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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tashanicole1271

  1. My surgery was on a Wednesday and I just took a long weekend and went back to work the following Monday. I walked, slowly, on the treadmill that Tuesday. By the following Monday, I was back to my normal exercise routine, except for anything that involved any bending in the abdomen, such as crunches.
  2. From the start of the entire process to approval took a little over 6 months. I did the 6 month supervised diet and the date of my last visit, my PCP printed off all of my records and I took them to the surgeon's office to be sent to Aetna that day. That was a Wednesday and I called back Friday to make sure everything was sent off. I got a letter in the mail saying I was approved 9 days later!
  3. tashanicole1271

    I eat to much!!

    I understand how you feel completely! It is not about the food we are eating, it's about what's eating us. Once you figure out what the real problem is that caused you to ever feel like you needed WLS in the first place, you will be on your way. I have had to realize that nothing or on one around me is more important that me gaining the sense of health and well-being that I desire. I had surgury on 1/14 and have fallen off the wagon.....I went for my second fill on 3/23 and only lost .7 pounds in 4 weeks! I decided then that when I go back in 4 weeks I will have at least lost 10 pounds, but it is not magic, I have to do my part. Remember the reasons you decided to have the surgery in the first place and reflect on those things. Also, you are not even a month out; at 2 weeks out, I didn't want my band anymore, but I had to realize that the band is just a tool and I still must put in the work. However much weight you have lost so far, look at it as weight that you will never see again. Everytime I respond to a post such as yours, I tell the person that this weight loss journey is not a sprint, it is a marathon and the goal is to stay in the race.....I think you are still in the race. Be blessed!
  4. tashanicole1271

    I'm new to this

    I just had my second fill on yesterday and I really still fill no restriction. I have heard some say that it may take 3 or 4 fills before you really feel any. Hang in here guys, I am with you!
  5. tashanicole1271

    everything that could go wrong...

    First, congratulations on your success! I was banded on 1/14/09. I did "ok" for the first month, but I have really struggled this last month. I went today for my second fill and it was no shock to me that I had only lost 1 pound! I exercise religously, but I think I sabotage it with my food choices. I don't know what size band I have or how much my doc has put in it, but I think I do feel some restriction today that I haven't felt before. I don't want to be so tight that I get sick, but I need to feel full! I have vowed to make a better effort before my next doc appt. to get my cravings under control.....I am indeed in "bandster's hell!" How the heck do I get out?
  6. tashanicole1271

    What do you all do?

    I am a Financial Coordinator for the largest provider of dialysis services in the world.
  7. tashanicole1271

    Anyone Change Hospitals/Drs?

    I did not experience anything like this when I was banded, but I an a financial coordinator for a dialysis company. I can tell you from past experiences with patients that when you transfer from one doc to another, they don't always accept everything from the previous doc. Even if you have all your ducks in a row, it still might not be accepted. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but you should probably wait until your doc returns for maternity leave. I know it is easier said than done, but I would take the time from now to July to prepare my mind and body for the lapband. If you are not on a regular exercise regimen, start one. Also, start watching what you are eating and make a effort to cut down. This will help you during the first months of haveing the band when you really have no restriction and it is shear willpower that keeps you going. Good luck to you and God bless.....
  8. tashanicole1271

    First fill question

    Most doctors will use their own discretion as to how much to fill you. I had my first fill on 2/23 and have had absolutely no restriction! I go Monday for my second fill. I hope I have some restriction this time, but I trust my doc and will take whatever he gives me. I view losing weight with the help of the lapband as a marathon, not a sprint. As long as I stay in the race for the long haul, I will be ok.
  9. tashanicole1271

    Help! Tax burning holes in my pocket

    No offense intended, but what does that have to do with the lapband? Maybe you should have directed that question to one of the numerous forums!
  10. tashanicole1271

    2nd Fill Tomorrow...Gaining

    TaraBell, I could have written your post! I was banded on 1/14 and had my first fill on 2/23. I have barely lost an inch in the 4 weeks since the fill.....my next fill is Monday. Just hang in there, we will get that good restriction that we need so badly!
  11. tashanicole1271

    Lap Band inside you

    I was banded 1/14/09 and up until this point, I haven't felt anything! I have had no pain to let me know I have this foreign object in my body. I have only had one fill, so I have not had much restriction yet. The only thing that has let me know something is different with my body is, there have been a few occasions where it feels like my food or drink is moving very slowly and I am sure that is a result of the band. Hopefully others will reply who have felt something more descriptive with the band.
  12. tashanicole1271

    banded 12-16-08

    I had to post after I read JenEc's post. First, congratulations on your weight loss so far and knocking at the door of "onederland!" I was banded 1/14/09 and have lost about 20 pounds so far. I am having the same issue as you with food selections. I eat far less than I have ever eaten in my life, but I know my weight loss would be further along if I didn't eat some of the things that I do. I go for my second fill on Monday. I hope to get some restriction this time, as I had none from my first fill. My advice to all of us is no matter how we struggle with losing this weight, each pound we lose is a pound we will never see again, so keep looking forward and it will happen! Everyone be blessed!
  13. I don't live in NYC, but I do have Aetna. When I went to the seminar sponsored by the doc who did my surgery, a sheet was passed out afterwards that gave the names and numbers of people who did the nutritional and psych evals. I had to pay for the nutritional eval in full, but the insurance covered all but $100 dollars of the psych eval. We could all have the same insurance, but the specifics could be different.
  14. tashanicole1271

    Hello everyone..

    I was banded on 1/14/09 and had my first fill on 2/23/09. I have been very disappointed with my fill, as I have felt no real restriction. On a positive note, I have lost 4 pounds since the fill. There is NOTHING wrong with you kurns78. It will take several fills before you truly have restriction. Just make sure you are watching what you are eating and getting all your protein. I think my saving grace has been the exercise. I must admit that I don't always eat the things that I should, but I make sure I am in the gym 4-5 times per week. I get my next fill on 3/23/09 and hope it is better than the first one. Don't be discouraged! Just look at those 16 pounds you have lost so far as weight you will never see again. Be blessed!
  15. tashanicole1271

    How much did you loose in PREOP?

    I lost 9 pounds in two weeks, which was fine. My doc required that I lose 7 pounds.
  16. Yeah, that sounds like something interesting!
  17. tashanicole1271

    How Long?

    I would say I thought about it off and on for about two years. While it's good to have a good support system around you, you can't tell everyone of your desire to have WLS. I think two years ago, I told a few people who were close to me of my desire to have the lap band and they eventually talked me out of it! This go round, I only told my husband and my children, initially. I had the surgery on 1/14/09 and those same negative people are still negative, but I know I made the right decision for me.
  18. tashanicole1271

    Surgical Steri Strips

    My doctor said they should fall off by themselves. I am not sure how long it takes, but if your are curling up, then you are on your way! I was banded on the 14th and mine are curling too. As for the lotion, I do put it on my belly when I get out of the shower because of the itching. The itching is just a sine of your incisions healing.
  19. OMG, I thought I was crazt until I read this post. I was banded on the 14th and started on the Protein powder on the 15th. On the 16th, I noticed that my legs were itching like crazy and were breaking out.....I could not stop scratching. I can only contribute this to the protein powder because that is the only new thing I have been taking. I normally have bad allergies, so my PCP put me on Xyzal for that. I have been taking it, but I am going to see about the dosage being upped or changed to something stronger before I scratch all the skin off of my legs because I can't stop the protein.
  20. tashanicole1271

    Anyone out there from Tennessee?

    Beth, I tried to accept the friends request, but I am not sure I knew what I was doing! Please let me know if you got it. Tasha
  21. tashanicole1271

    Anyone out there from Tennessee?

    I live in Memphis and was banded 1/14/09 by Dr. Woodman. When is your first fill? I am doing good too. I think I may have made a visit to "bandsters hell" a few days ago, but now I have gotten back to my regular schedule and those feelings have subsided. I look forward to hearing from you. Tasha
  22. tashanicole1271


    IURN62, I have the same Aetna plan as you do and I was banded on the 14th. Your company does have to include WLS in what they will cover, but I wouldn't give up. Just check and send if there are ant exclusions.
  23. tashanicole1271

    Is Acid Reflux a comorbidity?

    I'm really not sure if it is considered a comorbidity, but I think people who are overweight tend to suffer from it alot. I was banded on the 14th and when my surgeon did my EGD a few weeks before hand, he said I had reflux and just put me on Protonix for 3 months.
  24. tashanicole1271

    5th Day Post Op, Its Been Rough!

    I had my surgery on the 14th also. I felt pretty good until yesterday and was feeling good restricition because of the swelling. Now that the swelling is subsiding, I feel like I could eat a horse! Someone mentioned that their sips have turned into gulps; that is what is happening to me. I know it is mind over matter, so I am doing my best to control myself and not eat something that is restricted right now. Good luck to you all!
  25. I was banded on the 14th and my doc did not require a pre-op diet either. I didn't put myself on a full liquid diet before the surgery, but I did do it partially and ate as if I were already banded.....I lost 8 pounds in the process. I was also going to the gym everyday. I think it is a good thing to do so you won't pull your system into shock all at once. Good luck to you.....

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