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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About xoto2000

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  1. Hi all I am just closing in on my 4th month post op and I direly miss red meat, but I’m a little shaky and afraid to eat it. When were you guys okay with eating red meat?
  2. xoto2000

    Help my imagination

    I’m a 20 year old guy and I’m just over 2 months post op and down 64 pounds with about another 75 or so left until I reach my goal weight. Men (within 10 years of my age) who had a vertical sleeve gastrectomy procedure done, what did you look like when you reached your goal weight? Excess skin? Noticeable muscle definition? Just trying to get an idea of how I may look like it’s very difficult to imagine what I could look like after being obese for about a decade.
  3. Eggs and I don’t mix anymore, they taste like crap and make me feel like it too. I always liked watermelons even pre op but now I LOVE them. Same with beans. Surprisingly I’m having a pretty solid reaction to bread (toast) and low salt cold cut turkey. Do you have a sensitivity to onions and garlic?
  4. I’ve been out of surgery for a little over 7 weeks now. Ever since I was cleared to have mushy food, everything just tastes so bad.. my mother used to make these AMAZING turkey meatballs, and now they taste repulsive, as do MANY things I enjoyed before. When will everything taste and smell normal again?
  5. I appreciate all the responses and certainly appreciate the concern. I just wanted to hear about reactions I’m walking away from that party life but I know shit happens and it’s bound to happen once or twice so i just wanna be prepped
  6. So I have an incredibly controversial and rather personal question for the lovely people of BariatricPal. I’ll be upfront, I’m a 20 year old guy in college so pre-op I was a party animal. My question doesn’t relate to alcohol but to illicit-drug use.. I understand this is a super touchy subject but is there anyone that would be willing to share how they get felt or reacted to the use of illicit drugs (molly, snow, bars etc.)
  7. Wow quite the response. You are your own person and I don’t wanna make any rash judgement but from what you said I think slowing down on alcohol is a good idea. As WLS patients we all suffered from some degree of food addiction and I just don’t want you to transfer that addiction to alcohol. Glad to see you’re still maintaining a healthy weight and not reverting to your old self. Just be careful, wish you the best
  8. Great idea to try it at home first but even pre-op I never drove to parties just in case, so I’ll definitely continue to do that thanks for the answer!
  9. Wow 5 weeks I wish. I’m not allowed to drink until 6 months out and I’m currently at 6 weeks..just glad it’s in time for summer
  10. Hi all so I’ve tried searching for this but couldn’t find anything. I’m personally no where near the maintenance phase but for those who are do you imbibe? Is it anywhere as much as before? Does alcohol really hit you that much harder?
  11. xoto2000

    Loose skin

    @WishMeSmaller wow you look great if I were you I’d definitely wear a bikini you practically don’t have loose skin I can absolutely see everything tightening up
  12. xoto2000

    Loose skin

    @HealthyLifeStyle I read somewhere before surgery that it really depends on your body fat distribution
  13. This question is for anyone in the maintenance phase of their WLS. Are there any of you out there who experienced 0 to minimal loose skin?
  14. So I’m 5 weeks out of gastric sleeve surgery and I have been vomiting bitter bile about once a week or so at random times. Thought it was a food issue at first but now I’m starting to think it’s GERD. Mayo Clinic said more than twice a week may be GERD. For anyone who unfortunately has GERD do my symptoms match yours at all?
  15. xoto2000


    So far gastric sleeve is the best decision I’ve ever made. I was 340 on 1/28 as of today I’m sitting at 293. The weight loss in the first month or so especially is DRASTIC. First month is also the hardest there’s a lot of adapting to do accompanied by some frustration. It does get better I promise. broth, Jello, and even Water may irritate you for the first week or so (at least they did with me) but in time you’ll be fine don’t stress

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