). My headaches came intermittently but not often so I bought liquid Tylenol. I thought maybe it had to do with coffee withdrawals or because I can NEVER get 64 oz. Of Water into a day. I then started exercising; working up a sweat and oxygenating my brain and body. Things got a lot better afterwards. Not saying this would be the problem for you but it might help to troubleshoot these things. I also noticed that I feel awful when I don't get a bowel movement as often as I feel I need it and my head starts to hurt so I use Soylent Protein Drinks (just a few sips) to get things moving. You can buy on Amazon. Now that I'm ending the 5th week, I've found that just a few sips of espresso with cream helps to regulate me too. As a previously heavy coffee drinker, this has become my wonderful heavenly treat.

    Thank you! I tried just about everything so I decided to try to eat a strawberry since I haven’t had a carb in almost 2 months and that actually helped a lot. My program is not allowing fruits carbs or veggies yet. No way I’m gonna get fat from 2 small strawberries lol. And my stomach handled it way better than most foods.

  10. 8 hours ago, WanderingHeart said:

    By the incisions? I have not experience that for this surgery but I did for my c-section around the incision. They cut a lot of nerves so I think it’s normal.

    This 100% and yes mine is numb. My c section was numb for honestly 6 months to a year. It’s nerves. You are not alone friend.

  11. 21 minutes ago, Blueslily said:

    Hey April Sleevers,

    Everyone feeling ok about making it through the holiday weekend? I will be attending a family gathering where family will see me for the first time. I'm 7 weeks out so I've lost weight and can only eat 2.5 ounces of food. Sox I'm preparing to handle a few questions. I'm feeling confident about staying in plan.

    How about you all?

    I will be working(first weekend back to work in 4 weeks post op) I imagine this summer will be hard with BBQs I’ll just have to prepare my own food and bring it

  12. 4 minutes ago, SH76 said:

    I also had mine on 4-27
    Im also feeling super hungry i start purees tomorrow. What Were u eating at puree stage plus have u experienced any leg thigh pain?

    No thigh pain other than when I was doing a lot of sitting the first few weeks. I would call your dr that could be electrolytes or something worse. As for purées I did a lot of egg salad and tuna. Now I’m on purée/soft foods and I’m trying to add more variety. Every program varies so much though on when you can have what foods. Here’s what a day of mine looks like.

    breakfast: Protein Shake

    lunch: 2-3 cups tuna poke

    snack light string cheese

    dinner Greek yogurt

    snack 1 cup ham cut up

    my daily calorie intake is anywhere from 5-700 calories I try to walk everyday the only pain I have is by my rib cage in my left side and that comes and goes. I’ve lost 20 lbs since surgery and 34 since preop diet.

  13. I had surgery April 27 and I’ve been doing well no complications so far. Anyways I’m feeling hungry a lot more now but of course I still can’t eat very big portions(2-3oz at a time) I’m getting my Proteins in and my Water. I absolutely HATE the soft food diet and can’t wait to have real food. Anyways is eating 2-3 oz about 5-6x a day ok? I see my team on Wednesday but I’m just curious what everyone else is doing/did.

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