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Duodenal Switch Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. Yea sometimes it’s the way they dissolve. There was something about tablets that have a special coating on them too that I vaguely remember reading about. I did this research three years ago before I had the sleeve because I am on meds too. People definitely do have issues with certain types of meds commonly and then a much smaller percent have issues with other types of meds that are fine for most people. I guess it’s kind of like the small percentage that have more issues getting enough vitamins no matter what they try. You will Just need to keep working with your doctor until they will figure it out. In the meantime just try to remember that it is just a medication issue and you will feel more like yourself soon. 💜
  2. I would reach out to your prescribing dr. They can up your dose or add another drug to help. It could just be temporary hormone changes but it could be the absorption issues. Regardless your dr should be able to help. This is really common with the extended release meds but it’s known to happen occasionally with a variety of meds. (It depends on where and how they are absorbed mostly) I was on one med Before surgery that requires you eat 350 calories For it to absorb properly so my dr changed me to another med until I was eating enough. Tried to switch back and all of a sudden the med caused me really intense anxiety. Tried to tough it out hoping it would lessen and go away but even with anxiety meds it was so bad I was up pacing the floors all night because I couldn’t sit still. This was a med I was on for through years before surgery without any issue. I don’t think they really can predict how our bodies are going to react to any meds post surgery. Just like it varies from one person to the next it’s like we are another person once our anatomy is altered.
  3. ShoppGirl

    1 year post op help

    Oh cool. I have read Dr Weiner’s book, watched his you tube stuff and I listen to his podcasts on occasion. I didn't realize they had a virtual nutrition class. I bet that’s very informative. I really like the way they explain things. For me it is very easy to follow.
  4. ShoppGirl

    No weight loss

    I can add that if you focus on protein it may be helpful to cut your snacks if you eat those. Based on my experience after the sleeve and from my experience with the dietician while I am pending revision I have been recently focusing on protein first and keeping carbs low and it keeps me full longer and I am losing a little. Basically I am eating just lean meat, veggies and a little fruit. I think it’s the fiber that makes you full faster and the protein that keeps you full longer. I have a protein shake in the morning with my coffee for breakfast and then eat my breakfast for lunch (egg white omelet) and usually chicken or fish for dinner with veggies. This seems to be working for me, I am losing very slowly.
  5. ShoppGirl

    No weight loss

    Of course. I am by no means an expert. I never spoke with a dietician except about the post surgery diet so I could be wrong but I’m thinking 1400 may be a little high for weight loss if your not very active. The dietician should be able to give you an exact goal.
  6. ShoppGirl

    No weight loss

    I’m sorry you have encountered an obstacle. Hopefully that will get sorted out soon. Are you very active? I ask because 1400 calories may not be low enough to lose if you are not. I really would suggest speaking with a dietician to see if you need to decrease calories or increase your activity.
  7. ShoppGirl

    Bad Knees and excercise

    I just read that climbing stairs helps develop the muscles that help with bad knees and thought of this post. May be something to look into?? I know I have seen some people at the high schools climbing the stairs to the bleachers if you don’t have any. I think I would probably run this by your dr first. This wasn’t an official source. Just thought it’s be worth asking some questions about.
  8. ShoppGirl

    No weight loss

    If I’m calculating right that’s 255 lbs so at 5’1 that’s a bmi of 48.2. Have you considered another surgery? I agree the pound of cure book is great and may help you lose some but my experience at the higher bmi it’s pretty unlikely to get down to a healthy weight without help. Especially if you have metabolic issues related to your weight, surgery may be something to consider. Regardless, you may have to cut your calories below 1400 Depending on age and activity level. Have you talked to a nutritionist?
  9. ShoppGirl

    Full Liquid diet rules

    I agree talk to your team because some soups may be considered a purée. And if you are allowed soups make sure it can go though a pretty fine strainer. Many soups have little bits of meat or vegetables.
  10. ShoppGirl

    I'm hungry ALL THE TIME

    When I had my sleeve my hunger was gone for a while but I remember that there was another member on here back then who experienced it early like you. She got a few tips from others about dealing with the hunger which I can’t remember them all but the one that does stick out was warm liquids. Soups and tea or coffee. Stuff like that. She said it filled her up for a while. I agree with the protein first too though. I have a protein shake for breakfast and it fills me up till lunch. Maybe try some of the clear protein drinks or mix plain protein powder in your food if you don’t like the shakes. Also it could be reflux as mentioned above. Are you on meds for that?
  11. ShoppGirl

    Finally did it!

    That’s awesome. So happy for you!! It’s good that they require more meetings with the dietician than most. My Dr didn’t require but one for my first surgery and I know I would’ve benefitted from more.
  12. ShoppGirl


    Thanks 😊
  13. Be careful with the gum post surgery. I had a piece when I was almost three years out from sleeve and I swallowed it accidentally. Hadn’t swallowed gum since I was a kid but sure enough I did it. Thankfully it did not cause a blockage but this is a real concern after surgery.
  14. ShoppGirl


    So I was given a month to research the SADI procedure by my doctor and told to come back prepared with questions so we could make up my mind between revision to SADI and Bypass. I have been All over the Internet and this forum asking all kinda of questions to get as much info as possible before today about the SADI. I show up to my appt and my first question promoted him to say the SADI may not be appropriate for me. Even know he has prescribed them for me in the past and it was on the list of current meds he didn’t realize I have to take OMEPRAZOLE DAILY for heartburn/ GERD. So now he wants to do a scope to see if SADI or bypass would be better for me. I know that I need to learn to be more patient and roll with the punches but I thought today that I was the one who was going to be making the decisions and that I would be leaving with a surgery date. Instead I have to get a scope the last of May and follow up early June at which time I will hopefully be getting a date for some surgery. I am just frustrated that he was the one to present me with this option that my research made me really want it and I already wasted a month to do that. Now I have to wait another month for the scope and probably can’t get the surgery I never would have known I really want. If he has just read the chart this could’ve been avoided. If we were just going to end up with bypass we could have set a date a month ago. Idk. Just frustrated and a little sad.
  15. ShoppGirl


    Thank you for validating my frustration. I have chosen to believe that if the results dictate I have to go with bypass anyways that it was meant to be and the time wasn’t a total waste after all. Once I calmed down I realized that I believe things happen for a reason even if we can’t see that in the moment. The surgeon could’ve saved me alot of time and research BUT, I have also worked on myself quite a bit during this past month. Between getting back to posting here, deciding to start attending the live support group, meeting with the dietician and asking this community about macros, and talking to my therapist about my nightime cravings I am in a better place mentally for when I do get the surgery. I am proud to say that I have used this time to set myself up with a much better support network, gained a little better understanding of nutrition and I have made it five nights now without snacking at night by using a replacement behavior. Who knows if I would’ve done all that if he had just scheduled me for surgery a month ago. Some things really are a blessing in disguise.
  16. One of the therapeutic approaches they use for eating disorders is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. CBT is obviously more complex but one component is replacing an undesired behavior with a new healthy behavior. This sounds so simple and like it couldn’t possibly work (to me anyways) but believe it or not this helped with my self diagnosed Nightime Eating Disorder. NES is a disorder that is characterized by waking up feeling like you can’t fall back to sleep without eating and eating more than 25% of your calories at night after dinner. I believe this is just a form of head hunger. My therapist who uses a different approach said that CBT would suggest that when I wake up wanting to eat that I do something like my crochet instead. Well. It hasn’t been easy but this has worked for five nights thus far. Not one snack and I used to have around 4-6 snacks every night after doing so well with my diet all day. Basically I have a protein yogurt before bed so I know I am not actually hungry and when I feel hungry through the night I just tell myself that I am not hungry and that I can get up and crochet instead if I can’t sleep. I haven’t even had to actually crochet many times. Apparently just knowing that there is a replacement option is enough to help me go back to sleep. That or I’m just too lazy But hey whatever works 😂 Anyways, I found it kinda absurd that the solution was that simple to just do something else like I am dealing with a kid but I’m serious. It worked. There are also CBT workbooks for disordered eating (Amazon has several) which probably get more in depth and journaling about what you are feeling at the time to get to the root of why you feel hungry helps for some. But try doing something else as well Like I said it’s been five nights for me and it’s worked. Each night it has gotten a little easier too. I put a towel through the handles of the fridge in case I forget and I have woken up and walked to the kitchen less and less each night. After the first night I realized that the yogurt was enough to get me through the night and each night after just reinforces that. My friend said it makes sense to her because It’s like when people quit smoking and everytime they want a cigarette they chew gum instead. I did lollipops but it’s true, that did work for me as well. It’s Still not easy, but it works. If your at work I guess your limited on alternate options but maybe having a glass of tea or taking a short walk (depending on your job). You said you are already drinking your water but maybe try a whole new behavior. I hope I don’t sound too crazy and you try this. I hope it helps you as well.
  17. ShoppGirl

    Pain relief

    I did ask the dr what the worse case scenerio is with the NSAIDs and he said ulcers are the concern. I asked if they are treatable he said they are very painful but yes they are treatable. Fingers crossed your fine though 🤞
  18. ShoppGirl

    Pain relief

    This is a problem that I ran into also. Basically there isn’t anything. Well there is an herb that’s supposed to help with inflammation called Tumeric but I never tied it. Some people say injections and topical NSAIDs are okay but others say no. I was lucky I had sleeve when I needed them and was told that because I was so far out that I could take them on very rare occasions. I talked to my surgeon today about revision and asked about NSAIDs with SADI vs Bypass. He said it’s a definite no with Bypass but didn’t say what you can take instead. Probably just pain medication and ice like you said and maybe try the Tumeric. Google says it can interact with some drugs so be sure to talk to Dr or pharmacist
  19. ShoppGirl


    I am new to quinoa but the dietician says I should try it as a healthy starch. I am looking online and the idea of the boil in bag deal is nice since I am not much of a cook. Has anyone ever tried the Success boil in bag quinoa?
  20. Wow. Ten surgeries in a life time seems a lot, never mind two years, that’s a lot of recovery time!! I am really happy for you that this is your last and wish you the best of luck on your upcoming surgery.
  21. Is the smelly gas like all the time. I mean is it like pre surgery where you can hold it in public and at least excuse yourself or is it uncontrollable and all the time. I am contemplating this surgery and I hate to admit the bathroom issues are my biggest worry. 😂
  22. I guess I need to learn the difference between simple vs complex carbs before this surgery. lol.
  23. I am contemplating SADI and curious to know if you figured this out. I am a little worried about having to cut out onions. I eat them with just about every meal. Otherwise how are you doing now?
  24. Is it the sugar in grapes, maybe. I ask because I’m wondering about pineapple. I love pineapple. Realize it’s higher calorie but hoping I will be able to have some.
  25. ShoppGirl

    Modified Duodenal Switch

    Congratulations on your loss and thanks for your input (I love your comparison to driving instructors who have never actually drove). If you don’t mind me asking does that amount of fruit cause bathroom issues? I think it was the fiber that I read if you have too much after SADI it causes malodorous gas. Also, can you please give me an example of a day for you (in terms of food)?

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