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Posts posted by Butterflyeffect

  1. So I’m not there yet but today is my 5 month surgiversary!! Starting weight 273, surgery weight 260, today 192. My goal weight is 165 so more to go. I may revise my goal when I get there but I’ve never been that weight as an adult so not sure what I’ll look like when I get there lol. So happy I made the leap and thank you all for the support, tips and sharing. I don’t have a picture just before surgery as I hated photos of myself but here is one that a friend took when I wasn’t aware, at my biggest. The second one was taken yesterday.



  2. It’s my 5 month surgiversary today!! Best decision I have ever made! I have lost 81 pounds in total, 68 post surgery. Not only do I feel so much healthier but there are so many non scale victories too. Only real downside has been losing so much hair but I would still have gone ahead with the surgery. I set my goal weight to 165 pounds because I actually don’t know how I would look at that weight as an adult. I may revise it when I get there, but it feels pretty good to be so much closer to that goal.

    I really hope you’re all doing well and are happy to have had the surgery. I’d love to hear about your journeys to date, the good and even the not so good 😊. Below is a before picture and one taken yesterday. I hated being in photos so I didn’t take one just before surgery but I now wish I had.



  3. On 7/22/2021 at 2:25 AM, njlimmer said:

    Hi All!! Had bypass on March 3rd and passed my 100lbs lost mark today!! Please keep in mind that I lost 45lb pre-op so it's about 56lbs post-op so don't compare it to the full 100lbs. I know we all stress out comparing weight loss, but I just wanted to Celebrate with my March peeps. Making good eating choices has become more of a struggle since I'm off for the summer. I'm hoping when I start back next week that getting on a schedule will help.

    We've had a great summer! I've been able to keep up with my kids, ride roller coasters again and shop in the non-plus side of the store!

    Hope everyone is doing well!!

    Congratulations, that’s an awesome achievement!!

  4. I’m almost 5 months post surgery and have already cleaned out all of my old clothes as motivation to never go back to that weight again. I have donated them to family and charities and hope others will get some use out of them.
    I want to make it as hard for myself as possible to go back to old eating habits and gaining weight so getting rid of the big clothes means I won’t fit into anything if I do 😂.

  5. I have hereditary female pattern Hair loss but have lost so much more hair after the WLS. I have been using Rogaine for years and it was working but it hasn’t stopped or slowed down the shedding post surgery.
    I’m now researching PRP as I have heard great things about and it doesn’t sound as painful as it used to be. I‘ve also ordered Viviscal Maximum Strength Supplement for Women, as I’m willing to try anything and everything right now.

    Good luck and it would be great to hear how you go and if anything works. I‘lol be happy to share any updates on my end too 😊

  6. Long time observer, first time poster on this thread. Thanks for all of the food inspiration. This is my go to smoked salmon slice salad lunch. Looks and tastes more like tuna than salmon to be honest but has a good amount of Protein in it and pretty good calorie wise. There was none left though for an after photo 😂.



  7. Hi Maribelle76,

    I have read a few stories like yours on this forum and so it seems not uncommon for people to put on weight or hold Fluid after surgery.
    I personally lost weight quite slowly in between weeks 2 and 6 post op and then it seemed to really kick in more after that. Everyone is different and will react differently but if you are following everything to plan then it will happen, just give yourself time to heal and for your body to catch up.

    I like to measure myself each month and that way I can see the centimeters drop off and know that something is happening even if the scales may not reflect it as much.

    Take care and good luck with it all :)

  8. Hi shanfries, you look amazing and sound like you’re so much happier, congratulations on a huge achievement!!

    Your story is very similar to mine, in that I’ve always been on the bigger side and while I have no regrets about having the surgery, I am currently losing a lot of hair. I still have a way to go so it’s very inspirational to hear about your journey and how much happier you are now, thank you for sharing!!

  9. Congratulations Abby, hope you’re recovery is going really well.

    It’s a great feeling to see the weight go down so quickly in the beginning and makes any pain or discomfort feel worth it.

    Looking forward to hearing about your journey as it progresses and if you ever have any questions, this is a great forum.

  10. You can do it Tierra, look how far you have come already!!

    I had a pair of pants that I was working towards and now they are too big lol!! So I got myself a dress that I really love but is way too tight and am now working towards fitting into that.
    I think it’s great to have goals other than weight goals to work towards. The other thing I find motivating is to measure myself each month and Celebrate the inches lost.

  11. To provide an update now that it has been 4 and a half months since the surgery, I have lost a total of 75 pounds, 62 post surgery. I have been really happy with the steady loss.

    I eat between 690 and 730 calories a day now and make sure I get between 65 and 90 grams of Protein. I try to keep my net carbs to 30 and under but it sometimes can go up to 35. I still only manage about 1.5 liters of Water on average and make sure I keep up with my Vitamins.

    My doc said I could start eating rice, Pasta and bread at the three month mark if I wanted to, but I don’t react well to those foods normally so decided to not reintroduce them yet until I reach the maintenance phase.

    I have no regrets and love that I can walk into almost any shop now and buy clothes off the rack. I’ve lost over a 100 centimeters and dropped 4 to 5 dress sizes (currently in between sizes at the moment, which is always challenging).

    my fitness has greatly improved and can hike steep hills without puffing my lungs out and stopping along the way.

    If you are thinking of taking the bariatric leap, I highly recommend it 😊

  12. On 5/19/2021 at 3:57 AM, kbrookings said:

    I KNOW the everyone is different, but...

    Before surgery I could eat healthy and strict and lose very quickly (like 5 lbs a week); so why after this surgery am I not losing more than maybe 2 lbs a week? It is so frustrating knowing I could be losing more WITHOUT the surgery. Am I not taking in enough calories? My dietitian says to keep my calories closer to the 300 mark which isn't helping, plus I already HAVE been. Weight loss has been off and on, but now like 1 lb a week.

    I know it is not going to "melt off" for everyone, but all of the doctors, nutritionists, etc told me this was the "honeymoon phase" where I would REALLY be losing.

    PLEASE TELL ME WHAT WORKS FOR THOSE WHO ARE 6-7 WEEKS POST SURGERY!!! As in, what is your calorie intake / activity. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

    Hi @kbrookings, I certainly don’t know better than your dietician and so I can only share my own experience. I was eating around 500 to 600 calories at around week 6/7 and to be honest have only really had my lost loss kick up a gear since getting around 700 calories. I think my body went into starvation mode prior to that and I also kept feeling dizzy and tired, plus my weight loss was quite slow after the initial t2 weeks post surgery. Now, I eat anywhere between 650 and 720 calories and I feel so much more energetic, healthy and am losing more weight and inches than had I been when consuming less calories. I don’t even know how you could get 60 to 80 grams on Protein in 300 calories. That seems crazy low to me.

    Good luck and hope it all works out soon for you.

  13. Hi everyone, would love to hear how you’re all tracking now that it’s been anywhere from 2 and a half to 1 and a half months out from all of our surgeries.

    What have you found really works for you and is your go to food?

    I find eggs and tuna super filling but then find veggies and mince go down way too easily.

    I have found changing my food and macros every few days seems to shake things up and keep the scales moving.

    I would love to hear your stories and about your journey so far!!

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