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LAP-BAND Patients
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About DainaFrances

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/29/1982

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  1. Happy 30th Birthday DainaFrances!

  2. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary DainaFrances!

  3. DainaFrances

    Single and struggling...

    Hi! I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I'm hoping that some of you at least can relate. So here's my story. I've been banded for about three weeks now, and while I'm a little distressed with the fact that my appetite and the amount of food I'm able to consume hasn't changed (but from looking online and talking to my doc. it would appear that's not unheard of), my biggest fear at the moment is the thought of starting to get out there and date again. I never in a million years thought I would find myself feeling this way having been boy crazy (but unbearably shy) since, well.. birth. But now, looking over my last 26 odd years, it's VERY evident that the periods in my life when I've gained the majority of my weight has been after major breakups. I've had just a few relationships, and only two I'd call significant but after each one ended (badly in both cases), I've had the mentality of "why bother watching what I eat?" and I've packed on the pounds. I'm not talking, 5lbs here or 10lbs there... I'm talking 50lbs easy. And this is where I'm most afraid. I'm scared to go through that kind of pain again, and it's then compounded by my fear of giving up on my weight-loss goals because I'm in emotional pain. I'm not just scared... I'm terrified. I'm afraid to un-zip the fat suit I've been hiding inside and have to deal with dating again. Does anyone else feel this way? Has anyone gotten over it? -Daina
  4. DainaFrances

    Where is everyone from????

    Hello All! This is my first post in the Twenties forum, and what a better way to start off then with a little Cannuck pride. :rolleyes2: I'm 26, Female, and born and raised in Vancouver, BC, Canada.... well, North Vancouver, if you wanna be specific. Best wishes! -Daina
  5. DainaFrances

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    I'll be there tomorrow! Around 7pm, right? I finally got banded about three weeks ago, so I've got a lot to talk about! -Daina
  6. I'm going to be there tonight! I missed the last meeting due to work, but I'll be there with my mum as my sidekick. I'm super excited... I've got a date for my surgery!
  7. DainaFrances

    Support in North Van next weeek !!!

    Hi Everybody! It seems I've just missed the latest meeting, but I'd really like to attend the next. I haven't actually been banded yet, but I'd really love to meet with those of you who either have been banded or are looking into getting it done like myself. Is there going to be a meeting on the 16th of July? -Daina

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
