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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lizonaplane

  1. I also didn't lose my appetite and everyone kept telling me that it was just head hunger. It was not. The bariatric therapist said that about 20% of her patients (especially common in those with bipolar disorder) do not lose their hunger. They put me on metformin and topamax, and that seems to be helping. But I'm so sorry you're facing this. It's miserable to be hungry but unable to eat.
  2. lizonaplane

    Slow eating

    You can get a warmer (designed for coffee mugs) that you can place your food on to keep it warm. I would think a ceramic bowl would be better for keeping heat in because it's more insulating. I hate eating cold food too. I use containers that are the size of my small servings, not huge plates that have a lot of room for air to dissipate. Like, you could use a smaller mug for soup. I use small fake tupperware to heat up my meals and then just eat from there. It's also less depressing - if I put food in a big plate/bowl, my serving looks so pathetic.
  3. lizonaplane

    Slow eating

    I don't count chews. I tried chewing a LOT and it was so gross and sucked all the joy out of eating. I tend to stick to things that are easier to eat - ground meat dishes, fish, etc. I think you will have to see whether counting chews works for you or whether it's better to try other strategies.
  4. lizonaplane

    Slow eating

    Put your fork down between each bite. That's the easiest way to slow down. Only after you've swallowed your food should you start to cut/pick up your next bite. Take small bites. You will learn once you have surgery because you will be in pain if you eat too fast. I'm six months out and I still have trouble with it occasionally.
  5. lizonaplane

    Negative comments from family members

    I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I agree with others who suggested to work with a therapist or tell your family that the issue is closed, but I realize these are hard things to do and not always an option. Are your family members overweight? Sometimes people say these sorts of things out of jealousy or based on their own experiences. It doesn't make it okay, but at least you can know it's their BS and not about you. I personally eat sweets from time to time - I was told I didn't have to be 100% perfect, just keep my eating choices good 80-90% of the time. But that may not work for everyone. I do agree that celebrating with food probably isn't the best idea, but a treat on your birthday sounds pretty harmless as long as you can enjoy a reasonable portion and it doesn't become a binge. Good luck!
  6. I am one of the unfortunate few who didn't lose my hunger. It was miserable to be hungry when I could only eat a few bites of food and then I'd be hungry again almost immediately. It is possible to feel hunger after surgery, but most people don't. I'm down 105 lbs and I am glad I had the surgery. Mostly now, I just have to worry about eating unhealthy foods that are "slider" foods (chips, sweets, etc) because they don't trigger my restriction and it's too easy to eat too much.
  7. I only lost 1 lb on the pre-op diet. Like you, I was able to eat "real" food, just very low carb and low fat. I had already lost almost 50 lbs, so that is likely why I didn't lose much - I had already lost the weight that comes off quickly (AKA water weight). I see that your surgery is today; hope you're feeling okay.
  8. lizonaplane

    Dreaded hair loss - question

    I'm six months out. I see a lot of hair in my comb and in the sink, but it only looks thinner on some days, although I'm not sure why. My hair is very short, and I think that helps it be less noticeable when it sheds. No one else has noticed my hair getting thinner - I asked my hairdresser and he said he couldn't tell, but I am not sure. I always take my multivitamins and almost always get 70+ g of protein. We were told that there really isn't anything you can do to prevent hair loss. Taking extra biotin can mess up certain lab levels, too. As far as I can tell, I have just been lucky - so far!
  9. lizonaplane

    Gained it all back.

    Pouch reset is not a real thing. It's a myth. To OP, I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time. It's very hard to deal with trauma and lose weight at the same time. You can lose the weight again, but make sure you're in a good place and don't push yourself too hard while you are still recovering. Hopefully you have a therapist who is experienced with food issues. Your physical therapist is the best person to help you figure out what exercises you are able to do, but no amount of exercise can undo a bad diet. I would recommend you start by TRACKING what you're eating. Weigh and measure your food and be honest and complete in your food log. Then, focus on the basics: lean protein, vegetables, and complex carbs and fruit last (try to limit sweets, but you don't have to be 100% perfect; just 80-90% of the time!) Good luck to you!
  10. lizonaplane

    Clear protein drink

    I bought some of a few different kinds and they were "thick" tasting and gross... You won't be on clear liquids for very long so don't worry so much about getting too much protein in those few days. And confirm with your surgery center whether protein water is considered a clear liquid. Since it has whey protein in it, it might not be.
  11. lizonaplane

    Dailey Harvest

    I drink it out of the blender cup without the top on. It takes me about 30-40 minutes to drink and with hot water it cleans just fine after that. I have sometimes had it take me two hours to drink and still no issues with hot water washing. But it is also dishwasher safe.
  12. lizonaplane

    Weight loss stall

    If you are very heavy, you need a lot more calories to NOT be in a calorie deficit. 2800 calories would be if a thin person ran a marathon. If you are heavier, you burn more calories with exercise. Plus, I didn't say it was all fat. When people first start losing weight there is a lot of water loss.
  13. lizonaplane

    Dailey Harvest

    Agree 100%. I use a protein shake or protein powder and some frozen fruit (sometimes also spinach) and water. I use the Ninja Bullet blender and clean it right away with just hot water, so easy! And if you use frozen fruit it's easier and cheaper than fresh fruit - and certainly much cheaper than the ones you order. It takes me about 3 minutes to make one, and thirty seconds to clean up.
  14. lizonaplane

    Weight loss stall

    Also, you lost 23 lbs in a MONTH!!!! That's not "only" 23 pounds... you lost a huge amount!
  15. lizonaplane


    I was very anxious prior to surgery, and I had a really long time to wait - 7.5 months. When I decided I wanted surgery, I immediately started to eat like I would have to after surgery, except for the tiny meals. I increased protein and decreased sugar and carbs. I lost 50 lbs prior to surgery which is 50 lbs I don't need to lose now. Keeping focused on healthy activities really helped me feel more in control and less anxious. Good luck!
  16. lizonaplane

    Ulcer rate 15-20%???!!!

    I would ask your surgeon why his rate of ulcers is much higher than the average. That would be a red flag to me.
  17. lizonaplane

    Now thinking if canceling surgery 🥺

    I was really worried about GERD, but there are medication absorption issues with bypass that made me a bad candidate for that. I am six months out and have had zero issues with GERD. Before surgery I would have GERD if I overate. of course, now it's hard to overeat, but even when I feel uncomfortably full, I still don't get GERD. You might decide to wait on surgery, but if you have other health conditions, you might be at risk. Just keep in mind that surgery may not fix co-morbidities, even if the surgeon says it will.
  18. Hi All! I've used MyFitnessPal since 2012 and I really like it but I've noticed a lot of people who have bariatric surgery like Baritastic. Can someone tell me a little about Baritastic and what it might be better for, why I might want to consider it? Pros/cons? Or, if you've tried it and use MyFitnessPal instead, why you don't use Baritastic? Thanks!
  19. lizonaplane


    One thing you may not realize - most hospitals take a long time to discharge you because they have to get all their paperwork done, and the discharge nurse has to be available. The carer may or may not be able to come into your room (depending on COVID procedures) so she may need to wait in the car. I would talk to the surgery center to confirm if she can come in. I'm so sorry your family isn't supportive. I wish everyone could understand the necessity of this surgery, and that losing weight without surgery is basically impossible once you are significantly overweight.
  20. lizonaplane

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    Thanks, I'll look into that!
  21. lizonaplane

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    I'm surprised your calories are that low so far out. I eat 900-1200 calories and I'm five months out. Some days are even higher. Maybe try to increase calories for a few days/week to see if that shakes something loose?
  22. lizonaplane

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    I'm sorry you're struggling. YOU'VE LOST 90 LBS!!!! That's great! Remember that many/most people who have WLS do not end up with a "normal" BMI. I can't tell you anything your dietician hasn't already told you. Stalls DO happen, especially as you get closer to your goal. DON'T use laxatives for weight loss. That is not healthy mentally or physically. How many calories are you eating? Sometimes people need to eat more/fewer calories to get their weight to move. I assume you've already discussed this with your dietician, as well as weighing and measuring your food to make sure your calorie counts are accurate. Your exercise plan is really amazing. I keep getting tendinitis and can't do anything...
  23. lizonaplane

    Severe back pain

    I had back pain a few weeks after surgery. This is common as you lose weight because you carry yourself differently. Do NOT take anti-inflammatories (ibuprofen, aleve, aspirin) without talking to your surgeon as they are not recommended after bariatric surgery. Talk to your doctor about what medications are safe for you and what you can do in terms of heat or stretching that might help.
  24. I got really sick of protein drinks too. I started mixing the chocolate ones with iced coffee. Also, try low-sugar Greek yogurt. If you are able to have mushy foods, try refried beans with plain Greek yogurt and some cheese. You may get less hungry once you're on solid foods.
  25. Exactly this: I was so hungry after surgery and everyone was saying it was just head hunger, but I knew it was TRUE hunger because I would have eaten anything. I couldn't figure out if I was going crazy or if my surgery was wrong, but then I talked to the therapist at my bariatric center and she said about 20% of her patients don't lose their hunger after surgery. I eat three meals and 2 snacks a day and I'm 5 months out. The surgery center is very happy with my progress. Don't worry about stretching your stomach. Newer research suggests this is not really a thing, and it may not be possible. The stomach normally stretches and contracts all the time.

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