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Duodenal Switch Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. Yea maybe I need to just make my own. So far it hasn’t made me sick but it was quite a bit of fat for one meal.
  2. ShoppGirl

    6 month follow up

    Oh wow. Most of us get all our vitamins as well as protein checked.
  3. Okay so i mentioned the cauliflower pizza bowl by lean cuisine and I had to try it. Just came out of the microwave and it sure smells good. It’s 430 calories which is a bit much for a lunch for me. I am in maintenance and like to keep my lunch around 300 calories or less. This Has 22g protein, BUT 30g fat so definitely not an all the time option for my plan (18g carbs). I will have a lighter dinner to offset some. I have to admit it’s a little greasier than I expected. I guess pizza is too though so duh, lol. It tastes pretty yummy, I’m just hoping it doesn’t upset my stomach since I’m not used to all this grease. I have been eating between typing this and honestly I think I am satisfied with about half of it. Not because it’s a huge portion but because it’s so rich with the grease. (At a year and a half out, I usually can eat almost one serving of most things) if I can get two servings out of it I guess it’s not too horrible. I think I will keep one in the freezer for when I’m really craving pizza or when my husband decides he wants a pizza on game day which thankfully isn’t too often. I am thinking I also may try at some point to make my own version of this with Turkey pepperoni and see if it’s any good??
  4. Maybe if you’re oblivious to it you’re better off to stay that way. But you will probably still notice it when you get closer to goal especially with men. All of a sudden men are all chivalrous Like lifting stuff into your cart for you or opening doors for you…stuff like that.
  5. I just got put it in my Walmart order I am gonna try it after my physical therapy in a few minutes cause I will get home late for lunch. I will let you know what I think.
  6. Well this is not the cauliflower crust. It is a bowl with all the pizza toppings but it has actual cauliflower in it kinda as a filler I guess. Now you do have me curious about the cauliflower crust. I can’t remember if I ever really compared it to regular or just tried it cause someone told me to. Lol
  7. ShoppGirl

    c-section vs sleeve

    I have not had a c section but have had a larger incision maybe half that size on my back from a melonoma they claimed was not where it was on the scan?? Anyways, From my experience the incision pain was night and day with the sleeve being much less. I assumed that was just because of size of the incision. My longest scar from the sleeve is barely an inch and I didn’t get that pulling feeling as they were trying to heal. I somehow dodged the gas pain though so I really can’t speak to that but in terms of incision pain I’m guessing if your survived a c section you can definitely deal with this.
  8. ShoppGirl

    One Year Anniversary

    Congratulation. Keep it up.
  9. Are you sure you are chewing well enough and not eating too fast. They can occur more often because of those things. For some people that is actually their full cue.
  10. ShoppGirl

    pre op appointment

    Well I guess there is always gonna be some risk short of putting you and your team in isolation for weeks before the surgery but cutting your exposure lessened the risk quite a bit. I am guessing that’s the point. It’s Interesting to see what the precautions are for COVID for the different parts of the world. I didn’t even have a COVID test. And I was told I didn’t need a mask in my hospital room either. I wore one cause I didn’t want to do COVID while recovering from surgery but that was my choice. Everyone else wore one so I was probably just fine realistically but It made me feel better.
  11. You just reminded me Lean cuisine has a cauliflower pizza bowl now. So far I have only seen meat lovers. I have been eyeballing them for the last couple weeks.
  12. Okay, Hotwing&aprayer and Arabesque got my attention and I have been thinking about whether I carry myself differently at different weights. I don’t think I really do. Anyways, this Is what came to mind. Has anyone ever seen the fat suit experiment that Tyra banks did years ago? I am not able to find it anywhere in video form but I just read a review of it to refresh my memory. They sent her out to the store, on the bus and on three blind dates in her suit. People as you probably expect were horrible to her. In An article speaking about it Tyra said "It was one of the most heartbreaking days of my life." Noting that people "snickered" and "laughed" when she walked down the street, Banks admitted, "I had no idea it was that blatant." I know it’s not a perfect design but it’s about the closest we’re probably ever going to get to seeing how differently people treat us based on weight alone. After watching something like that I was convinced that the problem does lie with society and with certain people to a large degree and not in large part with the obese person or how they carry themselves. I’m sure that we do carry ourselves at least a little differently when heavy vs thin but I doubt that putting on a suit could change someones Confidence overnight yet everything seemed to change in the way People approached Tyra the second she put on that suit. Thoughts?
  13. also, not sure how many people you cook for but my husband and I pretty much eat separate now so it’s a huge waste to cook and entire pizza for just me. I have learned to get the cauli power brand crust and cut it while it’s frozen into slices and then cook that (with the toppings off course). If you cook it directly on the rack it takes a little finesse to make sure it doesn’t fall through. I always put a cookie sheet on the rack below to catch any drops but once you figure it out it saves a ton of waste.
  14. ShoppGirl

    Has your relationship changed?

    Mine hasn’t changed, really. I am not sure if this is because we just had a pretty good foundation where we have learned through counseling and many years together to talk through things or if it is because I was thin when my husband met me and I have lost a big chunk of the weight several times over the years so it’s not really that much of a shock.
  15. ShoppGirl

    pre op appointment

    Yea also use fresh bath towels if you reuse them.
  16. I was able to tolerate cauliflower pizza pretty early out. I actually tried the toppings off a slice of pepperoni first and that was fine too but I never really tried alot of sauce because I like white pizza when I make the cauliflower pizza and that uses ricotta instead of sauce. My tummy was pretty forgiving though, I did not have any issues tolerating anything really throughout the phases. If your tummy is fussy with other things I wouldn’t rush to pizza. Everyone is different. When you do try it o would maybe try try just cheese pizza first to see how you do with the sauce and then try the pepperoni at another time so if you have issues you know which one caused it cause spicy and acidic are two things that can cause issues.
  17. ShoppGirl

    pre op appointment

    Mine was different but similar in that i did a lot of paperwork. It was in the dr’s office. They had me watch a video and fill out a questionnaire to make sure I understood the surgery. Asked if I had any questions about anything and then went over the surgical soap for pre surgery and the meds for post surgery. She talked a lot about constipation which I found odd at the time but totally get it now. I had already done my labs and they didn’t think I needed ekg at that point but the morning of surgery I think it was the anesthesiologist I mentioned I had a heart murmur when I was born and he ordered an EKG to be done pre surgery. This wasn’t a big deal cause they had to rush a blood pregnancy test anyways cause I couldn’t pee a drop for the urine test. Even still I was in surgery pretty quickly, the miracle of that word STAT.
  18. ShoppGirl

    Constantly in pain

    You should be able to still contact the team. Did they give you an email or a phone number to call?? I would think that any doctor would be able to make sure that you are healing okay and know if something was wrong. I mean you are on day 17 it’s not unheard of for people to still be in pain but it should be at least getting better. ooh are you saying a text is all you can do physically or all you can do to contact them? Because if you describe what you are feeling and they just say to get your water and protein then it sounds like they think you are okay. if you just want peace of mind though your family dr should know if something was wrong.
  19. ShoppGirl

    Constantly in pain

    It should at the very least be getting a little bit better everyday. Have you had your follow up yet? What did the dr say? May be worth a phone call to let them know what’s going on.
  20. ShoppGirl

    high wbc in preop labs

    I wonder if it would be better to call them and ask if it matters. How much time do you have to get it all straightened out? (Awesome that your other numbers are starting to lower).
  21. ShoppGirl

    Protein Shakes

    To me they didn’t cause nausea but they tasted overly sweet. I had better luck with the clear protein drinks early out.
  22. ShoppGirl

    high wbc in preop labs

    Do you have a family dr or someone that is aware of this normally elevated white count. If so and the surgeon has issue with it maybe ask if a quick call or note from their office would make everyone happy. Or the hematologist records maybe?
  23. ShoppGirl

    Medical Clearances

    I’m guessing this is because if you are not cleared and you end up having the surgery at a later date you may have to get a new set of labs closer to your surgery date. From my experience labs come back pretty quick (like two or three days my last ones took) so it’s just a matter of how far they are out appointment wise. Do you already have a surgery date to get this all done by? If not you probably will have plenty of time to do your labs waiting on your date. If your really worried I guess you could go ahead and schedule an appointment for it a day or two after your other appointments assuming you will get cleared and get the orders right away. You can always reschedule if you don’t.
  24. Personally I wouldn’t want to try anything new on Christmas and risk spending half the day feeling sick. You can in theory puree anything though. I have a thing with consistency so I stuck to things that are supposed to be that way like mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes. I have heard a lot of people doing pumpkin purée at thanksgiving but I would wonder about the sugar in that (may want to check with your team). They also come up with a lot of seasonal yogurts and protein shakes that could help satisfy the need for something festive.

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