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Duodenal Switch Patients
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  1. Like
    Butterflyeffect reacted to GreenTealael in OOTD   
    At an exhibit with my daughters, I’m in the middle

  2. Congrats!
    Butterflyeffect reacted to Charotera303 in Before and After Pics   
    Surgery date: 11/8/2021
    Initial Weight: 280 lbs
    Current Weight: 175 lbs
    Net Loss: 105 lbs
    so happy with my progress and did my first 5k (Donut Dash) on 4/3/2022. No donut for me though but it was so much fun.

  3. Congrats!
    Butterflyeffect reacted to Bronco2773 in Before and After Pics   
    A little over 5 months Post op. 207# overall and 145# from surgery
    Still a long way to go but it sure does feel good to be able to live.
    First picture was taking 1 week before surgery second was 3 weeks ago.

  4. Like
    Butterflyeffect got a reaction from MrsJxn in Regret and Depression   
    Sorry to hear you are feeling this way. It may be real regret but keep in mind that your body just went through a significant surgery and everything, including your hormones, may be out of whack for a while, making your feelings even worse.
    I’m just over 6 months post op and can honestly say that the first two weeks post op were the hardest. Once the pain stopped and I could move on to soft foods, everything changed for me snd seemed so much better.
    It may be worth speaking to your surgeon, op team or a therapist to help talk through what your feeling and going through right now.
    You made a really brave decision to go ahead with the surgery and you are on your way to a healthier you!! You may just need some time to heal and start to see the difference to remember why you wanted this surgery for so long and see how great this journey can be.
    Take care and I recommend surrounding yourself with really supportive friends and family to help you get through this phase, that will hopefully pass soon

  5. Congrats!
    Butterflyeffect reacted to JAKE H in OOTD   
    I know its been forever since i checked in. But i just wanted to give you guys an update. and its a pretty big one. Living my wildest dreams these days. I hope all is well with you guys!!

  6. Congrats!
    Butterflyeffect reacted to smarks in Before and After Pics   
    Before 248. After 184......10 months post surgery

  7. Like
    Butterflyeffect reacted to Arabesque in Food Before and After Photos   
    Can only claim ownership to about 5% of this salad. It was leftover from a lunch with my sister in law: a Mediterranean bowl. Halloumi, hummus, chick peas, grilled zucchini & carrot, roasted sweet potato, dukkha, cucumber, Tomato, spinach & pea shoots. I added the diced chicken to the leftovers for dinner. Damn yummy.

  8. Like
    Butterflyeffect reacted to GreenTealael in Food Before and After Photos   
    I finally found the Aldi Keto bagels!
    They are not nearly as dense as regular Bagels and I don’t mind because I still cannot eat dense breads.
  9. Congrats!
    Butterflyeffect reacted to smarks in Before and After Pics   
    Seven months post surgery. Down 60

  10. Congrats!
    Butterflyeffect reacted to Tara A in Before and After Pics   
    355 to 150 at 4.5 years post surgery. I've lost another 10 lbs since this pic too!
  11. Like
    Butterflyeffect reacted to GreenTealael in Food Before and After Photos   
    Taught one of my kids how to make orange chicken. No cals we’re tracked because although it’s homemade it required real sugar which I didn’t measure. I had mine over wilted lettuce.

  12. Like
    Butterflyeffect reacted to Sophie7713 in Food Before and After Photos   
    Really value and appreciate what each of you have said here. Thank you for your perspectives! I balance and evaluate the nutrition, how clothing fits/the mirror and how I feel. I, too, could not maintain the lowest weight at 113. Unrealistic. I was too gaunt. Then, it was 118. Then, 122. I feel my best at 125 pounds. Very realistic. However, when it began to creep up to 130 this winter (adjusting to a new climate) - that was unacceptable! Sooooo a combination of re-grouping my strategy, getting back to a regular routine after many major life changes along with intermittent fasting - this week, I'm at 128. I do look forward to working on the remaining 3 pounds by the end of the month. I know this is not the fashion post - but I believe it is good to remind ourselves, like Silly Kitty said - the mirror speaks volumes. Another very important tool to our health and well being. We all know some fluctuations are normal. But aren't you glad our conversation with ourselves has changed? And, we do care now. Not obsess, just vigilant. I went for years before my sleeve tool - once allowing my weight to pile on and upwards to 298! I am so proud of all of us that we can dialogue and have this honest conversation. This week at 128. I never dreamed I'd ever wear stretch pants, wear tall slender boots and a belted jacket... It just spurs me on to reach my 125 goal in a healthful and satisfying manner. Red cabbage and date salad tonight.

  13. Like
    Butterflyeffect reacted to ms.sss in Food Before and After Photos   
    Spent the morning making homemade Empanadas (54 of them to be exact!)…and now am enjoying the fruits of my labour
    Ate one (so yum if I say so myself): 144 calories

  14. Congrats!
    Butterflyeffect reacted to sleevedshereen in Before and After Pics   
    I had surgery July 2017 and I’m almost 5 years out. Highest weight 228lbs Current Weight fluctuates between 148-150lbs. 80lb weight loss maintained. Here’s my before and after

  15. Congrats!
    Butterflyeffect reacted to Stephanie howey in Before and After Pics   
    Before n after

  16. Congrats!
    Butterflyeffect reacted to sal-wa in Before and After Pics   
    6.5 months , total loss 33.5kg
    73.8 lbs

  17. Congrats!
    Butterflyeffect reacted to vikingbeast in Before and After Pics   
    Been a while since I checked in. A friend of mine said, "You know, if you do a French tuck*, you can show off those belt buckles of yours. You're slim enough now."
    I am not convinced this is the style for me (feels like I wasn't paying attention after pulling my pants up and accidentally buttoned them around my shirt), but damn if it didn't feel nice to actually be able to do it. So here I am, another almost 40 lbs. down, 39 to go. Three quarters of the way to goal.

    * French tuck - you tuck in the front but not the back. I know no French people who do this, but maybe it's named after Tan France instead of France France.

  18. Congrats!
    Butterflyeffect reacted to Auntie Errica in Before and After Pics   
    In the first photo I went from my surgery weight of 208lbs to 156lbs. In the second photo I went from my highest weight, 223lbs to 159lbs.
    I am currently 154lbs but I’m waiting until I’m in the 140s before I take anymore photos.
    All of these progress photos are amazing and inspiring!

  19. Like
    Butterflyeffect got a reaction from deidriaf in What am I doing wrong?   
    Congratulations on your weight loss to date!! Losing 36 pounds post surgery, in 3 months is still something to Celebrate, even if it feels slow to you. Everyone loses weight at different speeds.

    If you are worried that you may not be on track, I highly recommend talking to your doctor or nutritionist.
    If you aren’t already, I found tracking everything I ate really helped as it doesn’t take much for the calories to mount up. I’m certainly not suggesting that you can’t eat popcorn or anything like that but they are high in carbs and it also depends on how they are cooked, e.g. air popped vs cooked in butter, so tracking your intake can just help you keep on top of things.
    At just over three months out, your body is still healing and so it’s really important to stick to your doctor’s plan and the weight will continue to come off.
    Best of luck and I look forward to hearing about your journey as it progresses

  20. Like
    Butterflyeffect reacted to sassy pantz in What am I doing wrong?   
    Girl- you are not everyone else! I lost 30 # in my first 30 days post-op. I am a very slow loser but here I am at my 1 year surgiversary down 115#. I am 16# away from my goal and it’s ok, I’m dang proud of where I am and just try to keep ME in perspective and not focus on others.
  21. Congrats!
    Butterflyeffect reacted to mustang92 in Before and After Pics   
    One year after. 150 down.

  22. Like
    Butterflyeffect reacted to MandM1188 in 6 Months Post SADI Update   
    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well done
  23. Like
    Butterflyeffect reacted to Judi777 in 6 Months Post SADI Update   
    What an inspiration you are! I had mine done on 6th August! You are looking fabulous! Xx
  24. Congrats!
    Butterflyeffect reacted to dal101 in Before and After Pics   
    HW: 210 +
    CW: 124
    GW: 112

    I havent reached my goal weight yet but losing weight now has got tougher. So I ve structured my eating more and started cardio. The before picture is unreal, I didnt see myself like that at the time. Anyway, I am grateful for this place and the support I received from everyone

  25. Like
    Butterflyeffect got a reaction from vanessalee63@yahoo.com in 6 Months Post SADI Update   
    The 1st of September was my 6 month surgiversary and what a journey it has been!! I have lost 88 pounds in total, 75 pounds post surgery. Gone from a size 22 (18 US) to a 12/14 (8/10 US), which I have never been as an adult.
    I feel amazing, so much more energy and excited about fashion and all the non scale victories.
    The only real downside has been some serious Hair loss but it seems to be slightly slowing down now, fingers crossed!!
    I have about 20 pounds to go to hit goal, and will then see what that looks like and if I want to lose more.
    I hated taking pictures of me before but I included one a friend snuck in a bit before I started my pre-surgery diet.
    The after was taken a few days ago.
    For those out there wondering if they should have the surgery or not, I have no regrets and only wish I had done it sooner!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
