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  1. Like
    Qamilian1 reacted to Qamilian1 in Constipation   
    OMG!!! Seriously!!! I have never in my entire life left the commode KNOWING that I had not finished my business but after 1 hour and 45 minutes of trying resolved that I was just simply unable to. I have ratcheted up the Fiber, added myralax and stool softener and will have the glycerin suppositories on stand by from this point on.. cuz DAMN!! And would you believe this experience actually put my coccyx out... I'm miserable. 😱
  2. Like
    Qamilian1 reacted to Qamilian1 in One glass of wine....   
    I can definitely agree that unplanned random drinking can certainly lead to some drunk decision making. So I only drink occasionally and plan my experience. I have these super dainty lovely crystal glasses that full only hold three ounces. I fill to the curve line with an ounce. I cut up an ounce of this delightful extra aged Gouda cheese with those crystals in it into tiny pieces . So I know my tasty snack and dont drink enough for an altered state requiring fridge cleaning.
  3. Like
    Qamilian1 reacted to Qamilian1 in When can I resistance train after VSG?   
    I had gastric sleeve surgery March 18th this year. Today is 7 weeks post-op. I'm missing pilates. When can I resistance train again? I did light pilates yesterday and slept 11 hours last night.. is it too soon?
  4. Like
    Qamilian1 reacted to ShoppGirl in Struggling   
    I am glad you are feeling better about this. Just remember through any stall (because you will have a few through this process) that no human can survive on the limited calories we are consuming (assuming you are sticking to your plan) and not lose weight. Your body may fight it for a little while but the loss is inevitable.
  5. Hugs
    Qamilian1 reacted to Jaelzion in What was/is your greatest fear?   
    I had two major fears:
    1. I would have some sort of serious complication. For some reason, people delight in telling you horror stories once they know you are having bariatric surgery and all that gave me anxiety.
    2. I was afraid it wouldn't work. I don't know why, I just wasn't confident that the surgery would be effective for me.
    As it turned out, both fears were unnecessary. I had no major issues with surgery and I'm happy with my results so far. 🙂 And now I get to be a counter-example for all those horror stories, LOL.
  6. Like
    Qamilian1 reacted to Shanelle089 in Struggling   
    Omg thank you all ur comments made me feel so much better waking up an reading them I put my scale up an increased my work out routine this morning ❤️
  7. Like
    Qamilian1 got a reaction from Shanelle089 in Struggling   
    First thing... BREATHE... A LOT. Second thing, be patient with yourself. Arabesque is correct. And this will pass. You can do this even if the "this" is getting through the stalls. If your not already, doing body measurements is a big help so even though the scale may not be moving you can see that your body is changing. Also pay attention to your BM's.
  8. Like
    Qamilian1 reacted to LizzLosingIt in One glass of wine....   
    Pre-op here. Just saw my nutritionist today. My surgeon has insisted on no carbonated drinks EVER, for life. There goes champagne. And White Claws. I asked why, and he said that consistent intake will expand your pouch. So I’m thinking I’m limited to like a champagne toast at the rare wedding and nothing else.
    my nutritionist told me however that alcohol is not off limits once in stage four of eating, just drink it slowly and try it at home. Get a Designated Driver if you’re out. Try to get something low in sugar to avoid dumping, like a shot diluted in ice with a lemon twist, or the old classic, a vodka cranberry.
  9. Like
    Qamilian1 reacted to blackcatsandbaddecisions in One glass of wine....   
    I had a small glass of wine starting at like 4 months postop. I didn’t really want any before that. My plan calls for not drinking during the weight loss phase, but my weight loss phase is going to last for a while since I have so much to lose so I felt like it was ok to introduce. It went fine, I have one every month or so now. Long term with the surgery I’m not going to be a teetotaler for life, so I’m trying to build reasonable habits.

  10. Like
    Qamilian1 got a reaction from JustSJ in One glass of wine....   
    At about a month out I started having little sips of my husband's glass of wine. One sip one night two sips another night so in a week I'd had maybe three sips. No problems. last Saturday six weeks out I had my own glass with a whole ounce in it. Spilled half of it so ended up having half an ounce over two hours, Lol no problems. I think sipping a glass slowly if you're tolerating it well is no problem at all. Again as long as it's not going to trigger bad behavior. I also need normal in order to feel like I'm not missing out on anything. But the serving sizes are so tiny anyways I just don't see the harm. I followed all of the rules and my doctor doesn't see a problem as long as I'm tolerating it. In two weeks we have a party at the house and my intention is to have my own glass of wine. Even if it takes me the entire day to drink it. 😊 😁 Yay
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    Qamilian1 reacted to Meadow76 in Filling loose skin with muscle   
    Resistance training worked for me. I used Pilates ring. Made huge difference in my 135 weight loss.
  12. Like
    Qamilian1 reacted to blackcatsandbaddecisions in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I love these lists! I’m still 52 lbs from goal, but so far I have a whole list:
    1. Not feeling like I have to rush home to get into pajamas because it’s the only thing that doesn’t feel like it’s strangling me. Bras just fit better when you arent as fat, who knew.
    2. Chairs! Chairs with arms! Flimsy looking chairs! Patio chairs!
    3. So much variety in clothes, and I can wear styles I like instead of huge frumpy cardigans over everything. I can thrift now, and shop in pretty much any store.
    4. I feel like I have energy and interest in doing things again. I don’t just want to hide out at home and eat all weekend long.
    5. Not being terrified of running into someone I knew 10+ years ago in public because of how fat I’d gotten.
    6. I can go up the stairs and not die. I can exercise and not feel like I might die. Amazing.
    7. I wore a pair of shorts yesterday and they weren’t Bermuda length! And my thighs didn’t start a small fire.
    8. I like my facial features so much better now. My eyes look bigger, my jawline actually exists, and I look more like myself.
    9. At my heaviest my arms stuck out weird because of the fat, and my legs were always at a weird angle because of fat as well. I can rest my arms by my sides and stand with my feet together.

  13. Like
    Qamilian1 reacted to ms.sss in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    It's been a while since I did an inventory of my NSV's.
    I'm 2.5 years post op, but I can still appreciate all the little things:
    Not only fitting into regular-width tall boots, but wearing jeans with knee-high woollen socks over them while wearing said boots AND still have room to spare. I used to hate it whenever Mr. tried to pick me up - as in lift up off the ground, not hit on at the bar! - (dude, I'm 235 lbs, you will embarrass both you AND me in your attempts)...now I find any excuse for him to do it...including jumping onto him at random moments. Sharing (and fitting into) the often fought-over arm chair in the house with the Kid at the same time quite comfortably. Feeling 110% confident in walking around buck naked (in front of Mr. lol). No more quick dashes to my closet after showers (i do a slow catwalk now...lol), no more towels or sheets or strategically placed hands to cover myself. The lights are ON alot during sexy-times hahahahahhaha. Seemingly endless amounts of energy, a perpetually good mood, and an overall attitude of "Sure, let's do it" (whatever it may be)....vs. being tired all the time, cranky and annoyed alot, and saying NO to most things. oh, and ...CLOTHES.
  14. Like
    Qamilian1 got a reaction from WanderingHeart in Surgery cancelled due to COVID surge :-(   
    Yes you're right this sucks big time. My surgery was originally scheduled for March 2020 And I live in a great state of stupidville California where somebody hiccups and they shut the whole state down. Anyway I had to wait a year for my surgery date ultimately ended up being 3-18-21. A year after my original schedule date and one month exactly after my mother died of covid. That encouraged me big time because my mom's weight was so high they couldn't turn her over. Her suffering was so bad before we lost her. So I understand about the need for covid shutdowns and I understand the devastation of having this necessary surgery postponed. But everyone here is right saying stick to your guns and to the tools that you've learned. You can take off some additional weight before your surgery. Be even healthier for it, and your outcome can be good and you'll heal really well and fast. Time goes by no matter what we do. So let's make the best of the time that we have.
  15. Like
    Qamilian1 got a reaction from SummerTimeGirl in Hangry   
    I am 5 weeks post-op, doing fantastic and down 30 pounds. Clothes are hanging off me. I am following ALL the rules and tolerating everything well. Recently I have noticed when I get hungry,or wait too long to eat I get mean.... Fussy, frustrated and I don't like it. I try to not let myself get to that point but sometimes when life gets busy it happens. Has anyone else noticed that.. what are you doing to avoid it?
    Surgery date 3/18/2021 Gastric Sleeves
    startweight 207
    Current 177.
    Had surgery for health reasons gastroparisis/gastritis/ weight loss.
  16. Like
    Qamilian1 got a reaction from WanderingHeart in Surgery cancelled due to COVID surge :-(   
    Yes you're right this sucks big time. My surgery was originally scheduled for March 2020 And I live in a great state of stupidville California where somebody hiccups and they shut the whole state down. Anyway I had to wait a year for my surgery date ultimately ended up being 3-18-21. A year after my original schedule date and one month exactly after my mother died of covid. That encouraged me big time because my mom's weight was so high they couldn't turn her over. Her suffering was so bad before we lost her. So I understand about the need for covid shutdowns and I understand the devastation of having this necessary surgery postponed. But everyone here is right saying stick to your guns and to the tools that you've learned. You can take off some additional weight before your surgery. Be even healthier for it, and your outcome can be good and you'll heal really well and fast. Time goes by no matter what we do. So let's make the best of the time that we have.
  17. Like
    Qamilian1 reacted to WanderingHeart in Stress Eating Post-Sleeve   
    I would do a self care reboot and contact a therapist. For self care, I buy myself beautiful flowers (lavender colored roses are my fave), take a bubble bath, put on some music and dance, maybe get a massage or pedicure. Whatever you like and feels good!
  18. Like
    Qamilian1 got a reaction from GreenTealael in Hangry   
    How long after surgery can you eat nuts and seeds? That sounds like a good non refrigerated snack.. I have just started eating pure Protein Bars and that helps but I don't always want something sweet or processed. I like the string cheese option and will try the Quest chips too.. I don't get angry..I get snappy and short tempered,.. very unpleasant. I know I'm doing it and it frustrates me because I don't mean too and it's not my personality at all.. it only happens when I wait too long to eat. I definitely think it's a low blood sugar thing.
  19. Like
    Qamilian1 got a reaction from WanderingHeart in Surgery cancelled due to COVID surge :-(   
    Yes you're right this sucks big time. My surgery was originally scheduled for March 2020 And I live in a great state of stupidville California where somebody hiccups and they shut the whole state down. Anyway I had to wait a year for my surgery date ultimately ended up being 3-18-21. A year after my original schedule date and one month exactly after my mother died of covid. That encouraged me big time because my mom's weight was so high they couldn't turn her over. Her suffering was so bad before we lost her. So I understand about the need for covid shutdowns and I understand the devastation of having this necessary surgery postponed. But everyone here is right saying stick to your guns and to the tools that you've learned. You can take off some additional weight before your surgery. Be even healthier for it, and your outcome can be good and you'll heal really well and fast. Time goes by no matter what we do. So let's make the best of the time that we have.
  20. Like
    Qamilian1 got a reaction from SummerTimeGirl in Hangry   
    I am 5 weeks post-op, doing fantastic and down 30 pounds. Clothes are hanging off me. I am following ALL the rules and tolerating everything well. Recently I have noticed when I get hungry,or wait too long to eat I get mean.... Fussy, frustrated and I don't like it. I try to not let myself get to that point but sometimes when life gets busy it happens. Has anyone else noticed that.. what are you doing to avoid it?
    Surgery date 3/18/2021 Gastric Sleeves
    startweight 207
    Current 177.
    Had surgery for health reasons gastroparisis/gastritis/ weight loss.
  21. Like
    Qamilian1 got a reaction from SummerTimeGirl in Hangry   
    I am 5 weeks post-op, doing fantastic and down 30 pounds. Clothes are hanging off me. I am following ALL the rules and tolerating everything well. Recently I have noticed when I get hungry,or wait too long to eat I get mean.... Fussy, frustrated and I don't like it. I try to not let myself get to that point but sometimes when life gets busy it happens. Has anyone else noticed that.. what are you doing to avoid it?
    Surgery date 3/18/2021 Gastric Sleeves
    startweight 207
    Current 177.
    Had surgery for health reasons gastroparisis/gastritis/ weight loss.
  22. Like
    Qamilian1 reacted to Jaelzion in Surgery cancelled due to COVID surge :-(   
    I'm sorry, that's gotta be devastating. A lot of people on here were in the same situation last year. Hang in there, it's a delay, not a denial.
  23. Like
    Qamilian1 reacted to NiceAnkles in Surgery cancelled due to COVID surge :-(   
    Yup, it’s a bummer. My VSG was originally scheduled 12/17/20 but was rescheduled to 2/4/21. Hang in there and keep treating yourself like surgery is imminent!
  24. Like
    Qamilian1 reacted to NiceAnkles in Surgery cancelled due to COVID surge :-(   
    So sorry for your loss, @Qamilian. 😞
  25. Like
    Qamilian1 got a reaction from WanderingHeart in Surgery cancelled due to COVID surge :-(   
    Yes you're right this sucks big time. My surgery was originally scheduled for March 2020 And I live in a great state of stupidville California where somebody hiccups and they shut the whole state down. Anyway I had to wait a year for my surgery date ultimately ended up being 3-18-21. A year after my original schedule date and one month exactly after my mother died of covid. That encouraged me big time because my mom's weight was so high they couldn't turn her over. Her suffering was so bad before we lost her. So I understand about the need for covid shutdowns and I understand the devastation of having this necessary surgery postponed. But everyone here is right saying stick to your guns and to the tools that you've learned. You can take off some additional weight before your surgery. Be even healthier for it, and your outcome can be good and you'll heal really well and fast. Time goes by no matter what we do. So let's make the best of the time that we have.

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