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Duodenal Switch Patients
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  1. Like
    Butterflyeffect reacted to David_L in How do you stop losing after a DS/Sadi procedure?   
    I seem to have the opposite problem but it's my own doing. I started regular exercise quite soon after my surgery... I'd say about 2 months post op. I'm now one year in and I go 6x a week. I drink at least 3 Protein Shakes a day in addition to a normal-ish diet and too many not_very_health_snacks if I'm being honest. I had my one year check up and the one good thing is ... even though the number on the scale did not move in the last 3 months, my muscle mass went up and overall body fat went down. I'm having a hard time with the mental aspect now and I'm trying my hardest to stop the old habits from creeping back. I'm around 106kgs and 182cm (i had to google convert, not going to lie)
  2. Like
    Butterflyeffect reacted to Meganator in Food Before and After Photos   
    A little late Christmas dinner spread. Normally at home, I weigh & measure things- so this was one of my first times venturing into guesstimating territory. I picked the thinnest pork chop my mom sliced up (most were like an inch thick!). Green bean casserole, bell peppers/zucchinni, and a mac & cheese with bacon. This was my first try with Pasta anything and everything sat fine with me. I did cut up some pieces for a leftover meal.

  3. Like
    Butterflyeffect reacted to Starwarsandcupcakes in Food Before and After Photos   
    From yesterday- I made Nutella and strawberry jam stuffed baked donuts. I had half of a Nutella one. They were kind of on the bready side so I’ll have to adjust the recipe before I make them again.
    Christmas dinner was a beef roast with mushroom gravy a mini croissant, and spaghetti squash with marinara for me. No picture of the kids food but they also had green Beans with Italian dressing, mashed potatoes, mini croissants and spinach cheese tortellini with marinara for theirs.

  4. Like
    Butterflyeffect reacted to Arabesque in Food Before and After Photos   
    Merry Christmas from the Southern Hemisphere. Picture of the traditional Christmas dessert, well in my family anyway, pavlova. We also had steamed marmalade pudding, fruit salad, trifle, egg custard & jelly. (I had a little marmalade pudding, jelly & custard - my Christmas treat.) Have to admit the pavlova was a shop bought one but it was lovingly decorated with Chantilly cream & fresh fruit by my nephews (21 & 16) under close supervision of Nana. Think they did a damn good job.

  5. Congrats!
    Butterflyeffect reacted to Orinskye in Before and After Pics   
    Never thought I would see this number. 195 is the top number for “healthy bmi” so I am almost there. That was my goal…. But I think I can go lower than 195 because I still have pockets of body fat to loose. I hit this number 9 months post surgery.

    Highest weight: 330 pounds
    surgery weight: 297 pounds
    Goal weight: adjusted… was 195 but maybe 180? i don’t know. We will see.
    height reference: I’m six feet two inches tall. So super tall for a woman. 😅
    I have not been this weight since junior high school. (7th/8th grade)

  6. Like
    Butterflyeffect reacted to ms.sss in OOTD   
    From a last minute road trip with Mr. a couple weeks ago. Don’t be fooled…it was effing cold that day, but i INSISTED we get in the outdoor pool/hut tub so I could wear that PVC bikini top I recently bought 😂

  7. Like
    Butterflyeffect reacted to ms.sss in Food Before and After Photos   
    A very late lunch: sashimi/maki takeout: 323 calories.
    Ate it all. YUM.

  8. Congrats!
    Butterflyeffect reacted to Seahawks Fan in Before and After Pics   
    November 2021
  9. Congrats!
    Butterflyeffect got a reaction from summerseeker in Before and After Pics   
    @aug21girlCongratulations on the start of your journey, looking forward to hearing about your progress.
    I’ve lost about 90 pounds in 6 months but in relation to excess skin, I think a lot of factors come in to play in terms of age, skin elasticity, where you hold a lot of your weight and how much weight you have to lose. I’m in my 40’s and my skin doesn’t bounce back like it used to!! My stomach isn’t too bad at all but my arms have some serious bat wings and my upper thighs look like they are melting downwards lol 😂. You can’t notice it with clothes on but I am considering an arm and thigh lift once I have reached goal and given my body a chance to settle. I also have a bit of a turkey neck now but that seems to get worse and then improves a bit, then gets worse again and so on, so will have to what happens to that area after I reach maintenance. Even if I couldn’t get plastic surgery, I would still have gone ahead with WLS, no regrets at all.
  10. Congrats!
    Butterflyeffect got a reaction from summerseeker in Before and After Pics   
    So I’m not there yet but today is my 5 month surgiversary!! Starting weight 273, surgery weight 260, today 192. My goal weight is 165 so more to go. I may revise my goal when I get there but I’ve never been that weight as an adult so not sure what I’ll look like when I get there lol. So happy I made the leap and thank you all for the support, tips and sharing. I don’t have a picture just before surgery as I hated photos of myself but here is one that a friend took when I wasn’t aware, at my biggest. The second one was taken yesterday.

  11. Thanks
    Butterflyeffect got a reaction from Kris77 in OOTD   
    Hi everyone, I love seeing everyone’s outfits, very inspirational so thank you. Last night I had a gala to go to and was the first event I could dress up since COVID. I’m no going to lie, I felt quit self conscious about my arms due to the flappy excess skin but I got over myself after the first 5 minutes and enjoyed the night!!

  12. Like
    Butterflyeffect reacted to BayougirlMrsS in OOTD   
    Man you go away for a bit and everyone gets sexier and sexier.....
    We ventured out to Atl Nov. 11th to see The Rolling Stones.... OMG it was amazing. We were scheduled to go a couple of years ago, but it was postponed due to a Hurricane.... Then Covid, so we didn't get to go. This time the Mr. made it happen. We flew to ATL for the night and flew back the next day.
    He has been online shopping and I told him he needs to stop.... (but not really). He bought this little "ribbed" number and i saw that you all posted your ribbed dresses..... so here's mine. I couldn't get a good shot of dress and boots so they are separate. The boots were bought a few years ago when we first started dating and they fit so much nicer now. The boots are black, don't know why they look gray.

  13. Like
    Butterflyeffect reacted to AjaSlimtone in 6oz of Food at 2 Months Post-Op - Freaking Out!   
    Thank you! I will be meeting with my surgeon in a couple of weeks and this is definitely on my list of questions. I know liquids (including Protein drinks) and purées slide through me like Water so I stick to eating "real" food (for lack of a better term) as much as possible. I'm still losing inches so I'm probably just overreacting. lol
  14. Like
    Butterflyeffect got a reaction from AjaSlimtone in 6oz of Food at 2 Months Post-Op - Freaking Out!   
    Hi @AjaSlimtone,
    I think each person is different and there are so many factors that can affect how much you can eat, for example, how much of your stomach was removed, the elasticity of your stomach, the types of foods you’re eating (soups and soft foods will likely go down a lot more easily than chunky/dense foods) and also what foods are a slider for you. I’m 8 months out and find I can eat about 5oz high Protein cottage cheese and am full but can seem to eat double that when it comes to salad as it seems to be a slider food for me. Mince is another slider food whereas I’d be lucky to get through 2 to 3oz of steak.
    If you are concerned then I highly recommend speaking to your doctor or nutrition team but as long as you are sticking to your plan and only eating until you’re satisfied, I wouldn’t be too worried.
    Best of luck with it all and congratulations on your progress so far

  15. Like
    Butterflyeffect got a reaction from AjaSlimtone in 6oz of Food at 2 Months Post-Op - Freaking Out!   
    Hi @AjaSlimtone,
    I think each person is different and there are so many factors that can affect how much you can eat, for example, how much of your stomach was removed, the elasticity of your stomach, the types of foods you’re eating (soups and soft foods will likely go down a lot more easily than chunky/dense foods) and also what foods are a slider for you. I’m 8 months out and find I can eat about 5oz high Protein cottage cheese and am full but can seem to eat double that when it comes to salad as it seems to be a slider food for me. Mince is another slider food whereas I’d be lucky to get through 2 to 3oz of steak.
    If you are concerned then I highly recommend speaking to your doctor or nutrition team but as long as you are sticking to your plan and only eating until you’re satisfied, I wouldn’t be too worried.
    Best of luck with it all and congratulations on your progress so far

  16. Like
    Butterflyeffect got a reaction from AjaSlimtone in 6oz of Food at 2 Months Post-Op - Freaking Out!   
    Hi @AjaSlimtone,
    I think each person is different and there are so many factors that can affect how much you can eat, for example, how much of your stomach was removed, the elasticity of your stomach, the types of foods you’re eating (soups and soft foods will likely go down a lot more easily than chunky/dense foods) and also what foods are a slider for you. I’m 8 months out and find I can eat about 5oz high Protein cottage cheese and am full but can seem to eat double that when it comes to salad as it seems to be a slider food for me. Mince is another slider food whereas I’d be lucky to get through 2 to 3oz of steak.
    If you are concerned then I highly recommend speaking to your doctor or nutrition team but as long as you are sticking to your plan and only eating until you’re satisfied, I wouldn’t be too worried.
    Best of luck with it all and congratulations on your progress so far

  17. Like
    Butterflyeffect got a reaction from Sunnyway in Runny Nose When Full   
    I was just saying to my husband the other day that I get a runny nose when I’m full. Glad to hear it’s normal
  18. Congrats!
    Butterflyeffect reacted to Bill Potts in March surgeries   
    Hi I had gastric sleeve surgery on march 18, 2021 at Cleveland Clinic by Dr Benscath. I am doing wonderfully well. I met my goal a long time ago and I am trying to slow down my weight loss. This is my first day on this website and hope all is well with you guys.
  19. Congrats!
    Butterflyeffect reacted to Chantrella in Before and After Pics   
    Nov 3rd I made 8months. I am 110 pounds down 13 more to go. I am very grateful for this journey. From a size 24 to a size 6.
    SW 268,CW 158
  20. Congrats!
    Butterflyeffect reacted to Bill Potts in Before and After Pics   
    My life was in turmoil, then I met a surgeon that saved my life!

  21. Congrats!
    Butterflyeffect reacted to dms75 in Before and After Pics   
    18 months out. 422 lbs to 216 lbs.

  22. Like
    Butterflyeffect reacted to doobie31 in Am I really going to live on 1000 calories?   
    1Thank you so much everyone. @Butterflyeffect, I'm about the same height as you and pretty active, especially when I'm a lower weight, so hearing you can eat like that and still lose weight is helpful. And of course, I do trust "my team". So far they're all great and I can't wait to continue down the path.
  23. Like
    Butterflyeffect reacted to Edge13 in Am I really going to live on 1000 calories?   
    I was in a similar situation as you. 47 years old, 340 lbs (down from 400+), and doing a physical job, playing basketball still, and enjoying life. Then the dreaded D word came up, and I'd seen the diabetic story play out too many times. WLS immediately went from the back of my mind to it's happening.
    I picked the brain of a friend who'd had it, lurked on forums like this, and had 2 notebook pages of questions for my surgeon, and dietician. To answer your question, the liver shrinking diet prior to surgery tested my soul. Followed that up with the 3 week liquid diet post surgery. Was more bored than anything. Soft foods, on it now, and it's not hard, and extremely satisfying. Not only will you live on fewer calories, but with the proper preparation, the right mindset, and a good support system, you'll thrive.
  24. Like
    Butterflyeffect reacted to ms.sss in Food Before and After Photos   
    This was officially the first time I had cereal/granola since surgery 3 yrs ago.
    187 calories for the bowl shown.
    it was actually kinda too sweet for me, but I haven’t eaten all day and I was pretty hungry. Ate enough to get rid of the “hungries”…am way behind on my grocery shopping these days so this is the best I could do. It was either this or Cookies or chips!

  25. Thanks
    Butterflyeffect reacted to mswillis5 in How do you stop losing after a DS/Sadi procedure?   
    Hopefully this is helpful for you. To up my calories I have added in low sugar trail mix which is mainly just a mix of healthy nuts. I have also added in two extra Snacks a day to also help add in calories. I also found higher calorie but still low sugar Protein bars that I take as an added meal.

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