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Duodenal Switch Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. ShoppGirl

    what would be the best workout for me?

    Hula hooping is something I think would be really fun that I have been meaning to try. I mean I loved it as a kid. I know that would be quite a workout for me now. And you could probably do it while watching tv or talking on the phone too. I know that I am more likely to get my walking done if I talk on the phone to distract myself so I imagine the hula hoop would be the same.
  2. OK, so post surgery I have a scar under my belly button that was hard, but the nurse practitioner said it was just because my surgery was a revision and they use that same spot twice. Well now the scar part feels loose, but if I put my finger inside my belly button, I can still feel something hard underneath there. My husband had me feel his and it’s hard too but different. He says that’s just how my belly button feels without all the blubber on top of it, but I don’t know. I don’t remember ever feeling that when I was thin. Has anyone had an umbilical hernia? Is that something that could be caused by the surgery? Am I describing anything close to that? 😂 I plan to ask the surgeon eventually. Actually, I’m doing the bowel prep for a colonoscopy right now and endoscopy for something unrelated but I thought I would ask her tomorrow if she has any idea. I’m just curious what others have to say about their experience. It doesn’t hurt or anything and if it’s a hernia, I am assuming it’s very small but I just really don’t recall anything hard of being there. Maybe it’s just because it’s been a while since I could really feel it. 🤷‍♀️
  3. ShoppGirl

    Do I have a hernia?

    So just to update I never did ask the Dr because I had a lot of real medical stuff come up that took precedence however, I am sitting here in bed after my shower sans clothing because I am pooped and taking a break first. Anyways, no clue why but I was just playing with the hard spot where my belly button ring used to be and realized that the hard spot I was speaking about earlier is way softer now. I think it was just scar tissue and it’s softening. Strange how it felt like something so big in there. So for anyone reading this who may have something similar, get something scheduled to get it checked out of course but if it doesn’t hurt it is likely to be scar tissue or something else that just goes away 😂
  4. That looks like so much fun. I’m 99% sure I couldn’t have done that at my starting weight (or starting stamina was probably the bigger issue). People don’t realize the surgery doesn’t just change your appetite or capacity. It is the metabolic changes that are life changing.
  5. ShoppGirl

    August Surgery buddies

    I am so glad you mentioned the unstuffed cabbage rolls again. I meant to try those and forgot all about them.
  6. ShoppGirl

    Wisdom from a 10-year VSG Veteran

    Margaritaville makes a variety pack of tropical water enhancers and one of them is pins colada. I got them on Amazon. I tried it with vodka and that wasn’t very good at all but as a virgin drink it wasn’t bad for something different.
  7. ShoppGirl


    Yes the Baleaf brand does have a bit of compression without cutting in at the waist or ankles. Its quite a bit more compared to the lululemon ones which I also own a couple pair of them now because they are buttery soft and soooooo comfy( (as close as you can get to feeling naked while wearing clothing). Personally, I wouldn’t leave the house in them though because they don’t hide nearly enough of my “secrets.” 😂 I feel like the reason that the Lululemon are so popular amongst the younger generation is because they are generally still toned and they look fine on them. My kudos to those that have lost all their weight and toned enough to wear the lululemon though they are really nice and I heard the same thing about their durability so if I could get away with them I for sure would. I can’t speak to the durability myself because I have not owned the lululemons for long. I’m guessing for a much higher price point there are nicer ones out there But for $30 bucks, i have been quite pleased with the Baleaf. Ooh and they are like $10 off near the holidays. I stocked up just before Christmas in the smaller sizes that I knew I would be needing.
  8. I take Wellbutrin 150 and I took it the day after surgery without issue but it is a little smaller than the 300. I am pretty sure some of my other meds were about the same size as the 300. Did your Dr say you needed to crush it or was it the pharmacist??
  9. ShoppGirl

    August Surgery buddies

    Just checking in to see how everyone else is doing. I had a rough few weeks after I got a virus. Just because of the chemo my body couldn’t fight it so I ended up septic and in the hospital for 10 days with pneumonia and a sinus infection. My white blood cells kept bottoming out but they gave me this shot two times to build them back and so far this time they are holding at low normal. Tomorrow will be a week that I’ve been home and I think I am out of the woods finally, but I am still pretty weak and I am supposed to do treatment Monday so I doubt I will get to feeling much stronger. Probably won’t feel like myself until I’m done with the chemo. 10 more weeks 🤞 I am trying to do a tiny bit of waking like a quarter of a mile at a time a few times a day just so I don’t get out of the habit of exercise but that’s about all I can do. I also contacted the cancer center that one of my doctors is a part of and talked to the yoga instructor and asked if they have a virtual option for the chair yoga and when I explained my situation she said she would get with IT and make it happen for next week. I thought that was so sweet and hopefully will be something I can do to start building my strength back. She said next month they are going to add mat yoga as well so I can build back up to that when I am ready. Anyways I’m pretty proud of myself that I’m still trying every step of the way to keep up with my bariatric journey. I may not be 100% right now but unlike pre surgery I am not letting this be an excuse to just throw it all away. I had a birthday and it was a little unconventional because it had to be virtual but it turned out to be a nice day considering. My mom dropped off carrot cake so of course I have that taunting me In the kitchen. I have been doing real tiny pieces though and it’s actually starting to taste a little stale. Who knew that cake can get stale 😂
  10. ShoppGirl


    When I was starting out and had alot of lumps and bumps to hide I really liked the Baleaf brand on Amazon. Since I have lost a little more I have gone with the gym People brand also on Amazon that are a little cheaper and have more color options but the material is not quite as nice as the Baleaf. They both are much better fabric than the ones you get like 4 or more in a pack in my opinion and they both have the pockets for your cell phone which I can’t live without now but of course in terms of fit that will vary from person to person. The good thing about Amazon is that you can easily return if you don’t like them but the Baleaf ones unless they are just too long or short or something I don’t think you will want to return. They are real soft and I had two pair in each size as I lost Navy And Black So they were washed every two days and the color never faded and they didn’t get the pills between the thighs. . Of course it was only a couple of months but that’s still like 30 washes and they still looked new. I suggested a clothing swap at my irl bariatric support group and I saved them because I know someone will be thrilled to get them as they are losing.
  11. ShoppGirl

    possible to stall after 9 day?

    Well everyone’s loss is different. I looked back at my logs and I only lost 20 pounds I that first months and I had a more aggressive surgery and I was exercising (not sure if you are). Also, some people do have a stall early out so try to trust the process and stick with it. I mean when before have you lost four pounds a week pre surgery? The surgery is obviously working just maybe not as quick as you would like. Your a relatively low BMI so your not likely to lose as fast as someone who started with a higher one. About the scale, Do you have a followup appt at one month with your surgeon. I bet the scale recalibrated or it could just be that you sat it back In a little Different spot. I know I have wood laminate floors and they must be just the tiniest bit off level because when I move my scale around it weighs a bit different. When you go to your surgeon and he or she tells you what your weight is and your kiss by their scale you can figure how many pounds your scale is off from theirs and go from there. Honestly it Doesn’t usually really matter if it was accurate before or now so long as you are measuring with the same scale because accurate or not it will still reflect your lost. But if it is that far off from what it was before I can see how it would be confusing. Maybe even if you don’t have an appt you can ask to go in and just weigh yourself using the dr scale. I cant imagine why that would be a big deal. That way you can sorta estimate how many pounds your scale is off from theirs.
  12. ShoppGirl

    Creature of Habit

    I am by no means a fitness expert but I think so long as it is a pretty intense workout for you now it’s still giving you the same benefits as what you had worked up to before In terms of cardio. I assume your heart rate is just as high as it was before when you were doing more 🤷‍♀️. Regardless, you will be back to your pre surgery activity soon enough. The fact that you started back is what’s most important in my opinion. You’re still in the habit of doing it. That’s the most important thing. Although I totally get it. I am immunocompromised because of chemo and a simple cold landed me septic and neutropenic in the hospital for 10 days and I’m home now but still recovering from pneumonia and a sinus infection with very low red blood cells and my white blood cells keep dropping every few days after I get the shot to bring them back uo. Anyways, I haven’t been able to do much either. I am back to walking very slowly like a quarter mile a few times a day But, I’m still trying and to me that’s how I know that I will get back to it just as soon as my body is able. I haven’t broken the habit and you haven’t either. I’m glad to hear you were finally cleared to get started.
  13. ShoppGirl

    Revison Surgery

    For me it has been a life changer. I had the sleeve and lost weight but not as much as I had hoped and then I gained it right back plus some. Never did have the metabolic changes or the changes that made it a little easier to eat healthy so when I got done with my SADI revision I know right away that it was going to be different this time. I mean I still want pizza and burgers but I don’t hate chicken and fish now either so it makes it a little easier to make the healthy choice most of the time. I also exercise a lot and I think that has made all the difference in my commitment to my new lifestyle as well as My mood and overall health. Obviously I can’t say I know if it would have been better or worse with the Bypass but statistically as a revision the SADi does provide more loss and a more durable loss. Of course it is never so not as much long term research has been done and bypass is the tried and true gold standard but as a revision the loss is statistically less than as a virgin surgery. I think for me it was a perfect fit but you will want to keep in mind that you need to understand your surgery well enough to explain it or call your surgeon and ask them to when it is appropriate. Most of my doctors have never heard of it and when I was about to get an endoscopy/ colonoscopy done and the dr hadn’t heard of it I called my surgeon to see if that was okay and he called to explain my anatomy to them. Another thing to consider is whether you surgeon is resleeving your stomach. Mine did not. He said the difference in weight loss was not significant amount to take the risks that come with reducing the pouch. Something to do a bit of research on to decide if it’s worth it to you. If you have any specific questions about my experience let me know.
  14. ShoppGirl

    August Surgery buddies

    You will be able to eat more. As long as you stick to healthy options you will be fine. There isn’t a huge calorie difference between a half a cup of broccoli and even two cups of it. Now if it’s rice or pasta you’re gonna be eating more. Stick to eating extra veggies with your meal or a dry salad (if you like them) before your meal to fill your belly. Also, we don’t have to eat until we are stuffed. We can instead just eat until we are satisfied. Like if you stopped now, would you be full until your next meal or snack? If not you need a low calorie filler.
  15. ShoppGirl

    August Surgery buddies

    Well there is never a 100% guarantee because we are all different but I would say that your response so far makes it very likely that you will be a success story based on my personal experience and the knowledge that I have of others experience who have lost and kept it off vs those who have regained a significant amount. I had my sleeve surgery 3/9/2021 so I have been on these boards since then and I have been going to in person support groups since a couple of months prior to my revision and my personal experience and learned experience is that one of two four things happen to cause regain. 1: the person never really does change what they eat. This is a problem when the anatomical changes control portion of less nutritious foods for a while so they lose some but then as the stomach stretches they can eat more and they regain or they are able to have just a taste of things in the beginning but when appetite comes back that changes (note that some people can have just one bite of a brownie forever but that didn’t work for me so we just have to be mindful of how our body reacts and stop doing it if we can’t stop ourselves at a small portion). 2: the surgery was never a good fit. I know that this was part of problem with the sleeve for me because I never did feel ANY metabolic changes. I still absolutely hated healthy foods that I didn’t like before and I did not have any additional energy or motivation after the surgery. Basically I think for me the surgery was probably like Wegovy would be. The hunger hormones went away for a while and I was able to eat less until that came back. But nothing else changed for me. I never felt a change in energy and I was never about to get start r with exercise and healthy food options did not appeal to me in the slightest. I ate alot of chicken breast and a few veggies that I don’t mind in the beginning but there was no variety so like most diets I couldn’t sustain it when the hunger came back and I wasn’t moving my body to help my physical and mental health to keep it going. 3: This would be a combo of the two which would be where i would actually say that I fell with my sleeve. Because I didn’t like enough of the healthy food even a little bit I started having less ideal foods far more often. I mean i wasn’t eating McDonald’s ever and I wasn’t having poor choices all the time but I would have like a quarter of a frozen pizza or a lean cheeseburger with a roll several nights a week thinking it was okay because calorie wise it wasn’t much worse if that was all ate. The problem was the other macros and the fact that for me they were slippery slope foods and they made me crave more. I wasn’t gaining on that but carbs make me crave carbs so that little devil voice took over and I tested the waters a bit more by having just a few fries or a bit of cake with that but it was way too often and far too early out for me to know my limits. Then, to make matters worse, my mental health issues kicked in where I had not only stopped losing but gained 20 pounds and when I couldn’t reverse it even when I tried my hardest to rein it in (because I was now craving the carbs again bad) i just considered that I was a complete failure and they didn’t say it but i could see it that my friends and family felt that way too and I just slowly just quit trying. This is when the support of people who get it would’ve been sooooooooooo very important. Never been obese people are never going to be able to get it or be able to help. Reach out to your bariatric support if you struggle. Even if your disgusted. They get it and never judge. 4: Some people even though the surgery is a success and they make all the lifestyle changes and everything is working lose sight of their lifelong goal for one reason or another and let bad habits slowly slip back in and they gain. I think this is probate going to be the hardest one for me. To not take my eye off the prize 5 years down the road. But we can do it. I think that staying active in these support groups and checking in with my team is going to be key for me. I am going to ask to have my follow ups a couple times a year even when I’m a ways out just to keep me in check. I know that I am able to gain a lot of weight in a year!! I never did the In person support groups at all after my sleeve and I stopped posting here for a while and didn’t go to my follow up appointments when things were out of control and I needed the help the most. Basically for me the sleeve was just one of my longer and more successful diets that started with the curved appetite and a lot of hope that it would work this time but slowly ended when the hunger came back, bad habits slipped back in, the cravings got unbearable and my all or nothing thinking finally got the best of me. I think I probably would have leveled out somewhere between my starting and my low weight if I had not given up but since I started at a relatively low BMI to begin with that did not seem like a success to me at the time. 89 pounds later I only wished I had been back to that weight though. I learned a lot from the sleeve experience though and I think that knowledge is helping me now. Hopefully, it helps others too. I try to let my experience be a cautionary tale without scaring anyone too much. Anyways, based on your nutrition changes, steady loss and your activity I do not think you are like me with the sleeve or others who I’ve seen who never even tried to eat differently or exercise so I don’t think your surgery was a bad fit at all or that your just expecting the surgery to do all the work. I think that your surgery is doing what it was designed to do for you and so as long as you keep doing your part you should get your where your body needs to be. Just don’t get caught up in a certain number and let your brain get the best of you like I did. That last 10 or 15 pounds may feel like a lot but your already so much healthier and happier that you were before. Keep striving for that goal but don’t let it be the only thing that matters. To me it will be icing on the cake to what is already a success story Your body will have its own idea of what is an ideal size for you and you may have to just accept that it may not be exactly what you have in mind (it could be lower but it could also be a bit higher. It may be a sorry to accept where your body is happy and healthy if you don’t want to be really working hard at this forever. Honestly, I imagine we will have to work at it for the rest of our lives to some degree. By that I mean that we will probably never have it as easy as someone who has never been obese. You are doing so incredibly well, though, making actual lifestyle changes and I have listened to anyone who is willing to share whether they were successful or not and that seems to be the biggest piece of advice. This is not a diet it is a lifestyle. Your surgery is working for you and you are working hard for you as well. Those two things are key to this journey long term. Just keep it up and I really believe you will reach all of your goals. ❤️
  16. ShoppGirl

    800 calories

    You need to schedule and appointment with your surgeon (or his or her NP or PA) if you really are weighing and measuring every little Thing and only getting 800 calories you shouldn’t be gaining but something is getting missed. It could Be medical or you may be missing something in your count. Either way it sounds like this dietician had already made her mind up that there is only one possibility and she probably isn’t going to be the one to help you get to the bottom of things. Make an appointment with your team and start taking pics of all of your food so you can show them exactly what you’re eating everyday. Make an album with all the food pics and hand them your phone so they can scroll through and see for themselves. When I regained after my sleeve. I was embarrassed to go back to team and thought they were going to be so hard on me and when I went back, I realized I couldn’t have been further from the truth. They were so open and compassionate and understanding and all they wanted to do was help. Obesity is complex and they realize it. They go in this field for a reason. They may not get to the bottom of it in one visit. It may even take a few, but trust me it’s worth.It. Don’t give up.
  17. ShoppGirl

    August Surgery buddies

    Congratulations on your loss. I was a savory girl Lee bariatric world and post sleeve I became a sweet girl too. Then post SAFI that went away but has started to come back. I think MAYBE it’s just our bodies wanting carbs and sweet food is usually the absolute highest in carbs so the quickest way to get them. I did not have the bypass but I don’t think your friend is correct about eating whatever you want. I know that was for sure not true for the me with the sleeve. I started at 235, lost down to 168 then gained it all back plus some to 258 and was still gaining when I started the preop diet for my revision. I have also heard plenty of regain stories on here about the bypass. Now, does it malabsorb some of your food, absolutely. So if you were like 900 pounds before it’s possible you would stay a bit smaller just because you pretty much already ate all you wanted volume and calories wise before and the malabsorption would in theory make you weight a bit less if you ate the same exact food, but it would only be a bit less anyways and who of us wants that. . As far as a more common starting weight I really don’t think so because even at our high weights we still weren’t eating absolutely all we would have liked to or we could have and if we ate any and everything we wanted, even with some calories not absorbing that’s still probably giving our bodies more than we were eating before. I do know from experience that what fuel I put into my body changed how I feel, though, so even if I could get away with eating anything I wanted cosmetically, I know that I wouldn’t feel as good as I do when I eat a balanced diet and keep up my activity. That processed junk that most of us used to eat all the time is not good for us and it doesn’t give your bodies what it needs to run efficiently. Another thing to keep in mind is that we are still pretty early out to be relaxing too much. Most people have a 10–15 pound bounce back even if they keep working at it. I don’t know about you but I’ve still got more that I want to lost. I definitely don’t want to be bouncing back!! for the sweet cravings try the sugar free popsicles again. They can trick my brain sometimes and others i Have fruit. I figure calorie wise they may be more calories but at least it’s not added sugar. I try to avoid that as much as possible because that makes me have more cravings the next day and for like a week.
  18. What about asking your employer? if you were willing to sign something saying you would stay there for a certain amount of time and make less money to make up for it would they be willing to pay for your certification? Enjoy your hike and true crime. I’ve heard a lot of people talk about that show.
  19. Wow that was alot of typos. I woke up and I thought I was wide awake but apparently not. lol. I was trying to say that my husband joked about me being all peppy and positive when I got into my groove with exercising because I was feeling so good but now I’m still the same way it’s just that he’s used to it. It’s really how I was when he met me and before I got overweight and out of shape and wasn’t moving my body it’s just that it had been so long overtime. I guess I got cranky and he got used to it. 😂 My thought was what if you could do something for like an hour at night instead of dedicated exercise something that would make you a little bit of money like dog walking or going around the neighborhood and dragging people’s trash cans in or something like that. Even washing cars or mowing laws if you can handle that physically (I know I couldn’t handle the heat but they are just random ideas). You may be able to think of something that would work for you. I mean, it wouldn’t be a ton of money for a few hours, but it would be moving your body and making a little extra at the same time to put towards your goal. My friend is a single mom and she cleans offices at night for extra cash and says that’s actually a pretty good workout because she gets paid by the job so she moves her butt to get it done. 🤷‍♀️
  20. Good. Glad to hear that you are starting to get moving. That should really help. My husband jumped about me being Miss rainbows and sunshine when I first started to exercise daily. I think I am still more positive but it’s just that now he is used to it and before he was used to miss ba hum big. The movement really should help lift your mood and give you time to reflect and maybe come up with some ideas of how to reach your goal. Perhaps something that requires a lot of activity but also makes some extra money that you can do just an hour or two a night or on the weekends. It may take a while but you could get your exercise and o ur name money away towards your next step for your career.
  21. That definitely sounds like depression to me. If it’s not impacting your daily living significantly (I mean it’s not the end of the world if you have a bad hair day but if your not doing other basic hygiene for days then that could become a medical issue). If you are safe and not suicidal or anything you could try to just ride it out giving yourself permission to just give into it for a few days or a week if that’s what it takes to get through it. In Dialectical Behavioral Therapy they call it “riding the wave” and I spent a lot of time and money in an intense outpatient therapy program to learn that the technique is as simple as it sounds and it truly does work for me sometimes. If giving yourself permission to feel all of your feelings and do as little or as much as you gotta do (anything not harmful to yourself or anyone else of course) doesn’t work then you may need to seek professional help. Talk therapy can be quite helpful but a prescribing physician may also give you something temporary to help you feel up to taking better care of yourself if that’s what is necessary. Before my bipolar manifested and I was put on permanent meds, I had situational depression when I lost my grandfather and they put me on a low dose antidepressant for a short time because I didn’t cope very well. Just try to remember that depression is temporary and that you will feel more like yourself again even if you need to reach out for help getting there. ❤️
  22. ShoppGirl

    August Surgery buddies

    This coming Friday is my 6 month “surgiversary” and I’m 174 today (down 84 pounds from 258 pre-pre op diet so technically 6.5 months next week I guess). I totally thrilled with my loss so far. I feel good and I’m relatively happy with the way I look, but the anniversary is making me look at the numbers. Does anyone know when they calculate BMI if we should go by our young adult BMI or our current one. I mean our bones still weigh the same as our tallest height I would assume but I have shrunk at least an inch. I am just curious to know when I will reach a “normal” BMI. I went from 40.4 to 27.3. I’m getting close 🎉
  23. Loving all of these NSV. We covered this topic at my in person support group the other night and I mentioned how many amazing ones I have heard on this thread and that I think it’s a great place for people that are nervous about surgery to hear about the pros of the surgery and I noticed one lady wrote down the site that is pre surgery. It’s one thing to say I lost 30 pounds or even 150 or more but to talk about that real life changes is so much more powerful. These surgeries are so life changing.
  24. ShoppGirl

    Crying during yoga? 🤔

    Good for you for trying so many new things. It’s amazing to see you taking this opportunity for change and running with it. That hasn’t happened to me yet but, it does release a lot of pent up emotions so I’m not at all surprised. I bet you just needed a good cry.. I hope it made you feel good afterwards. I can’t tell you haw much I love my yoga. I’m dealing with so many doctors appointments right now and I get so bummed when the only time they can get me In interferes with my yoga mornings 😂 At firsr I would say I will have to miss my yoga thinking it’s a doctors office and Yoga is good for me so they would get it, but the front desk girls had such little empathy for that so now I just say I have another appointment to try to avoid that time. I’m so glad to hear you will go again. I am still not super flexible either but I am getting a little more than I was. Honestly that’s all that matters. Yoga has been so amazing for me. It is Like a mini vacation from all the stress in the world. I hope you love it as much as I do. I think it’s good for our mental health as well as our physical health and where else can you get all of that in such as short time.
  25. Great ideas above but if that doesn’t work for you or for others reading this later, What if you were to just divide your alloyed macros or calories into meals/snacks. Like if you were allowed 1200 a day you do meals around 300 calories and 3 100 calorie snacks. For macros just don’t routinely eat any food over X grams of fat or added sugar. You can break it up differently. I did a protein shake for breakfast so I could have what felt like a little more substantial lunch and dinner. It should’ve be as hard forever. Once you figure out a handful meals that are within this plan you most likely will just sorta remember what meals work. I know I did and I live my life by alarms and reminders. Sometimes I joke that if my alarm didn’t tell me to wake up one day I just may not…ever. That’s how reliant I am on them. Anyways, I have a handful of my common meals that I know will work if I don’t have time to think about things. And if I’m having a less ideal lunch then I already know it’s chicken breast of fish for dinner with a veggie. Every meal for me has protein unless it’s a real odd day out and then I do my best to make up for it with a Greek yogurt or shake for snack. Another option would be to do the guess work the night before and pre plan what you eat the next day. You can play around with options and log it all into Baritastic or another calorie tracker app and know if it fits you plan and then just eat what’s on your list the next day. That may actually take a little stress out of it as well just having the decisions already made the day before. The meal prep mentioned before seems like a great way to achieve this as well. I know that I have single serve meals like that in the freezer. My regular and chicken chili are really great because they can even be defrosted in the microwave so they are good for days with zero planning or time.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
