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About MeganMatters

  • Rank
    Go COUGS!!
  • Birthday 01/28/1982

About Me

  • Biography
    I'm a fun loving person with a passion to live life to its fullest.
  • Interests
    Singing, theatre, reading, cooking
  • Occupation
    Higher Education Administrator
  • State
  1. MeganMatters

    Pain in my left side when I breathe

    I'm curious --has your pain persisted? I had surgery in July 2008 and started to feel the same kind of pain in February 2010. It's never gone away. I've done all the imaging tests--diet elimination-- the only think consistent is the location. I used to get some relief by bending to my left side to muster up a burp. But within the last 8 months, that doesn't work at all. I'm just looking to see if others are as uncomfortable as I am. . . I'm scheduling a bad adjustment for next week. Hoping that the removal of some liquid will help.
  2. Happy 31st Birthday MeganMatters!

  3. MeganMatters

    I can"t eat breakfast, I can eat a house for dinner

    Hi everyone. I have a little update on this topic. I had struggled with the morning tightness for almost 2 years. Last December (2011) I had a horrible experience with my band's attitude problem (as I liked to call it). I had gotten used to it being very tight in the morning and quite loose in the evening. I had even gotten used to spitting up 3-5 times a week. Anyway, on December 19th, my band decided (or my stomach. . .whatever) that it wanted to be so tight that I was unable to swallow my own spit. This was the most frightening thing EVER. In my attempts to swallow spit and Water for that matter, I ended up vomiting. This is the only time I have ever vomited with the band in. A few phone calls later, I was back with my surgeon. She took out .5 cc's. I was on liquids for 5 days --still my idea of pure hell. In the long run, I love that I can each an egg for Breakfast at a normal time like a normal person. I love that I have only spit up once since December. I still hate that I can eat a normal sized meal without feeling any restriction. I want to think the band can work, but almost 4 years post surgery, I was as successful losing weight before the surgery than I have been after having it.
  4. Happy 30th Birthday MeganMatters!

  5. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary MeganMatters!

  6. MeganMatters

    I can"t eat breakfast, I can eat a house for dinner

    A little update. I went to see my surgeon last Monday. She did not want to give me another fill. I understood that, noting the fact that eating is not happening in the am. As for my mid afternoon/evening issues, we're trying a few new approaches. 1. Do not force myself to consume calories in the morning. The whole you have to eat breakfast thing, she said, is not really proven, it's just assumed. So if I have no appetite, then there is no reason to be eating. 2. Eat more plant based protein. Not sure why--something about my body sustaining better with soy/beans and such better than with meat. I've been totally vegetarian for the last three days. Good think i know what to do with tofu! 3. ANd this one, i have yet to do, because I hate exercising. HATE HATE HATE it. . . . anyway, they want me to go for an aerobic walk just after work to help hold off hunger. I guess when one works out, glucose is released from the liver, thus holding off hunger. Not really sure if I'm buying it, because the last time I was in a workout class, I was always hungry throughout and after the class. 4. And finally, I'll be getting a resting energy test to discover what my current calorie burn actually is. My surgeon thinks I'm probably around 1100.
  7. MeganMatters

    I can"t eat breakfast, I can eat a house for dinner

    I'm aware of the differences between hunger and random weird stomach sounds. Hunger comes with discomfort, random sounds do not. Trust me, it's legit hunger. Today's lunch was 3 oz of chicken breast, spinach/carrot/snow pea stir fry mixed with about 1/3 cup of wheat penne. I ate the chicken first, then the veggies then the Pasta. I took 25 min to eat, concluded at 12:40. I was starving at 3:00.
  8. MeganMatters

    I can"t eat breakfast, I can eat a house for dinner

    Thank you so much for sharing. I'm really looking for others with this issue. It drives me crazy. I want another fill to help with afternoon/night time issues, but am afraid to lose my ability to even eat lunch. I like my Protein shakes, but certainly am not interested in drinking 2 a day forever. I wish I could control my band externally. It would be great to adjust as my tightness changes. Thanks again for sharing! Megan
  9. MeganMatters

    I can"t eat breakfast, I can eat a house for dinner

    I've played around quite a bit with what and when I'm eating. Last night I had about 3 oz of lean pork, green Beans and a salad at 6:30. Again, by 9:00 I was grumbling. When I say grumbling, we're talking horrid discomfort with audible sounds able to be heard across the living room. Note: the frozen meals I eat for lunch always have 15+ grams of Protein, I always eat the chicken/shrimp first, veggies second and if there is a carb, i eat that last. Megan
  10. I am writing because I want to know if other people have this issue. I had surgery 7/2008. I had issues feeling restriction and it took a long time and MANY fills. My last fill was 2/2010. I am well over 7cc. I lost weight like a rock star in the beginning, but I was hungry all the time. My lowest weight was 227 in 6/2009, I'm now at 245, just 30 lbs below my surgery day weight of 275. I was at 308 when I started the whole journey. I have been a size 18 since september 2008. I am very tight in the mornings. I can't even eat a scrambled egg. I have no appetite whatsoever. My mornings consist of coffee and a Protein shake or nothing or cottage cheese. I start to growl at about 10:30/11:00 am. I eat a normal lunch. . . lean cuisines, maybe a loaded salad, a chicken taco. I am then starving all afternoon. I get extremely snacky. When I get home, dinner feels like a 24 hour vegas buffet. I can eat anything! (ok, almost anything). I know that I struggle with food choice, so if you're reading this saying--well, honey, you just shouldn't eat that--I know. I know exactly how many calories are in everything. 11 Doritos has 140. There, see. So tonight, I ate a trader joes indian food thing. I ate both servings in the pack. Chickpeas in a yummy glop (410 calories) and a salad with homemade dressing. I ate that at 6:50pm. It is now 9:40 pm and I am grumbling. Dinner is horrid for me, because I know that I shouldn't be able to eat normal person portions. So if other people have this issues, I would love to hear from you. I feel like a freak of lap-band nature. Thanks, Megan
  11. MeganMatters

    No, Im not a failure. Thanks for asking.

    wow. you have no idea how badly I needed to read that. I have been falling into "I'm a failure" for almost 4 months. Still playing around with my fills--not getting full quickly and making horrible food choices that cause me to make more horrible choices. However--I have joined a weight training class and I have not gone above 240 in a month. These are good things. While I'm not sure if I'm fully out of my funk--I know I have been out of it before and can get there again. Many THANKS for your words.
  12. Jachut, Thank you. My problem is--I'm not loosing any more. I've been bouncing between 241 and 246 for months. I went into this expecting some frustration. I just find it annoying that I'm eating at the same level I was when preparing for the surgery and still feel just as hungry just as quickly. Right now I am focusing on tracking and keeping my calories around 1200-1400 a day. Funny that right after surgery I was struggling to get in 800. . . . patience!!!
  13. Thank you everyone. I had my fill--did the liquid, mushy thing for a week and have been adding things into my diet. I'm still frustrated at how quickly I feel hungry. For example, today I had a toasted high fiber english muffin with a scrambled egg and a piece of turkey bacon at 10am. My tummy was talking like crazy by 1. I think I am going to start documenting how long things keep me full. I already track my food--but the time of satisfaction sounds like a better indicator. Here's to getting and staying below 240. . . . it's been my demon number!! cheers.
  14. I was banded on July 24 Fill 1, 2cc on Sept.3 Fill 2, 2cc on Nov 4 Fill 3 is scheduled for tomorrow. I basically feel like I can eat anything I want. Nothing gets stuck, nothing comes back up. . . . If you have found your sweet spot--what do you eat for lunch? How long do you stay full? I'm eating 6in subway sandwiches without a blink. Is that seriously normal?? Thanks for your words!!!
  15. Erikka,


    I would looooove to meet you. I am very happy to talk all about my experience & to be honest it would be amazing to have a local supporter by my side.


    I work for the admissions office, so I am a crazy busy person right now. Please feel free to e-mail me. I think it's easier than this site.



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